Daily Oracle Pulls: December 9-15
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Happy Holidays! I hope you’ve had a chance to decorate and begin your holiday celebrations. This week’s cards are especially bright for the most part. They speak of spending time with friends and family, being outdoors and enjoying the feeling of abundance. And actually, the holidays are an excellent time to work on abundance magic. There’s so much energy during this time of year from people spreading joy through gifts or the plethora of holiday parties. There’s plenty of ways to experience the power of abundance all around you in a way that doesn’t have to do with money.
I’ve used the Vintage Christmas Oracle again this week as I will all year long. I shared it last week on Instagram and so many of you have told me you went and purchased a copy for yourself. In fact, I had an amazing conversation with a woman who wants to turn some of them into ornaments and what a special idea.
One more thing, I’ve just opened up the Tarot Almanac: 2025 edition. This is a general forecast to help you navigate the next year and it's available for instant download. And for this week only, it's 30% off which means you can download it today for just $24. Click here to get your copy today!
And be sure to check out the collective reading for this month which you can find here.
Monday December 9, 2024
→ Kitten
Kitten represents something new especially for those of you who had romantic encounters yesterday. Keep stoking the flame. Relationships don’t build themselves. Those involved have to invest in keeping the spark going. This card also points to new jobs and possibly children so there could be happy news if you’re planning a family. For career, you might get a new job offer or perhaps you’re finally going to start that business in the new year and everything clicks into place today to be able to do it. As always, new can mean you have a new perspective. Your mindset might change today or you have a new idea that suddenly drops into your brain. Whatever it is, be sure to act on it. There’s never a guarantee with cards like this. They only offer the chance at something new but you still have to do the work to make sure it sticks.
Tuesday December 10, 2024
→ Snowflake
We have a lot of cards this month that represent new energy and remember new beginnings is the main energy of the month. This card also represents a fresh start. Again, for those who had romantic encounters in the past couple of days, this card is your reminder to keep that spark going for as long as you can. That one day could change the rest of your life. And for the rest of you who got a new job, are starting the business, changed your beliefs or got confirmation that a baby is on the way, know that the work isn’t done. This is just the start of what could be a long but happy journey. Do everything you can to ensure your success. You may need to enroll in a course to learn a skill you need for this new job or perhaps you need to make a doctor’s appointment to start getting prenatal care rolling. Turning over a new leaf means doing things completely different than you have before. Figure out what you need to be successful in your endeavor and get it done!
Wednesday December 11, 2024
→ Feast
Well congratulations as this card represents abundance. Today is a good day to focus on your wealth mindset. As with all spiritual intentions, it's never just about one thing. There are so many ways to experience abundance that have nothing to do with money. You can be wealthy in love, new ideas, health, or something physical like living in a lush place or seeing a huge flock of birds. All of these things and more are portals to wealth energy that you can tap into, eventually leading to more money. For years, people have said they don’t know what abundance feels like and that’s because they only focus on the abundance of money. Looking beyond money is how you develop wealth consciousness so the assignment for today is to find abundance wherever you can and bask in that energy. Whether that’s looking at the thousands of needles on your christmas tree or even watching the hundreds of shoppers looking for gifts for their loved ones. Abundance is all around, ready for you to claim.
Thursday December 12, 2024
→ Snow globe
I hope you have a Christmas party today because this card represents spending time with friends. The holidays are a time to be merry anyway so if you don’t have something planned, then take the morning to call up some people and set things in motion. Go out for drinks or gather your family together for a meal at the dining room table. Go out to eat with your partner or head to your parent’s house to have dinner with them. This card invites you to have fun and spread good cheer with your friends and family. This is the one time of year when most of the world agrees it's ok to have some downtime so make the most of it.
Friday December 13, 2024
→Polar Bear
This card represents courage which means, today you are encouraged to be brave. This energy can manifest in many different ways. For one, you may need to stand up for yourself today. Perhaps a co-worker needs a taste of their own medicine or you need to shut down a friend who’s been very critical of you lately. Another way this card might manifest is being brave enough to ask for what you want like a raise or telling your partner you want them to show up for you in a certain way. Deep down, you know where you need to step up and how. Listen to that feeling and go for it. Don’t think about it or you’ll lose your nerve. Growth occurs just outside of the comfort zone. So push yourself a little bit today. Close mouths don’t get fed as the saying goes.
Saturday December 15, 2024
→ Pine cone
Pine cone represents duality and by that, I feel this card really speaks about compassion. People are complex and there’s always many sides to a story. Don’t assume someone is evil or out to get you. Don’t assume someone has the best of intentions either. Try to see things from different angles before passing judgement. Good people sometimes do bad or stupid things; that doesn’t mean they’re bad people. Likewise, bad people are kind to some people but that doesn’t excuse their poor behavior the rest of the time. Again, people are complex and no one is ever truly the same way with every single person in their life. Which also means you need to give yourself space to express the different sides of you. You’re not always going to be kind or assertive or openminded and that’s ok. You get to be whoever you need to be today.
Sunday December 15, 2024
→ Christmas tree
Today the assignment is to spend time in nature and in the outdoors and the holidays are a wonderful time to do so. Whether you go out and ice skate, find a Christmas tree or spend the evening at a Christmas market. The spiritual industry spends too much time telling you to hermit inside of your home or to spend time alone. That’s fine sometimes but don’t dismiss the value of getting out of your personal space. Remember that there’s an entire world out there. There’s so much to see and do. Personal time is wonderful but so is social time where you can be reminded of how much you’re loved or that there’s joy in the world. So do yourself this favor and get out today, even if all you can do is walk down to get a hot cocoa. It might be more restorative than you can imagine.
Deck used in this week’s reading:
Vintage Christmas Oracle