What Season Are You In? Understanding Your Inner Rhythms for Spiritual Growth

The Seasons of the Witch oracles were born out of the idea that the different sabbats are not the same. Each sabbat deserved its own space to share its wisdom, healing and nourishment. I had no idea that these decks would become so much deeper than just oracle tools. 

Writing these oracle decks has allowed me to see just how unique each sabbat is but also the themes in each deck resonate all throughout the year, not just on their respective days. Samhain is associated with grief, mourning, honoring things that have come to an end and shadow work. But grief doesn’t fit neatly on October 31st. You might feel grief on June 12th or April 3rd. You might find yourself facing an ending on January 1st or August 18th. So while it's a romantic notion to think you can hold your mourning in until October, it isn’t a realistic plan. 

After working with these decks in my own practice for about six years, I have come to see how I don’t need it to be Samhain to work with its energy. I also realized, I don’t need it to be spring to work on finding more clarity or winter to rest. The calendar might say it's spring but my spirit could be yearning for the comforting, grounding energy of fall. These realizations have led me to reflect on the energies I currently need rather than forcing myself to conform to the external season's expectations.

If you aren’t really feeling Autumn’s energy right now, perhaps it's time to think about whether or not you are actually in a completely different season energetically. Rather than feeling shame for not embracing the season or feeling like you’re doing something wrong, consider how you can hold space for your personal experiences. This is how you can truly live authentically. Your experience doesn’t need to match everyone else’s to be accurate. 

So how do you find and access the season you’re in? I have provided a simple quiz to help you identify which season you’re currently in. Once you identify your season, it becomes a matter of viewing each season as an archetype or a goal to work towards. Here is a brief overview of each season as an archetype and how you can adjust to fit the season you’re in. 

Seasonal Archetypes and Their Spiritual Themes:

Spring (Rebirth & Initiation): Represents new beginnings, rebirth, and planting seeds of intention. It's a time for embracing optimism, creativity, and exploring possibilities. If you feel like you're in a "Spring" season, your spiritual work might involve focusing on initiating new projects, setting intentions, or cultivating a sense of playfulness and curiosity.

Summer (Abundance & Celebration): Represents shining brightly, full bloom, passion, and embracing personal power. If you feel you are in a "Summer" phase, it may be time to focus on self-expression, taking bold action, and celebrating personal achievements. Spiritual work could involve embracing your unique qualities, nurturing confidence, or sharing your gifts with the world.

Autumn (Harvest & Release): Represents gathering the harvest, gratitude, and letting go. It involves reflecting on what has come to fruition and releasing what is no longer serving your highest good. If you currently align with an "Autumn" archetype, you may need to focus on gratitude practices, decluttering, and understanding which aspects of life should be released to create space for future growth.

Winter (Rest & Reflection): Represents deep introspection, rest, and reconnection. It's a time for being still, integrating lessons, and planning for future action. If you feel you’re in a "Winter" phase, your spiritual work might involve slowing down, creating space for introspection, and cultivating peace. Activities like journaling, meditating, or working with gentle self-care would be important here.


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