Daily Oracle Pulls: October 7-13
It's the first full week of October and just like years before it, this month can bring in some heavy energy. We all love this time of year but sometimes I think we forget about how dark and challenging Autumn can be. Shadows and spiritual hardships really do tend to surface, forcing us to deal with things we might wish to avoid. There are three powerful transformation cards in this week’s reading so pack your patience and be prepared for the ride. This week appears to be a struggle but with the right attitude, you’ll do just fine.
Also, if you’re a member, be sure to check out these perfectly October articles and workbooks.
BTW, new photos of this week’s pulls are available to download as keepsakes and for your personal use. Print them out, paste them in your planners or on your vision boards or keep a collection of momentos to remind you of week’s past. And if you post them, please be sure to tag @spiritelement and use the hashtag #sedailypulls
Monday October 7, 2024
→ Nature Spirits
This is your sign to make the little things in life more of a priority today. Start your week off by paying attention to things you’ve overlooked recently. Perhaps you might linger a bit longer with your partner every morning before leaving for work or actually savor your evening shower instead of rushing through it. You might be more intentional about the jewelry you wear or spending a few moments tidying up your bedroom. Little things like this don’t seem like a big deal at the moment but can easily pile up overtime. Suddenly, your house is a mess or your partner feels unappreciated; problems that are easily avoided with a few minutes of your time.
Tuesday October 8, 2024
→ Haunted
Ultimately this card is about responsibility. Something is haunting you, even if you don’t realize it. Either you need to atone for something or you need to own up to something you’ve done. Today is a wonderful day to reflect on your own mistakes and how you can learn from them. Where have you dropped the ball recently? Is there someone you owe an apology to? Perhaps you’ve been unfair with someone, making things out to be their fault when you need to take ownership of your part of the issue. There can be no true healing for anyone involved without accountability and rarely is an issue the result of just one person involved. There’s no reason for you to excuse anyone’s poor behavior but remember that includes your behavior too.
Wednesday October 9, 2024
→ Pumpkin
Today is about your protection. A chance to lean on your ancestors and the spirits assigned to guard you for safety and comfort. You are more protected than you realize, even when it seems like you hit one problem after another. There are forces helping you each step of the way however, you can still do your part to ensure you are always energetically safe. Committing to a protection practice like energy clearing or cord cutting can help to reduce any harm directed towards you. Also spending time in places and with people who are positive rather than bringing you harm goes a long way in keeping your spirit free of dangerous debris.
Thursday October 10, 2024
→ Banshee
Banshee is a lot like the tower card in tarot. It comes along when you have been given plenty of chances to end something toxic in your life but you chose not to. Banshee appearing means the universe is no longer content to wait for you to get your act together. Things will fall apart, you’ll hit a wall or something will be taken away from you. In the moment, you might lose faith that the universe actually has your back but remember this IS the universe looking out for you. They are removing a problem so that you have the space for the blessings that are coming to you. Whatever you may face today, try not to see it as a hardship. You don’t have to celebrate a bad day but try your best not to dwell in it either.
Friday October 11, 2024
In the SOTW Samhain guidebook, I tell you that if you’ve pulled Banshee and Transformation together, then major change is coming. It appears that’s what you’re in for this week. Something is about to shift in your life and you need to get ready for it. It won’t be easy with this combination of cards but it will be exactly what you need to get the ball rolling. You need to do something different in your life. What you’ve been doing up until now isn’t working and probably hasn’t been for a long time. Don’t fight the transformation that’s coming your way. Lean into the storm and let it blow you where you need to go. It will still be challenging but It's going to be a lot easier than trying to swim against the tide.
Saturday October 12, 2024
→ Frog
Like Banshee and Transformation, Frog represents a significant change but this is a much more peaceful energy. Receiving Frog marks the beginning of something sweet and easygoing. The dust will start to settle and perhaps you can see the positive reasons for what you have gone through these past few days. Things are set in motion today that can have a significant impact for years to come. Stay open to any new opportunities that come your way today including new ideas. You don’t have to try to force anything top happen but if you have an ah-ha moment then run with it and see where it goes. Just keep in mind, a transformation isn’t a one and done sort of deal. New beginnings can unfold over the course of days, months and even years. But if you find yourself experiencing a place of resonance today, then take note and watch as it unfolds.
Sunday October 13, 2024
→ Healer
It's time for you to become your own healer darling. When I wrote this card, I was still very much in the mindset that everyone needs a guru but now, I have come to view self-led healing as an incredibly valuable tool. Mostly because no one person can heal you without your participation. No one can come along and change your emotions or stop you from being triggered or defeat your shadows. You have to be willing to face your own trauma and to overcome it. People can help you but only to the extent that you are willing to help yourself. And that starts with realizing you have within you today, the ability to be your own healer. Sure you might need help along the way and you’re going to stumble at times, but believing in yourself is truly half the battle.
Also, I'm thrilled to share that I will be a part of this year’s Gathering of the Witches, a weekend of magic, inspiration, and transformation happening online from October 25th – 27th, 2024!
Join me and other magical teachers including Judika Illes, Theresa Reed, Laura Tempest Zakroff, and more!!
I’ll be leading a workshop entitled, The Moon Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for the Lunar Phases
The Gathering of the Witches is all about discovering and enhancing your magical practices and understanding how a magical practice can bring about transformation in your life.
This isn't just another lecture event! Expect an immersive weekend filled with workshops designed to deepen your practice. You'll have the opportunity to interact with me, other teachers, and participants in real time!
I hope to see you there!