Lost Oracle Review

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Written By: Fiona Horne
Artist: Veronica Collins
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Number of cards: 36
Card size: 5 x 3.5 in
Box size: 5.5 x 4 x 1 in
Guidebook pages: 124
Purchased or gifted?: Gifted for review by Rockpool Publishing
Absolute favorite card: The Stang
Other favorites: Power & might, Found, Stardust & soul, Raconteur, Nascent, Papillon, Harvest Ritual, Elixir, Los, The Crone, Disenchant
Notable detail: black edges and minimal color palette
Season: Autumn
Sabbat: Samhain
Sign: Scorpio

Element: Earth
Tarot Deck compliment: Ophidia Rosa Tarot

First Impressions

I love this deck so much. I knew I would love it when I first saw the digital images of it. It's like it was made specifically for my Scorpio soul. I also love Fiona Horne’s decks and how much she’s able to reinvent herself. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing her personally and trust me when I say, she is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. She does so many cool things in her life and I could feel her energy and zest for life come through in this deck. And that’s just straight out the plastic. I was completely blown away once I really dug into it so let’s dive in shall we?

The Packaging

The box is great as is always the case from Rockpool Publishing. On the cover, you can see how her hair and lantern have a gloss print against the velvet matte background. It's very subtle but also quite striking when the light hits it just right. I love the texture of the box. Rockpool has been doing this velvet matte texture a lot recently and I really hope it continues because it feels so luxe. The inside of the box is printed with a lantern and a few words on both the top and bottom and I love how the top of the box is red and the bottom is black. It offers a really nice contrast. Be sure to check out the photo of it down below. 

The cards themselves are perfect. They’re thicker but not so thick that you can’t shuffle them. And hallelujah, they are printed in matte. I am so over glossy cards. We live in a world of social media and photos. As a content creator, I can say that taking photos of glossy cards sucks. But these are wonderfully matte and look amazing in photos. Between the muted tones and the matte finish, omg they were such a pleasure to photo. 

My absolute favorite detail is the matte black edges. I’m so glad it's matte and nothing shiny. It matches this whole deck perfectly. I feel like I can almost hear the design team at Rockpool (which I know quite well) going back and forth between black and a dark red. Whatever the process was to get here, I’m so glad black won. Especially when you see the back of the cards. The sides feel like a continuation of the backs and then you have the contrast of the card faces which are mostly on the lighter side. This whole deck is pretty harmonious design wise.

The one thing I didn't like about the packaging is that the artist’s name is missing. I don’t see her name anywhere on the outside of the box which is a pretty big surprise and not very fair to the artist.

The Guidebook

The guidebook is great. I had been feeling a bit disappointed with guidebooks in the second part of the year. Some of the decks I reviewed earlier this year are among the best guidebooks I have ever seen but then it kind of tapered off. But this guidebook is excellent. The meanings are clear and give actual guidance. Fiona doesn’t spend a lot of time giving you a history lesson although she does give you a fair amount of information too. It's just what you need and then the rest is a true divinatory message. 

Each card has an image of the card face, the same short phrase that’s on the front of the card, and then the messages which I find to be quite detailed. The rest of the book is filled with the introduction, three spreads including a very detailed guide on pulling daily cards as daily devotionals, a lovely paragraph titled “blessing of breath” which I highly recommend you read and crystal recommendations to match the deck. It's a pretty solid guidebook that I think any level of reader would have no problem using.

The Artwork

This deck could’ve come wrapped in a paper bag with a handwritten napkin for a guidebook and I would still love it. I love the artwork on this one that much. I can sit and look at it for hours and have done that while working with it for this review. I LOVE how minimalistic the art is but it isn’t in that stark white and black line art minimal look. No shade to that style but it's really not my jam. This is earthy and deep and rich. It feels sophisticated, demure even and very refined. It reminds me a lot of the Green Witch’s Oracle as if it were the autumn version of it. 

The color palette screams autumn. It really looks like an array of fall toned leaves against a black sky with pops of burgundy which is this season’s favorite color this year in the fashion world. And I absolutely love it! I narrowed down my favorites which are a handful still but honestly, this whole deck is my favorite. There are so many cards that spoke to me but ultimately, I chose the Stang for my absolute favorite. This card is super minimal and yet has so much emotion. There’s so much movement in her hair then you have her riding the staff that appears to be floating in the air. You get the sense of this magical being who has perfectly mastered her craft. And then I read the message in the guidebook. I felt this card and the message (which I’ll let you discover for yourself) so deeply.

“As you conduct your readings you may find corresponding shifts of energy in your body, in how you are breathing and how you are feeling”

The Lost card was a close second. The image and the deck as a whole felt like it was made for me as a Scorpio. Not only am I a sun sign Scorpio but this zodiac sign’s energy is significant in many areas of my birth chart. This card Lost, feels like Scorpio energy wrapped up into an oracle card. The willingness to step into void after void, eager to discover what’s on the other side is such a Scorpio quality but also so fitting for fall in general. 

Another personal reason why I love this deck so much is because of the lanterns. You’ll see them on the backs of the cards but also scattered throughout the images. Lanterns are very significant to me. I always see a lantern whenever I find something that resonates with me. It's become my little inside joke with the universe so I’m not really surprised the artwork is hitting me so hard. Of course, be sure to make your way down to the end to see plenty of photos because I just couldn’t help myself with this one. It photographs like a dream. 

The images feel sophisticated but also very witchy. They remind me of this super popular brand called Poison Apple Printshop that made this herbal grimoire back in the day that was immensely popular for its high witch design. That book was also very minimal but also not minimal at all and that’s really what I love so much about it. I always describe myself as a minimal maximalist. By that I mean, I love designs that are complex and have a lot of layers but done in a minimal color palette and this deck is that, 100%.


Reading With this Deck

I’m super surprised by my readings with this deck. The cards are almost playful whereas I guess I was expecting some kind of deep, dark, mysterious reading that challenges the core of my soul. I mean looking at it, it feels like that kind of deep evocative deck but I actually have found my readings to be quite lighthearted which I mean in a good way. It reminds me of a friend of mine who is always very dark, kinda goth but is so much fun to be around. You look at her and you think this chick means business but when you actually get to know, you realize her looks deceive her and she’s a big ball of energy and fun. 

One truly unexpected thing I noticed when reading with these cards is how much Fiona’s energy comes through. Having the chance to spend time with her, I could really feel her presence. It was like the cards I pulled were her talking to me directly. I’ve never experienced that before with a deck. I heard her voice, felt her enthusiasm for life and sensed her unique perspective. I know a lot of deck authors but we’re all spread around the world so we don’t always get the chance to meet up in real life. I have to say, I’m looking at decks a bit differently now, wondering if the tone of the deck is exactly the way each author speaks in real life. Perhaps you’re getting more of the author than you realize.

Collective Pull

I pulled Power & Might for you. This card beckons you to respond to oppression with inner power and strength. To understand that you are not going to be accepted by all, especially as you step more fully into your authenticity. There will be people who won’t understand your choices or even worse, may try to stamp you out because your values do not align with theirs. And yet, walking proudly in the truth of who you are is your greatest super power. It may not be easy but each time someone comes against you, you’re building your resilience. You’re learning how to keep going in the face of challenge and that skill will carry you to greatness. Powerful people do not reach the top by giving up in a fight. Instead, they face the hurt and pain and frustration because it makes them stronger. It expands their capacity to hold and manage what comes their way. You, my darling, can do the same. Thank those who come against you because unbeknownst to them, they are actually teaching you how to defeat them with every blow they throw.

Season, Sign and Sabbat

Without question, this deck is autumn, Scorpio and Samhain. I mean, I don’t think I’ve seen a more perfect deck for this time of year since the Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle. First of all, it's like someone gathered all the fall leaves and used them as the image backgrounds. You see tans, browns, muted reds, and soft oranges that feel like the best of fall. 

The deck is sophisticated but still very witchy and has that eerie but beautiful feeling that Samhain gives. Not to mention, the color palette is Samhain all day long, Scorpio too. You have so many Smahian like elements from the harvest cards to Midnight Brew to witches dances in the woods. It has all the elements you’d want in a Samhain and if it had been named the Samhain Oracle, I totally would've thought that was perfect. 

As a Scorpio, I resonate with so many layers of this deck. The colors as you know especially the red and black but also the concept in general speaks to my Scorpio nature. Being Lost is kind of like a Scorpio specialty. But you have to be lost first to be found right? The whole idea of going through the void is so that you can get out of your comfort zone and find yourself. I really feel that concept in this deck and seeing the lanterns spread through feels like a safe journey through a dark time. What could sign could be more fitting than Scorpio. 

I chose earth for the element. It's very earthy and honestly, I can really see Capricorn in this deck too (I’m Cap rising btw). It feels magical but also so grounded. Thinking back to the Stang card, she is floating in air and yet she feels so solid and wise and deep and tethered to the ground. I feel the roots in this deck but I also feel very grounded and connected to the earth when I use it.  

Who is this deck for?

Well obviously if you’re a Scorpio then I think you must get this deck. I feel it might even be your sacred duty. All jokes aside, if you’re anything like me and looking for a minimal but witchy deck then you’ll love this one. It's not too often I come across such a minimal and well designed deck. In fact, I’ve already ordered a second copy to place in my studio as artwork and design inspo. 

And if you are already a fan of Fiona, then get this one for sure. I honestly feel like this is her best work yet and that’s saying a lot because her other decks are pretty great too.

Tarot Deck Companion

I’m going with the Ophidia Rosa Tarot on this one. This has been a long time favorite tarot of mine. In fact, it might be my favorite deck of all time. I’ve used it religiously for years because of how minimal it is. The color palette matches this deck perfectly. Really they feel like a match made in heaven. Lost Oracle brings a bit more color to Ophidia Rosa and ORT doesn’t compete with Lost Oracle. 

Thanks for reading all the way through. If you found this review to be helpful, informative or entertaining in any way, please be sure to leave a comment down below. It really helps me know what you’re enjoying so that I can provide more content based on what you love. In the meantime, please enjoy a variety of photos from this deck.

And of course, if there is something you’d like me to consider reviewing, please comment below or email me at hello@spiritelement.co

Inside of the box


What Season Are You In? Understanding Your Inner Rhythms for Spiritual Growth


Daily Oracle Pulls: September 30- October 6