Daily Oracle Pulls: September 30- October 6

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Happy October my darling. October officially starts tomorrow but in my mind, it's already here. This is perhaps the first time I have ever experienced fall-like weather right after the fall equinox. Where I live, it’s usually still pretty hot until November and even sometimes into December. But this year, the cool air rushed in and I have been enjoying cozy sweaters and blankets for the past couple of weeks. It's really put me in the Halloween spirit and I’m looking forward to lots of Samhain celebrations. 

This week’s cards all pointed to new beginnings which based on what I’ve just shared, it really feels like new energy is rolling in. This week is also the first time I’m doing daily pulls for you with Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle and that’s what I love about these decks; you can really feel the shifting of the seasons when you move from one deck to the next. 

If you’re a member, be sure to check out these articles and workbooks that are perfect for embracing October’s spooky, mysterious energy:

The Graceful Guide to October

October Ritual Bath

High Priestess Perfume

How to Descend into Autumn

BTW, new photos of this week’s pulls are available to download as keepsakes and for your personal use. Print them out, paste them in your planners or on your vision boards or keep a collection of momentos to remind you of week’s past. And if you post them, please be sure to tag @spiritelement and use the hashtag #sedailypulls

Monday September 30, 2024

Third Harvest

I think this card represents a wonderful Monday practice in general which is making a list of your accomplishments and reviewing it when you need a boost. Sometime today, preferably at the start of the day, write down all of the really amazing things you’ve done recently. Did you lose five pounds, got through a commute without road rage, skipped that extra cookie, or just got a promotion? Accomplishments do not need to be grand to be meaningful. Part of the reason why smaller achievements don’t feel as significant is because we don’t celebrate them in the same way. If you were to celebrate finding $1 the same way you celebrated winning the lottery, the endorphins released in your body would feel exactly the same. Having a small Monday ritual like this sets the tone for the rest of the week just like making your bed in the morning might set the tone for the rest of the day. Celebrate each win, big or small and see if it makes a difference in how you feel.


Tuesday October 1, 2024


It's common to talk about spring cleaning as a way to refresh your spirit after a long winter but what about autumn cleaning? Isn’t it just as important to clean out stagnant energy before hunkering down for the winter? Imagine living in the old days and not cleaning up your house before a giant snow storm rolled in. You’d be stuck in a filthy house all winter long. Well your body and by extension your mind is your soul’s house. Don’t send it into the darker parts of the year without doing your best to clear away the cobwebs. Today, spend some time doing energy clearing for your body and around your spaces. It's ok if you don’t know the specific blocks you need to clear. Setting the intention to regularly clear your energy is a great place to start and why not keep it going with a weekly energy clear?

Check out these Energy clearing recipes available in the member portal:

A Clear Mind Herbal Tea

Daily Energy Clearing Body Wash

Daily Energy Soap Bar

Deep Cleansing Foaming Bath Salt

Nightly Energy Clearing Linen Spray

Restore the Spirit Daily Ritual


Wednesday October 2, 2024


Don’t worry about feeling lost or confused at this time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the answer to your question or the problem to your solution just yet. Deep down in the depths of your being, the answer is waiting for you and will reveal itself when the time is right. In the meantime, focus on the questions you can answer. Take your mind off of things by making choices or taking steps that are actually within your control. Some examples are choosing a drink in a coffee shop, or deciding what to wear for the day. The point of this exercise is to give awareness to how much of your day is actually in your control and also to help you realize, you solve small problems everyday. Too many of us are living for the huge moments in life instead of enjoying the smallness of everyday living. Your most authentic self is fully present in the day to day when the stakes are lower or you’re just going through the motions. So lean into that as your gateway for clarity. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn about yourself, just paying attention to the little things you do throughout the day.


Thursday October 3, 2024


This card represents a positive transformation and is typically a sign you are beginning something new in your life. Seeing this card as a daily pull means something will happen today that will change the course of your life. It may not be something dramatic. It could be a small choice, a passing thought, something you noticed on your way to work or just a feeling that sparks a journey towards a deeper understanding. The most important thing about this card is that it's positive. It isn’t like the tower where you have to go through a dramatic dark night of the soul. It's more like an ah-ha moment or a sudden feeling of being exactly where you need to be. You don’t have to go looking for this moment. It will fall organically upon you. Just keep in mind, a transformation isn’t a one and done sort of deal. New beginnings can unfold over the course of days, months and even years. But if you find yourself experiencing a place of resonance today, then take note and watch as it unfolds.


Friday October 4, 2024


Spider has crawled into your point of view today to hopefully prevent you from experiencing the day through force and aggression. You don’t have to push so hard. You don’t have to try so hard to make your dreams come to life. Taking action and forcing action are completely different energies. You need to take action when you’re afraid to pick up the phone, enroll in a class or share a project you’ve been working on. Things like that are pushing you out of your comfort zone so that you can grow. Force however is pulling 100 tarot cards trying to figure out your life purpose or badgering someone to agree to what you want. Spider reminds you to wait for what is meant for you instead of using all of your energy trying to force things to happen the way you want. What is meant for you can never escape so there’s no need to worry about catching it. 


Saturday October 5, 2024


Today’s card has appeared simply to tell you that you are protected and that something in the aether has your back. You may feel as though things are always falling apart around you or that you alway seem to have bad luck but this isn’t true. You’re still here beloved. You’re still getting through the day, even when it's hard to do so. Being protected doesn’t mean being free of hardship. Try to think of it in a new way. An ancestor might lend you their strength to keep going or a spirit guide might soften a much harder blow. Perhaps an angel sends you a helper or the universe puts something in your path to prevent you from going straight into danger. We rarely get to understand how the universe helps us and we don’t need to know the details to know that we are safe. All you need to know, and feel deeply in your heart is that something is watching over you.


Sunday October 6, 2024

Dark Moon

Another card about new beginnings which tells me, this week is truly your chance to think about what comes next in your life. Look beyond the common stuff like wanting more money or to start your own business or to fall in love. Peak into the void and stretch yourself and your ideas. Perhaps nothing physical changes. Perhaps your life stays the same but how you approach life is what gets an upgrade. Maybe you’ll be committed to being more positive or to showing more love. Maybe you’ll stop expecting others to do things the way you want and you start loving people for who they are rather than who you want them to be. Or maybe you are ready for something physical to change. Maybe you want to be that fashionista you’ve always dreamed of or maybe you really do want to go back to school. Whatever your maybe is, just make sure you don’t sell yourself short. That you don’t want something because you saw someone else with it or because everyone else is doing it. And maybe that’s the new beginning: just living for yourself for once.

Try Obscura Luna Ritual Oil & Spray in the member portal for getting through today.

Deck used in this reading:

Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle


Also, I'm thrilled to share that I will be a part of this year’s Gathering of the Witches, a weekend of magic, inspiration, and transformation happening online from October 25th – 27th, 2024!


Join me and other magical teachers including Judika Illes, Theresa Reed, Laura Tempest Zakroff, and more!! 


I’ll be leading a workshop entitled, The Moon Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for the Lunar Phases

The Gathering of the Witches is all about discovering and enhancing your magical practices and understanding how a magical practice can bring about transformation in your life.


This isn't just another lecture event! Expect an immersive weekend filled with workshops designed to deepen your practice. You'll have the opportunity to interact with me, other teachers, and participants in real time!


I hope to see you there!


Lost Oracle Review


This Month’s Energy: October’s collective tarot reading