This Month’s Energy: October’s collective tarot reading
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It became clear to me about two cards in that this reading is about determination and perseverance. These are the foundations for mental strength: the ability to convince your mind to keep going even when your brain wants to tell you it's too hard for too little reward. I’ve talked about my weight loss journey a lot recently and it's because losing weight requires a lot of mental strength, something I’ve clearly become very passionate about. It's really hard to push yourself to work out when you step on the scale and have lost nothing or even worse, gained weight. But I have kept going and have lost 15 pounds this summer and I feel great. But the unexpected reward is seeing how developing mental strength has spilled over into other areas of my life, even in how I show up for you.
That’s the thing about working towards a goal; we set out to get one thing but it's all of the unexpected rewards along the way that make a journey truly meaningful. This reading encourages you to keep going, even when life gets hard. And I didn’t sugarcoat anything because I know you don’t need someone to baby you. What you need is someone to believe in you and to challenge you to believe in yourself. Let me be that someone for you. Because I know that together, we can build a community of mentally strong, physically capable, spiritually positive and successful people.
Happy October!
“I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the nonsuccessful ones is pure perseverance.” - Steve Jobs
Overall Energy: Potions & Spells
Your life can be a living, breathing potion and spell if you want it to be. You can decide what pieces come together to tell your unique story. What ingredients are you throwing into your life’s cauldron? What are you weaving together to unlock your magic? Now know this, being the highest version of yourself is not about what kind of job you have or how you dress or the type of people you have in your life. These things are expressions of your highest self but the hero version of you isn’t about the material, it's about how you feel.
This month, challenge yourself to focus only on intentions having to do with your emotions. Don’t set an intention for abundance unless it's to feel abundant in spirit. Don’t worry about finding someone to date, instead focus on being supported, or loved or nourished. Intentions like these are the ingredients that will change your life and as a result, all of that other stuff will follow. When you feel good about yourself and I mean really feel like you’re in a good place emotionally, life will line up for you.
I have wanted to rename the judgment card for years which I have done in the tarot I’m working on btw but more on that later. Really this is a card about self-reflection and transcending your current circumstances as a result of being honest with yourself. Receiving this card is a sign that you are no longer in a position to be naive or to ignore what’s going on in your life. You may even feel the physical discomfort telling you something is wrong and you need to pay attention. Because the question is about physical well-being, receiving this card is a clear sign to take your health more seriously. Nothing drastic is required, at least not yet. For now, your willingness to accept that something needs to change is the starting line. That clarity will inform what comes next.
The king of wands is the epitome of mental strength. He isn’t bothered by limitations or obstacles. He believes in his ability to do anything and if he can’t do something, he will learn how or find someone to do it for him. Mental strength is not the absence of challenges. To have mental strength means to get knocked down and still be able to pull yourself back up. You don’t wallow in your sorrows or get lost in your fears. You keep pushing yourself even when the evidence suggests you’re getting nowhere. Life doesn’t give you instant gratification, not real at least. Same day shipping and Google might make it feel like everything is at your fingertips but all that’s readily available are shallow, surface level things. True accomplishments don’t happen in an instant.
The king of wands is here to tell you to get over the quick fix. What you want isn’t going to appear out of thin air and if it does, it can disappear just as quickly as it came. So instead of trying to manifest a million dollars, the king of wands wants you to focus on building financial intelligence and not just an abundance mindset but learning how to manage money, how to invest, how to budget. Learn the real life things not just hoping to find a magic wand. Same goes for any goal from decorating your house to losing weight to finding a partner to starting a business. DO. THE. WORK. Because let me tell you, the universe will help but it's not going to do the work for you.
The best thing you can do for your spiritual practice this month is to work on your attitude. Start focusing on being a positive person. Make it a priority to overcome stressful thoughts and self-talk. What good is it doing you anyway? How does stressing about something, especially when it's causing you lack of sleep help you? Has stress given you an answer? No, probably not.
Situations are almost always better than your mind makes them out to be. And even if a problem is bad, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution. Start expecting answers instead of pleading for them. Start saying positive things about yourself instead of trying to play humble to avoid disappointment. You are not serving yourself by keeping yourself small nor are you helping yourself by being a doomsday kind of person. And most importantly, you’re keeping your energy low by living in such a negative way because stress depletes your energy. It takes away your mental focus and your physical vitality and you aren’t going to get anywhere if you’re too tired or drained.
The main theme of this reading seems to be about fortitude and learning to stay the course. The seven of wands is essentially a card about mental strength as it means holding your ground against opposition. Every goal comes with challenges. I don’t care how aligned you are with your purpose, there will be some sort of obstacle. And everytime you level up, you will face new challenges. Get comfortable with the goal post moving because it's never going to standstill. You may start a business but then you have the challenge of keeping it afloat and then you might have the challenge of expanding it and then you might have the challenge of dealing with a disgruntled employee and then perhaps working with investors and so on it goes.
But you can handle it. The universe wouldn’t have given you the challenge unless you could deal with it. Your problem isn’t your abilities or your resources or your time. Your problem is your self-doubt. Start saying “I CAN” instead of just "I'll try.” Start believing you can change the world instead of hoping you can. As the late great Steve Jobs once said, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
Authenticity takes time. It is what it is. You don’t just become the most authentic version of yourself overnight, especially if you haven’t been living authentically for most of your life. It also takes effort as you might have guessed from the rest of this reading. It takes a willingness to show up for yourself even when it's hard to do so. And you know what I mean. Pushing yourself to get out of bed so you can write that book in the quiet hours or go for a jog on those days when you want to sleep in. It's those evenings when you have to fill orders instead of watching TV. It's the first dates you have to cringe through or the rejections you have to get. It's your ability to not compromise yourself and your values when things get hard because they will get hard. It's much harder to be yourself than it is to be like everyone else.
The page of pentacles is ambitious so she sticks to her task regardless of how long it takes or how hard it is. She puts her head down and she focuses. She never has enough time or enough skill but she doesn’t let that stop her. Determination, perseverance and strong foundations are her swords and she wields them well. You can too. She offers these skills to you and invites you to make them your gospel. Live by these values and you will go so much further than you ever thought possible.
Decks used in this reading:
Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle
Pagan Otherworlds Tarot