Cowboys and Aliens Oracle Review

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Created By: Ellie Grant
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Number of cards: 36
Card size: 5 x 3.5 in
Box size: 5.5 x 4 x 1 in
Guidebook pages: 116
Purchased or gifted?: Gifted from Rockpool

Absolute favorite card: the AI
Other favorites: The Horsewoman, the Gunslinger, the Henchmen, the Clones, the Hacker, the Navigator, the Shapeshifter
Notable detail: Lots of body inclusivity and unique theme
Season: Summer
Sabbat: Beltane
Sign: Aquarius 
Element: Fire and Aether
Tarot Deck compliment: Tarot of the Unexplained

First Impressions

I was on the fence about this one to be honest. I saw it last year because this deck comes out of my publishing house and I had a chance to look at some advanced titles. I was intrigued by the concept but didn’t feel a strong connection to it right away. But as the weeks went on, I found myself thinking about it. I kept wondering why cowboys and aliens? Then when I was planning which reviews to do for August, this one just dropped into my head and I heard the words “you need to work with this.” So I got it and so far, I’m enjoying it.

The Packaging

The packaging is from Rockpool so it being beautiful isn’t really a surprise. My favorite thing about the box is actually inside the top and bottom. Inside the cover, you’ll find a tiny cowgirl hat and inside the bottom of the box, you’ll find a spaceship. I was working on a deck recently with someone who told me they didn’t want the deck to be too kitsch or too specific to the theme and I didn’t agree. Kitsch is just another word for niche and a niche is how you set yourself apart. I say lean into those little details because they make the project memorable. An oracle deck is an experience, not just a divination tool. And seeing little details like the cowgirl hat and spaceship contributes to your overall experience. You often hear people talking about romanticizing things. That doesn’t always have to mean lighting candles everyday and dressing up to sit around the house. Sometimes it means little things that make you smile even if some people consider it to be silly or in poor taste. 

I love the desert motif carried throughout the box and in fact, I’m in the desert right now as I write this. The guidebook is full color, pink is everywhere lol. And you get a full page image of each card in the guidebook. The cards are definitely on the thicker side but still easy to shuffle. And perhaps the most iconic thing about the packaging is the card gilding. Rockpool is the only publisher that I know of that has truly committed to do gilded edges on every deck. These are holographic which isn’t that unusual but what makes them cool is how well they pick up the pinkish hues from the fronts and backs of the cards and I mean what says sci-fi better than holographic foil? When you turn the cards on their sides and from left to right, the sides become this gorgeous peachy pink color that is so fun to sit and play with. That in and of itself can become a meditative experience. And oh yea, the box is a beautiful sturdy two piece box that is the same size as the Season of the Witch decks for reference.

The Guidebook

The guidebook is gorgeous. I love to see a full color guidebook instead of just black and white. Inside, you’ll find the introduction, how to use the cards including an explanation about what’s included for each card, and a few spread ideas. For each card, you’ll find a story about the character, a message, an affirmation and some tips which are like actionable steps. One thing I’ve noticed is that more people are writing messages that aren’t exactly what I consider divinatory messages, myself included. The tone seems to be shifting more towards, here’s advice from your girlfriend or cousin. It's more relaxed and not as cryptic as some of the older decks which I appreciate, especially in tarot. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve pulled a card, even from one of my earlier decks and wondered, what the hell does this actually mean? It's been so fun to see how the space of tarot and oracle cards grow and I’m super excited to see how people push the needle next.

The Artwork

One thing you will find in the artwork is body inclusivity. There are all sorts of shapes and sizes and colors and textures to go around. I really appreciate that there are big chested girls, a club that I belong to, even when I’m thin. But in general, the bodies are lush and I really appreciate that. I also love seeing different hairstyles. That’s a huge thing for me. It's one thing to include different skin tones but if everyone has the same hair, then I don’t really consider it to be diverse. People do not look the same and it's about time tarot and oracle deck creators realized this and a lot have. Decks like this are much needed to continue evolving this community. 

The color palette is pink, purple, greens, and peaches. It's a little more feminine and colorful than I usually like but you know, I don’t mind it at all. I’ve been leaning more into my feminine energy these days anyway and the introduction says this deck is for connecting to your feminine energy regardless of which gender you identify with. So bring on the pink. The cards themselves are pretty much split equally between cowgirls and aliens.

“No matter what your gender identity is, at times we all need to embrace some fierce feminine energy to help face the day.”

My favorite card is the AI. I just love seeing this included because I think AI is being demonized even though we've had AI for years. If you have an Alexa or use Siri on your phone, you’re using AI. If you ever used something like Grammerly or even just a calculator, then you’re using AI. Computers in and of themselves are AI. AI isn’t new, it's just advancing and I believe leaning into it rather than pushing against it is the way to go. Every generation has something that is radically different from the last. If everything stayed the same, we wouldn’t have cars or computers or plant based meats or anything that can help the world. And in fact, this card is all about embracing change and I felt like it resonated with me so deeply and speaks to the wider collective especially. 

Another favorite is the Navigator. This card reminds me of a meditation I came up with that I use all of the time. It's one of my favorite visualizations and having a physical card that more or less looks like what I envision is fantastic. And if ever you find a card that looks like something you’ve imagined, go make a photocopy of it and use it in your visualization work. Meditate with the card but then put the copies in a notebook or on your fridge or any place you can see it.


My favorite card

Reading With this Deck

My first reading was fun and informative. What surprised me most is how much emphasis this deck put on working with others which is one of the big reasons why I chose Aquarius for the zodiac sign. I often call Aquarius the sign of the weirdos who are hellbent on being different from everyone else but Aquarius also rules friendships and humanitarian efforts. Their purpose is to use their unique perspective to help the greater good, not just themselves. That’s exactly the feeling I got from my reading. Use your unique talents but make sure you also share your gifts and make space for others to share their gifts with you. 

While reading about something more personal though, I found that I didn’t find the answer to my question or at least not yet. To be fair, sometimes the answer isn’t immediately obvious and you need to sit with it or revisit it after a time. There were parts about the answer that made sense but I struggled to figure out its deeper meaning. However, the question I asked didn’t align with the deck’s interview. I truly believe one deck shouldn’t be used for every question. The interview told me this deck is for me to make use of my creative gifts and to focus on the tasks I have at hand, then use those gifts to help society. I chose to do a personal reading about a family issue that has nothing to do with using my gifts or helping others. 

The interview is to give the deck a chance to tell you how it wants to be used and I believe you will get the most accurate readings if you use the deck the way it wants. I did another reading, this time focusing on the theme presented during the interview and that reading felt spot on. So as a tip, if you feel like you aren’t getting clear answers from any deck, revisit your deck’s interview or do one if you haven’t. And then try using the deck, but only focusing on questions related to how it wants to be used. It might make all of the difference.

Collective Pull

I pulled the Undertaker for you and this card represents allowing change to unfold in your life. It suggests you have been too afraid to get out of your comfort zone and as a result, are missing amazing opportunities that could have been life changing for you. Nothing can last forever, regardless of how hard you try to hold on. Things are supposed to change and grow over time, even if that means having to say goodbye to some people or leaving something behind. Do you really want to be the same person, in the exact same place all your life? Or do you want the chance to evolve, learn new things, change your mind and have new experiences? Don’t be afraid to take a risk and bet on something you’ve never done before. You’ll make mistakes as you did when learning to walk or to talk, but you’ll learn and before you know it, you’ll have a new comfort zone only far bigger than what you had before.

Season, Sign and Sabbat

The element is fire for sure but also aether. Fire comes in with the obvious desert influence and a deck including aliens has to be aether right? Yes, I think so. I chose summer for the season because of the desert but also because there is an obvious energy of expression. Everything about this deck is just a little weird or flamboyant or over the top which are totally summer qualities. Nothing in a bad way, just a deck full of amazing women living fully and unapologetically. 

The zodiac sign is Aquarius, the sign of forward thinking and individuality. Aquarius is the most “out there” thinker so I have always associated aliens with this sign. Aquarius also corresponds to futuristic themes and technology so there really isn’t any other sign that’s more perfect for this deck. 

Finally the sabbat. I decided to go with Beltane. I don’t really think the sabbats correspond too much to this deck but of all the Sabbats, I consider Beltane to be the most uninhibited. I always call it the sexy sabbat because it's the one that makes me think of an orgy out in the woods more so than the others; not that you should or need to do that to celebrate Beltane. But this sabbat represents passion and love and raw freedom. I think Cowboys and Aliens oracle represents the same qualities just in a totally different and unique way. 

Who is this deck for?

If you love sci-fi then I think you’ll adore this deck just because of the imagery alone. But if you’re funhearted, outgoing, creative and love to be your true weird self or these are qualities you’d like to call in, then this deck is for you. 

I’d also say this is a fun deck to have for friends for something like a game or wine night. I think it's serious but dressed up in a really easy-going, lighthearted way. It's one of those things that allows you to have a good time but also deliver the message you or your friends need most right now.

Tarot Deck Companion

I have a new deck that I will be reviewing soon which I think is a really good companion for Cowboys and Aliens Oracle. It’s called Tarot of the Unexplained and there’s a similar tone to the colors and of course the connection to sci-fi. I haven’t finished my introductory work with Tarot of the Unexplained yet so I can’t say how they play together just yet but be sure to keep your eye out for my review, coming this October.

Thanks for reading all the way through. If you found this review to be helpful, informative or entertaining in any way, please be sure to leave a comment down below. It really helps me know what you’re enjoying so that I can provide more content based on what you love. In the meantime, please enjoy a variety of photos from this deck.

And of course, if there is something you’d like me to consider reviewing, please comment below or email me at

Inside of the box


This Month’s Energy: October’s collective tarot reading


Earth Woman Tarot Review