Morning Dew Ritual Spray

I made Morning Dew three years ago to celebrate the release of Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle. I didn’t really make it for anything specific other than I wanted a ritual spray to go along with the deck. I ended up going through some life changes at the time and just about a month after debuting it, I found myself needing it a lot more than I realized. My life shifted so much that year that I called May the Unraveling. 

I needed to do exactly what you are being guided to do here with this spray, embrace my dreams, face my fears, and break down my goals into manageable steps. Morning Dew supports you through this entire process. It clarifies, purifies and unlocks inspiration. It's an excellent spray to have on hand to transition from spring to summer and while it wasn’t intentional, I do believe this mist will pair beautifully with Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle as well.

5 drops peppermint essential oil

18 drops geranium essential oil

22 drops spruce hemlock essential oil

5 drops juniper essential oil

1.5 oz distilled water

.5 oz witch hazel or vodka

Make the Spray

Combine the essential oil blend with witch hazel or vodka in a small bowl and mix well. Pour into a 2 oz spray bottle of choice then top off with distilled water. Shake well then place the bottle on your altar to synergize for at least 24 hours. Shake well before use to distribute the magic then mist several times to fill your space with fragrance.


June 2024 Monthly Collective Reading


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