Inspirational Wicca Oracle Cards Review

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Created By: Davide Marrè
Artwork: Gonzalo Martinez Moreno
Publisher: Lo Scarabeo
Number of cards: 36
Card size: 4.75 x 3
Box size: 6.5 x 4.75 x 2
Guidebook pages: 176
Purchased or gifted?: Review copy provided by Llewellyn

Absolute favorite card: The Perfume of the Divine
Other favorites: Properly Prepared, The Journey Begins, The Waters of Purification, The Ecstasy of Infinity, Grow by Comparison
Notable detail: List of “correspondences” for each card
Season: late summer
Sabbat: Yule
Sign: Virgo
Tarot Deck compliment: TBD but I can’t wait to figure it out

First Impressions

I was impressed by the packaging right away. It's not like it has a lot of features but it's a big and sturdy box which is always a great start. I was really on the fence about this deck for a while. I kept going back and forth between getting it and passing on it but ultimately decided to review it. It's definitely not my favorite or among my favorites; I didn’t have an instant connection to it like I had with Witch Sister Tarot or Bee Tarot. But I do like it. I think it's just one of those decks I have to be in the mood for or something I use in client readings. Not sure yet but let's dive in anyway.

The Packaging

This is an excellent box and a big one too. No real bells and whistles but everything is perfectly in order. By bells and whistles I mean foiling, texture, difference in color between top and bottom, etc. Although there is a slight shine to some of the artwork against the more matte background. It isn’t super noticeable but it does catch the light from time to time. It is quite heavy and sturdy which is a huge departure from Lo Scarabeo boxes of old. They always had pretty nice two piece boxes, at least the ones that I have, but the ones I’ve gotten from them lately are much bigger and heavier than before. Not a lot to report here but the guidebook has plenty so let's get into that.

The Guidebook

The guidebook is large and technically full color but only a few pages have color to them. Most of them are in black, white with an accent of reddish pink. Also note that the guidebook is 176 pages but only 46 are in english. The rest of the guidebook consists of three additional sections for Italian, Spanish and Portuguese which are all exactly the same, just different languages. Which I actually like. I’ve been learning Italian and Portuguese for the past year and it's pretty handy to have something I actually care about to test my reading skills. It also means you don’t have to wait for the translation to come out to read it in your native tongue, which could take years or may not happen at all.

I get asked all the time, when are the Seasons of the Witch decks going to be translated into this language or that language but the truth is that decks and books are not automatically translated. It's a long and involved process to get something translated and sold in a new country and foreign publishers aren’t always eager to take the risk. Especially in more conservative countries where things like witch books and oracle decks are not as widely accepted or even acknowledged. Having all of the languages in one book skips past all of that and makes it a much easier process. 

The cards are divided into six groups, each with their own list of correspondences or supplemental information though all of the sections appear to have “power” words and “magic” words. While some sections have a sabbat correspondence and others have a tool correspondence. The card meanings contain a summary of the card and then a divinatory message. 

The rest of the guidebook contains a lot of information. You have the structure of the deck, how to use the cards, how to consecrate the deck but really these are instructions for pretty much all magical tools. And then there is a lot of background on Wicca, how it got started and how it has evolved over time. And even a sort of kickstart guide to working with wicca. It's a nice little introduction book if you aren’t familiar with Wicca.

The Artwork

So here’s the thing with the cards, I am convinced something is happening with me. I keep getting decks I’m not very attracted to visually. I don’t love the artwork in this deck and it was the same with the Deadly Apothecary Oracle and Anam Cara Oracle. The common theme among them though is that these decks are so fluid and well done even though I don’t resonate with the art.

“At the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, between the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a resurgence of esoteric and hermetic orders.

I keep coming back to this idea that we are entering into the age of alchemy more so than the age of aquarius. No more “I” and only “we.” A melting pot of the collective and all of the decks I don’t resonate with seem to portray that. It's as if I am having to learn to love things that I would rather avoid or pass up. And isn’t that a mirror of what’s happening in the world? So many people are fighting because they have decided not to like someone else. But not having an immediate connection to someone or something doesn’t mean they’re bad or shouldn’t exist. It means you need to look deeper and be more open to what spirit is trying to show you. Continued below…


Having said that, there are some cards that I absolutely love like Properly Prepared. I think this card is so beautiful. It's not the happiest card but I love the imagery. I love the color and the robes and everything about it. 

And I absolutely love the Perfume of the Divine card. That name by itself is so beautiful and sounds like it should be an oracle deck rather than just a card. But then the artwork looks so peaceful. You get the sense of two priestesses brewing fragrant potions while the high priestess sits in her chair and watches her apprentices work. This image sacred me, and grounded and absolutely magical.

I don’t know what is happening with me and these decks but this is a solid deck indeed. But I also don’t believe in a bad deck to be honest. I truly believe that if someone feels called to make a deck, it's because someone in the world needs it and is summoning it from the ether. And while this is not my favorite deck I have received lately, I do see a lot of value in it.

Season, Sign and Sabbat

There’s a lot of blue in this one but it is so dark and moody as well. It really gives me Yule vibes even though the art doesn’t support this at all. It just feels so earthy and cold like it's freezing in the middle of the summer. So I chose summer for the season and Yule for the sabbat. I know those things don’t go together but whatever, that’s what I feel and I trust my intuition. I just know this deck will come alive come December. 

I chose Virgo for the sign and that makes sense because I chose late summer for the season. It has a priestess like quality to it which is a Virgo archetype and it also has this feeling of purity. Perhaps because there is a lot of nakedness so everything feels like its base structure.

Who is this deck for?

I do feel as though this is a deck for Wiccans or someone who is very interested in that practice. I did train in Wicca but ultimately decided it wasn’t for me simply because the coven I worked with asked me to denounce all other religions and one, I don’t like being told what to do and two, I didn’t want to be boxed into one religion. I still work with “God” alongside witchcraft and other practices. And for me, the institution of religion is the problem, not necessarily the concept of God but that’s a conversation for another time. But if you’re interested in hearing my thoughts about this, please let me know. This idea that someone gets to govern my life is not ok with me. This is just my personal perspective but to me, Wicca felt like any other religion just wrapped up in a prettier package and that really didn’t align with me. 

Having said that though, that may not be your experience and if you enjoy Wicca or love the idea of being a part of it, then you should absolutely get this deck.

Tarot Deck Companion

I haven’t found a companion for this one yet and I didn’t want to force one either. I’ll be sure to update you if one comes along. Are you enjoying the tarot and oracle companions? I love looking for just the right deck to compliment another.

Thanks for reading all the way through. If you found this review to be helpful, informative or entertaining in any way, please be sure to leave a comment down below. It really helps me know what you’re enjoying so that I can provide more content based on what you love. In the meantime, please enjoy a variety of photos from this deck.

And of course, if there is something you’d like me to consider reviewing, please comment below or email me at

Some of my favorite cards


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