June 2024 Monthly Collective Reading

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Thank you for your patience with this reading being a few days late. I have been writing some incredible projects behind the scenes and just turned in another manuscript that I hope you guys are going to love. It’s something new in Seasons of the Witch universe though not a deck. Can you guess what it is? I’m so anxious to share it!

Now for this reading. The primary theme is a change in perspective. The cards have asked us all to be more open to criticism for the purpose of personal growth, to approach life with more optimism, and to change the approach in situations that aren’t getting any traction. These cards suggests what you’ve been doing isn’t working. What did you think of first when reading the last sentence? You probably know exactly what these cards are speaking to. A new game plan is required. What may have worked for a long time is no longer making the cut. For me personally, I know that I need to make some serious changes to both my health and my identity. I’ve been saying I’m going to give myself a makeover for years and that I’m going to invest in my appearance and I have not followed through with that time and time again. It’s why you never see my actual face on social media. But I can only make excuses for so long.

But these cards can manifest in a variety of things from needing to take a different approach to how you talk to your partner or needing to finally admit your job isn’t the right place for you anymore. However these cards show up for you, know that you can make meaningful changes, even if only small ones. I believe in you.

From Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle

Overall Energy: Heather

Heather says, not all criticism is bad. Of course there will be times when people are just being haters and you should pay them no mind. However, there are times when criticism, regardless of how it’s given, rings true and brings awareness to some ways you may need to evolve your thinking. The key when this card appears is knowing when to ignore criticism and when to use it as fuel for personal growth. You can always try on anything someone says to you. To do so, separate yourself from the situation. Imagine you are someone else. What would you tell them in this situation? Is it similar to the criticism you just received? You can also just honestly contemplate how much of a negative comment is true. Perhaps someone called you lazy and you find there is some truth to that. And then go deeper. Are you really lazy or is there a fear preventing you from being more responsible? Perhaps you have some wounds around taking action or some deeper concerns you haven’t dealt with yet. In this sense, the criticism illuminated a deeper truth and an opportunity to heal.

But criticism can also be someone else projecting their drama onto you. And that’s way taking the time to try on a negative comment is always a good idea. You may find that what they said simply isn’t true and that’s ok too. At least you took the time to consider it and can now say with honesty that this comment is not a reflection of your true self. This is a truly evolved way to respond to other’s negativity. A way to consider what other’s say without immediately internalizing it. This is good work, in pursuit of your own peace of mind. So the goal this month is to learn to be comfortable with criticism by giving yourself permission to evaluate it and either dismiss it or use it for growth and healing.

Earth (Physical Realm)

What practical steps can I take to enhance my financial stability and physical well-being this month? → Six of Summer

The six of summer is a card of hope, optimism and positive energy. For the earth position, it means staying positive is absolutely essential for financial and physical well-being this month. How you approach life is often a good indication of how you go through it. Positive people tend to attract positive results. Not because they have some magic power, figured out manifestation or are blessed with good luck but because they know how to find the light in the darkness. Bad things happen to everyone, even those who seem incredibly blessed. But you can fall prey to challenging circumstances or you can put all of your energy into finding something to be happy about. It takes as much effort to be happy as it does to be sad, it’s just a matter of deciding where you want to invest your energy.

Look for ways to celebrate this month whether that’s being way too excited about finding an extra dollar or doing a little happy dance every time you remember to drink a glass of water. It may seem silly at first but I dare you to shake your hips for a job well done and not have a smile on your face. Those small actions add up and you’ll be surprised just how much sweeter life can get with a positive attitude.

Air (Mental Realm)

How can I cultivate mental clarity and enhance my communication skills in my relationships this month? → Ace of Winter

This card awakens the energy of new ideas and a fresh perspective. It’s so critical to realize when a strategy just isn’t working. If kicking and screaming isn’t getting you results then try a softer approach. If passive aggression isn’t moving the needle then be more direct. Think outside of the box and try strategies that aren’t your norm. It makes no sense to continue down a path that isn’t giving you any value, especially in your relationships. At the same time, clarity doesn’t always have to be something you need to obtain. Sometimes clarity comes out of being still and giving yourself time to rest. Do you really need to know the answers all the time? What if you simply decided that today, you won’t seek answers at all? That you’ll be ok with not knowing and giving your mind a break?

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to fix everything today. Maybe a relationship is on the rocks and instead of trying to fix it, maybe you just allow it to be what it is until you can figure out the best path forward. It may not be ideal but at least it’s better than making things worse by trying to play savior. The same is true with your job or even with yourself. Sometimes you just don’t have the information to move forward and sometimes standing still is better than heading in the wrong direction.

Fire (Passion and Creativity)

What passions and creative pursuits should I focus on to bring excitement and fulfillment into my life this month? → King of Winter

The king of winter advises you to learn more skills before moving forward with your ambitions. Take this time to evaluate what’s needed to be the best at your desired goals. Missing resources doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something but it does mean you should be working towards gaining the skills needed to be successful. If you want to start a business, maybe consider enrolling in an accounting course. If you want to start making your own meals, perhaps you need to buy a cookbook. If you want to loose weight, maybe you need to work with a trainer first or purchase a program until you feel comfortable doing it on your own. Don’t beat yourself up for not knowing what to do in the beginning, especially when there are soooooooooo many people out there who can help you until the training wells come off.

Water (Emotional Realm)

What emotional patterns or challenges do I need to address, and how can I nurture my emotional well-being in the month ahead? → Six of Spring

This is the exact same card from last month and the message still holds. This card wants you to take a risk. It suggests you have put limitations on yourself that are holding you back. Consider reviewing old projects or ideas or even relationships that were left unresolved. Like the month of May, June could be your chance to experience some significant growth or at the very least, some closure so that you can move forward to something meaningful and exciting. But playing it safe is going to create a lot of feelings of stagnation. There is more for you to accomplish than what you have allowed yourself to believe. Receiving this card is a sign that you’re ready for more so if you have an idea, act on it. That could include asking someone out, booking that solo trip, applying for a job you’re not sure you’re qualified for, or investing in a piece of equipment needed to start that weekend hobby. 

Spirit (Divine Guidance)

How can I strengthen my spiritual connection and receive divine guidance to navigate the month ahead with grace and wisdom? → La Lune

La Lune invites you to embrace the mystery. To step through the threshold into the unknown and embrace new possibilities. This card indicates something new is coming into your life and you are being asked to trust. Now is not the time to try to control your situation or to hold on too tightly to your expectations. The most amazing things are often the things you expect the least or not at all.

On a more spiritual level, the universe is asking for your trust in general. I keep having this vision of the universe saying “why won’t these dang humans just trust in me to support them?” Begging and bargaining with spirit is not manifestation. Trying to deny feelings of anger or sadness is not manifestation. Spending all day thinking about your intentions is not manifestation. Allowing, trusting, expressing gratitude, investing in joy and finding peace, all that is what leads to successful manifestation. And trust in the universe doesn’t mean things will happen exactly the way you want them to. It doesn’t mean you won’t break up or leave a job or need to move or you’ll hit the lottery. It means you’ll ok, regardless of path it takes to get there.

People always ask me how do they connect with their spirit guides to which I always say, learn to speak their language. If you want spirit to bend over backwards to help you then perhaps you need to show spirit how much you’re willing with its rules.

Need more guidance? Personal readings are available in the store. Choose from a variety of options, delivered in a keepsake PDF with a beautiful photo.

Decks used in this reading:

Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle
The Harmony Tarot


Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle


Morning Dew Ritual Spray