Moon Goddess Oracle Cards Review

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Created By: Nicci Garaicoa
Artwork: Olivia Burki
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Number of cards: 36
Card size: 5 x 3.5 inches
Box size: 5.5 x 4 x 1.25 inches
Guidebook pages: 105
Purchased or gifted?: Review copy from Rockpool Publishing

Absolute favorite card: Winter Rest
Other favorites: Summer spirit, sacred ritual, moon dust magic, Ch’ang-O, Yolkai Estsan, Oshun, Mayari
Notable detail: soft velvet box, thicker cards, pretty diverse, same artist as my deck, Witching Hour Oracle
Season: Summer
Sabbat: Litha
Sign: Cancer
Tarot Deck compliment: Moonchild Tarot

Some of my favorite cards

First Impressions

It's very saturated but also a little desaturated. I don’t really know how to explain it but Olivia really has that vibe covered. I love Olivia and her art but I’m not super into the goddess vibe. There were a lot of cards I loved, it's really more so the theme of the deck that I didn’t really vibe with. There are so many Goddess decks where its just a deck of different goddess energies so I don’t feel as though it reinvented the wheel in any way but it's still a lovely project and if you’re beginner who hasn’t worked with a goddess deck at all, then I think you will enjoy this one.

The Packaging

The packaging is lovely. It's the familiar quality coming out of Rockpool since they redid their boxes several years ago. This box is my favorite type of box. It has a velvet texture which is so nice on your hands. My book, the Witch’s Apothecary has the same texture so if you know that, you’ll know what I mean. I really believe in the power of your senses and there’s just something so luxurious about this velvet texture. It really elevates these decks. 

Rockpool doesn’t shrinkwrap the cards. Instead, they have a paper band which contains the cards. That’s so nice because I absolutely hate having to cut the wrapping from the cards. I have definitely nicked more cards than I care to admit, trying to cut the tight wrapping. The outside of the box is wrapped so I really see no reason for the cards to be wrapped too. So thank you Rockpool for this thoughtful detail. One thing I’ve noticed recently is that the little band now matches the color of the cards. I think that’s a nice little detail. It's small but I don’t know, I really like it and have started keeping the bands in the bottom of the box. Little details like that really matter to me. They show a level of care that I think a lot of publishers miss out on.

The Guidebook

The cards are broken down into three parts: seasons, moon cycles and phases, and then moon goddesses. They aren’t designated in the table of contents but you can more or less figure it out seeing as the titles of the cards are different for each section. There are a whopping 12 oracle spreads, a section on how to connect with the cards and an introduction. 

The seasons and the moon cycles/moon phases have some pretty cool information. For each card you’ll find medicines (which are basically intentions), plant medicines, colors, crystals and “favorite moon phase.” For the goddess cards, each one has crystals, totems, scents and also a favorite moon phase. Every card has a mantra and oracle meaning. 

The Artwork

My favorite card is Winter Rest. I love the Moroccan inspired tiles and archway facing the moon. I love the restraint of the colors, keeping mostly to pinks, blues and browns. The message is the same rest and self-care so nothing new or special but a much needed message all the same. Especially at the time of pulling the card. I was heading right back into a space of burnout and I really needed the wakeup call. Sometimes the same cliched message is exactly what you need even if you’ve heard it all before. 

One notable detail is the artist who worked on my deck, Witching Hour Oracle and actually, we’re talking about working on another deck together. Olivia is just so sweet and she has amazing ideas. If you’re a fan of Witching Hour Oracle, then I highly recommend checking this one out too. The writing may not be the same but if the artwork is something you connect with, then I think you’ll have a similar experience here.

Now imagine that a sacred vortex of loving moonlight is flowing from the moon straight to you.”

While I don’t really enjoy the theme of the cards (nothing wrong with the deck, it's just sometimes the card tells you things you don’t want to be bothered with), I loved the reading. It's a powerful deck for self-care and deep acceptance, at least from my point of view. It's very feminine which is why I originally thought of Libra but went with a different sign ultimately. I expected it to be very soft and gentle and it is in some ways but I also felt a good challenge among the cards I pulled, many of which were already some of my favorites. 

I’m surprised by how deep it is. Many of the cards were empowering while also pushing me just a touch outside of my comfort zone. Oshun especially, nearly brought me to tears. I found a new respect for these energies. In truth, I hadn’t worked with goddess energy in years until the end of last year so I was pleasantly surprised to have enjoyed this deck so much. 

Don’t sleep on this one. It is a wonderful journey with your inner goddess regardless of your forward facing gender identity. Continued below…


Season, Sign and Sabbat

I’ll start with the sign, Cancer which is ruled by the moon. So it stands to reason that the zodiac sign should be the moon for this deck seeing as this is a deck about lunar goddesses. And that is also why I felt called to assign this deck to Litha. I have always found it curious that the summer solstice occurs on the day that begins the zodiac sign ruled by the moon. 

There is always a balance in the cosmos and this is one of those times when the balance is very obvious. You have the sun and the moon, combined to initiate the season of summer. You’ll also notice that Leo, the sign ruled by the sun, comes immediately after Cancer. Leo is the sign of shining your light and being seen. I believe that you can’t know how to shine your light if you don’t know who you are. Cancer is responsible for a lot of the deep inner work. With Cancer, you learn things like nourishment, emotional well-being and how to establish boundaries. This is the sign that teaches you how to be at home with yourself so that you can learn how to love yourself with Leo. 

And because the sun and the moon combine to open Summer, I decided to go with that for the season as well.

Who is this deck for?

If you like working with lunar goddesses then this one is a must have. You have all of the goddesses you think of in a moon deck plus a few that may be unfamiliar to you. I think it's always nice to learn something new in an oracle deck and I think you have a good chance at doing that here. Especially because there is a lot of extra information like scents for each goddess and totems. Its layered which I love to see in a guidebook so if you’re looking for a new way to work with lunar goddess energy, then this is the deck for you. 

Of course if you’re a fan of Olivia’s art then also check this deck out.

Oracle Deck Companion

I absolutely love the Moonchild tarot for the companion. Yes, there’s the obvious connection to the moon but the imagery just goes together. Check out the picture below because when you place these two decks together, you almost can’t tell which is which. They really seem to share the same look, feeling, and overall vibe. A perfect match if ever I’ve seen one. 

Thanks for reading all the way through. If you found this review to be helpful, informative or entertaining in any way, please be sure to leave a comment down below. It really helps me know what you’re enjoying so that I can provide more content based on what you love.

And of course, if there is something you’d like me to consider reviewing, please comment below or email me at

Moon Goddess Oracle with tarot companion - Moonchild Tarot


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