Daily Oracle Pulls: November 1-3
Happy November all. As I mentioned in the previous daily pulls post, I wanted to start November off with fresh energy and with a new deck. I just felt like October’s energy this year was so heavy and that I wanted a spiritual reset this month. I really just want to start over and I’m feeling pretty vulnerable about it. But I’m really looking forward to this month’s pulls. I’m also pulling my personal cards for the same deck, the Lost Oracle. You can check out my review of the deck here.
I’m not going to be sharing photos just because this isn’t one of my decks and Fiona is a good friend. But, I highly recommend this deck if you don’t have it already. It's so beautiful and the black sides bleed a little bit so now each card is starting to look like it's got a bit of smoke on it. It's so beautiful. And be sure to check out the collective reading for this month which you can find here. Btw, we’ll return to the regular schedule on Monday.
Monday November 4, 2024
→ Ancestral Alchemy
On this sacred day of ancestral worship, this card invites you to spend time focusing on your relationship with those who have come before you. As always, you do not need to know your ancestors names and faces to revere their energy. You can call upon them, asking only those who have your best interest at heart and of your bloodline to be in relationship with you. Or, you can call upon the collective ancestors of your cultural heritage or location or even the ancestral heritage of the earth herself. The point isn’t to know the minute details but to form a bond with the spiritual powers who can provide their wisdom, especially when it comes to seeing the bigger picture. You may wish to honor your ancestors today with an altar, a ritual, writing a letter or just sitting in stillness for a while, inviting them to share a few moments with you.
Tuesday November 5, 2024
→ Unguarded
Unguarded guides you to express vulnerability today; to let down your guard and let others see the real you. It may be messy beneath your armor, or perhaps there’s a wounded version of you that lashes out when you feel vulnerable. And when that’s the case, it can be so tough to show people how hurt or afraid you are inside. And you might show many people your vulnerability and have it rejected. But you also can’t find those people who will support and defend that vulnerability if you don’t share it. As the saying goes, you have to kiss many frogs before you can find a prince. You have also have to face fear and even rejection, perhaps many times before finding those will help you heal your wounds.
Wednesday November 6, 2024
→ The Crone
This is a wise card that invites you to take a deeper look at your “power.” It's easy to say the words; to say you’re asserting yourself or living in your confidence or embodying spiritual wisdom but this card asks you are you really? Are you asserting yourself or are you responding from a wounded place, lashing out or pushing others away with your aggression? Are you truly living confidently or are you wearing a mask, hoping no one sees below the surface? Are you really embodying your spiritual power or do you doubt yourself at every turn? The crone has lived a lot of life and has the battle scars to prove it. She can walk her talk because she’s done the work. Not just the pretty post it on social media work or the “i’m an enlightened being” jargon but the deep, down, dirty crying her eyes out, fighting for her right to be healed kind of work. And that is what she asks of you. She reminds you there is no white knight nor is there a magic pill or answer that will fix anything for you. There’s only your determination to get through life the best way you can. Some days that’s going to mean pushing through unbelievable challenges, other days it's going to mean choosing joy when it's all too easy to choose shadows. Everyday, it means choosing yourself.