This Month’s Energy: November’s collective tarot reading
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Happy November! It's my birthday month so I’m especially excited. I have some fun birthday celebrations coming up which is a change for me because historically, I have not really celebrated my birthday so, in a moment, you’ll find the first card is about doing things in a new way and this is definitely me living that card. I am trying on a new attitude. I pulled all of these cards before I decided all of this was happening so it made me chuckle to see how spot on the cards are for me at least.
November has always felt like a month to reset. October has such a heaviness about it and November kind of feels like a breath of fresh air to relax, recharge and hopefully focus on healing and self-care. It's a recovery month in my view and these cards align with that. There’s a lot of new energy being pushed by the cards this month so take that and run with it. Do something a little wild or unusual but still feels totally right. And be sure to let me know if these cards feel spot on for you. I love hearing your thoughts, comments and reading your messages.
One last thing, be sure to check out Daily pulls for every day this November in the blog or click the following links:
“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” - Carl Bard
Overall Energy: Nascent - your potential is ripe
Nascent is defined as something that is just beginning to or has just come into existence. Which means, November is a month of welcoming in something new but it's just a tiny seed. You may not even know quite what it is until the month is coming to an end. This is something that is slowly stirring within you while quietly challenging you to say YES to whatever life throws your way. Do you feel as though you’re calling anything into existence? Do you sense a stirring of something “other” entering your life? If so, how can you nourish this seed being planted right now?
In the guidebook, this card speaks of finding new energy in an old idea or dream. Sometimes you have an idea but your mind needs time to catch up to your spirit. Sometimes you need to hold the vision or even forget the vision for a time, until you have done the work needed to become the kind of person who can achieve your goal. Whatever dream you have, realize that who you are today cannot achieve it. It's not that you aren’t capable or that it's out of reach. But you have to claim this goal and decide you will do what it takes to develop whatever is needed to take this journey. You get to decide though if you’ll step up and become the person you need to be or if your dream will stay dormant a little longer until you’re ready to embrace your potential.
Remember something that is nascent is just emerging which means it needs nourishment and support before it can become something solid. So if something comes along that feels like something you want to do, remember this card and say YES with big wide open arms.
The fool totally mirrors Nascent’s energy, it's just being applied to your physical well-being this time. Which tells me, November is an excellent time to start a new exercise, wellness of self-care routine. And not a slow start either but something to jump into. Some examples might be quitting smoking or alcohol cold turkey, starting a workout plan even though you haven’t exercised in a while, perhaps impulsively signing up for a spa membership or booking that ticket for a wellness retreat. It might seem rash but this is something you’ve either dreamed of for a long time or have seriously contemplated in an effort to feel more vitality. It doesn’t matter what other people think. It doesn’t matter if other people think you aren’t overweight, if you don’t feel good in your body then change it, you have to live in this body, they don’t. It doesn’t matter if people don’t agree that you feel tired all the time or say you’re being dramatic. If you feel something is off in your body then listen to yourself and invest in your own healing. This is your body and you are the one who has to feel the effects of what goes on inside of it. So this November, put your energy first and do what feels right for you.
The seven of wands is a great card to represent mental strength. This card represents defensiveness. It comes just on the heels of the six of wands which represents accomplishment. Now the seven of wands can go two ways. On the one hand, you are having to defend yourself because others are jealous or overly critical and attacking you just because they feel you shouldn’t have what you have or want what you want. That’s a direct result of the newly found success of the six of wands. The other direction is that you grew complacent after a victory with the six of wands and now, people see you as vulnerable. They see you aren’t at the top of your game anymore and that makes you an easy target for replacement.
Either way, you find yourself having to face challenges you probably thought were behind you. The beauty of this card is that it forces you to get on top of your game. It reminds you that there will always be a challenge to face. The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next and what you’ve faced until now is only preparing you for a bigger challenge. To have mental strength is a lot like finding peace: it doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges. Rather, it means you can face challenges knowing you are more than capable of overcoming them. So here’s the advice of the seven of wands: yea you have to face criticism and hardships at times but these are not signs of weakness or signs to give up. Instead, they’re opportunities to take all of your life experiences and the lessons that came with them and apply that knowledge to today’s obstacles. Your life isn’t by accident. It prepares you for everything you will ever face. You just have to remember to draw on those experiences.
Ohh, I love this card for this question. Here, the knight of cups guides you to focus on living through your heart this November. The knight of cups loves what he loves and he doesn’t apologize for it. Sometimes he loves too much or falls too fast but that never stops him from falling in love with the next thing. He loves the feeling of being consumed with passion and allowing his interests to fully envelope him; he gives in willingly. You don’t need to be as extreme but you also shouldn’t apologize for wanting what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.
So when it comes to your spiritual practice this month, don’t focus on the Instagram stuff like meditating or doing a ritual or pulling cards. Instead, focus on doing what YOU love. That may be hiking, making dolls, baking, going out with friends, shopping, day trading, or it could genuinely be working a ritual or working with herbs or something else spiritual. The point isn’t the what. The point is to express yourself authentically and from the heartspace. Anything can be spiritual with intention. Everything is spiritual when it comes from your own spirit.
The king of pentacles isn’t the first card you think of when it comes to emotions at all. This card represents practicality, patience, determination and long-term strategy and absolutely nothing to do with emotions. But, that isn’t to say these things can’t be applied to emotional well-being. For one, the king of pentacles might encourage you to think about your long-term emotional health. You might be making choices that feel good in the moment but how about later? For example, you may go back to an ex for a somewhat fleeting sense of lust but perhaps you’ve done this before and you know you feel awful after.
This would be a chance to think about how this will feel over time rather than how it feels right now. Or maybe the opposite is true and you need to be patient with your feelings. Maybe you’re eager to get what you want at this moment and while involved aren’t there yet. Maybe you want to get married today but your partner wants to have financial stability first. In this case, you may need to approach your perspective with compassion and logic rather than blind emotion.
The eight of swords represents what is essentially a self-imposed prison. I always think of it as being stuck in a rut. You don’t have to feel that way but often, you just don’t know how to get out of your situation. This card represents playing the victim even if you aren’t aware that’s what you’re doing. Every time you have an excuse for why something isn’t your fault or why you can’t do something, you’re playing the victim. Yes, things happen to you and that’s not always within your control. But what is in your control is your ability to move on. You have the ability to say not today, I will not give into this temptation to play the victim. Empowering yourself isn’t easy but at the same time, no one can teach you how to be authentic. You have to decide what kind of person you want to be and how you’ll face challenges. These aren’t gifts, they’re skills and skills can be learned and developed with intention, commitment and practice.
Decks used in this reading: