Daily Oracle Pulls: November 4 - 10
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Happy first full week of November. This is a stressful week as many of you are aware, at least in the United States, that we have a difficult night ahead of us on the 5th, regardless of your political views. So I hope these cards bring you some inspiration, hope or encouragement to make the most of what you have. The cards all seem to have a quiet challenge. In fact, all of the cards for November so far seem to be very focused on helping us to find our power and I fully support this.
Also, don’t forget to check out this month’s Collective Reading which you can find here. These daily cards are to help guide your days but the monthly collective reading gives you a full overview on things like health, emotional well-being and how to make the most of your spiritual practice.
I’m not going to be sharing photos just because this isn’t one of my decks and Fiona is a good friend. But, I highly recommend this deck if you don’t have it already. It's so beautiful and the black sides bleed a little bit so now each card is starting to look like it's got a bit of smoke on it. It's so beautiful. And be sure to check out the collective reading for this month which you can find here.
Monday November 4, 2024
→ Hand of Fire
The Hand of Fire brings you a gift, a chance to stoke your motivation in pursuit of your dreams. Ask yourself honestly what you need to be motivated? It doesn’t matter what the answer is. If it's money then let that be the match starting your flame. If it’s fame or a desire to build an empire then so be it. Likewise if it's a chance to do good in the world or a cause speaks deeply to your heart then let that be your guiding light. All goals have some level of self-interest because they come from you, the self. It's ok to want things that make you happy or comfortable even if it isn’t immediately clear who you’re helping. You don’t have to change the world to change your life. So find what motivates you and hold on for dear life. Get yourself moving and if at some point you’re in a position to help others then great but until that day comes, don’t even feel guilty for wanting to help yourself.
Tuesday November 5, 2024
→ Furnace
Furnace is a card of release and it guides you to reflect honestly on what you need to let go of. Take today to think through what’s been holding you back. Is it a person, a fear, a poor habit or perhaps your location? You are being challenged to release so that you have more space, feel lighter and more free to move through the world the way you’re meant to. There’s still so much for you to be and do but you aren’t able to see it while you’re being dragged down by things that are stealing your vitality and joy. This card also reminds you to trust in your ability to know what you need and what you do not. You already know when something or someone is standing in your way. Listen to your heart and choose the path which serves you most.
Wednesday November 6, 2024
→ Blessed Resilience
Today, the message is forgiveness and perseverance. There might be people who have strong criticism of you today or perhaps this has been ongoing for a while. Maybe there are those who you know are coming against you or you’re facing a particularly difficult time. This card is your sign to have hope and to tell you this will come to an end soon. It also reminds you of the power of forgiveness. It's so very easy to stew in anger, hate, resentment and jealousy when your back is against the wall, especially if someone forced you into this position. And as much as that sucks, this is your opportunity to hold true to your values. Its moments like these which truly define who you are and the universe takes notice. If you keep your faith in a higher power and you trust that everything is for your highest good, then you will come out the other side stronger, wiser and with your karmic debt cleared. Everyone gets what they deserve—-what they earn. You can choose to earn kindness and love or you can choose to earn hatred and low energy. The choice is up to you.
Thursday November 7, 2024
→ The Stang
My favorite card of the entire deck, not just because of the glorious imagery but the message. This card guides you to balance masculine energy with the feminine. Not to deny masculine energy or to replace it with the feminine but to see the two as a pair of equals. You have both masculine and feminine energy and this is true for everyone regardless of your gender identification. There will be times when you need the forceful and confident energy of the masculine and times when you need the soft, intuitive energy of the feminine. Most days and especially today, you need both. The masculine setting the course while the feminine holds the vision of purpose and directs the masculine towards compassion and love. Your advice for today is to embrace both sides. To know that you can be assertive while also being soft, confident while also open to new ideas, and in flow while charting a very clear path for your future. One can’t exist without the other nor does one need to be more in control than the other.
Friday November 8, 2024
→Stardust & Soil
Today’s card speaks of unity. It's an invitation to find common ground with someone who seems vastly different from you. It's a reminder that the entire universe works in balance, always bringing opposing forces together in a perfect harmony. You may not agree with everything someone says or does but that doesn’t mean you can’t find mutual understanding or respect for one another. Especially this week as our political landscape is fiercely charged, this is your chance to extend an olive branch to those who do not share your views. While not always the case, most people lash out because they feel overlooked or that their needs aren’t being met. Taking the time to listen rather than slinging accusations or assuming the worst about someone goes a long way towards a society of peace. Whether you’re facing political turmoil or just arguing with your partner, seek the path of common ground instead of focusing on your differences.
Saturday November 9, 2024
→ Enchanted Unity
In its most core message, this card invites you to spend time with animals and to forge the bond with our feathered and furry friends. In the more abstract sense, this card guides you to have some fun or rather, not to take life so seriously. Laugh as much as you can today. Watch funny videos, play pranks on others, do something silly and enjoy life. There’s plenty to be upset about these days but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your life. Live for those who don’t have the freedoms you do. Imagine someone in a war torn country for example. Do you think they wouldn’t take the chance to celebrate even the smallest thing given the opportunity? Don’t waste the gifts you’ve been given by only focusing on what’s broken in the world. Hug your kids or friends or family. Indulge a little, be a little late or just take a break to relax. Trust me, the problems will still be there when you get back so there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself space to feel as much joy as you can.
Sunday November 10, 2024
→ Found
This is a beautiful energy to pull. It appears when you’re feeling lost and confused about what comes next. Maybe things seem to be falling apart or you aren’t sure how you’ll find a positive solution but this is your sign that you will find your promised land. That you will have clarity, purpose and salvation. You don’t need to know or control the details to know you’ll be ok. Your job is to trust, not to force, not even to seek. Your job is to listen to your spirit and go where it tells you. And most days you won’t understand why you feel compelled to do things. Most days it won’t make sense why you turned left instead of right or why you said hi to that stranger. And you probably won’t know for a while and that’s ok. You don’t need the answer of why to respond to your spirit. If you learn nothing else from your spiritual practice, at least learn how to trust in what you feel. That is the one skill that will truly change your life for the better.