Daily Oracle Pulls: February 10-16

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Some of the more challenging cards for the month are found in this week’s draws. But fortunately, all of these challenges are within your control. Obstacles such as needing to take responsibility for your own actions or inactions, not expecting others to do the heavy lifting for you, and making an effort to take action on things that are meaningful to you are what you can expect. So while this is the easiest week to manage, you are more than capable of meeting each challenge. 

There are some happy cards too, namely Brigid’s Doll which is just about the most positive card in the deck. You actually get this card twice this month so its meaning is especially potent. February in general seems like a great month to start or do something new so if you have something in mind, give it a go and see where it takes you. 

Two reminders. One, I will be announcing the official name for my new tarot membership very soon along with details and how you can get on the waiting list to join. And two, be sure to check out this month’s reading if you haven’t done it already. You can read it here.

Monday February 10, 2025


Snowflakes are a warning that things can change right before your eyes. You may think you have time or that you can get back to something later but you never really know how much time you have. It's a somber thought that you may not get another chance to call someone and tell them you love them or to experience something before it's gone. Life is at once very long and all too short. So today, think about what you’ve put on the backburner for too long. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Make it a point to do something about it today. Even just a small step, a tiny effort can mean the difference between missing out and enjoying something while you still have an opportunity to do so.


Tuesday February 11, 2025


You can trust the people appearing in your life today. This card indicates a deep, long-term relationship with someone who instantly feels like home. Home is wherever you are most loved, supported and understood. If you find yourself in the presence of someone who makes you feel this way then allow yourself to believe in this nascent connection. This card can also represent long-term stability, especially when it comes to finances. Pay attention to the things that make you feel ok, good, uplifted today. These are the things that are attempting to stitch themselves into your spirit. These are the things that are meant for you and are waiting patiently for you to open your heart to what’s right in front of you.


Wednesday February 12, 2025

Brigid’s Doll

There have been some somber cards this month but also really encouraging ones. This one in particular is a pretty happy card. When it appears, it means all good things are happening for you. More money, a promotion, stumbling upon love, an unusual stretch of good luck. It represents one of those times when things just seem to go right for you. You have this card twice this month so you’re especially blessed with good fortune. This card can also indicate a successful endeavor. Things created under its influence are much more likely to reach a positive conclusion especially when you extend gratitude for the fortune coming into your life today.


Thursday February 13, 2025

Arts & Crafts

Here, arts and crafts are a metaphor for doing things yourself instead of expecting others to do it for you. This can manifest in several ways. For one, it can mean not expecting someone to do the heavy lifting like the expecting the universe change everything in an instant. You may be hoping and wishing but then you do nothing to actually get the ball rolling. Another example could be expecting others to give you the answer instead of figuring it out yourself. Or another example still, trying a get rich quick scheme instead of tackling debt one bill at a time. Or provide the convenience for you instead of doing it yourself or making it yourself. There’s a time and a place to delegate but there’s also a need to support yourself in your own endeavors rather than waiting for someone else to hand you the key to your success.


Friday February 14, 2025


This is the yes card of the deck. It appears when you’re validated in your choice. When you’re on the right path and when you have something in mind and the universe is urging you to embrace it. Doesn’t matter if it's about a person, idea, place to live or how you think about yourself. Anything that brings you a sense of peace, comfort, love or happiness is welcome in your life today. Say yes to something meaningful even if you’re scared—-especially if you’re scared. Your willingness to say yes is moving you into a more extended period of peace and joy. You’ve had many cards like this: telling you that you’re finding your sense of home. Trust that the message has repeated several times because it's true. Trust it, claim it, expect it.


Saturday February 15, 2025


Devotional is a call to turn inward. To trust in your own guidance. To listen to what your heart tells you. Many things are happening for you now. A new understanding of who you are is taking shape but you’re not quite there yet. Similar to Bathing Ritual at the beginning of the month, you still have some work to do in this current stage. There’s still some confusion or doubt that you need to work through before you can truly embrace the next leg of your journey. If you like to journal, then make it a point to spend time reflecting or what I call self-prayer. This is your chance to let your heart and soul speak in the safety of pages that are yours and yours alone. As you lay your heart bare, you will find that the answers you seek are within you, waiting for you to get them space to be heard.


Sunday February 16, 2025

Winter Besom

You are being asked to proceed with caution today. Pause before agreeing to anything. Take a moment to consider someone’s intentions before providing them safe passage into your life. Someone may not have the best of intentions for you today and requires you to be watchful for manipulation and deceit. Pay attention to what you’re feeling today. It's fine to engage with people but that doesn’t mean you have to share your life story. Indeed, you don't have to share anything at all if it isn’t comfortable to do so.


Deck used in this week’s reading:
Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle


Daily Oracle Pulls: February 17-23


The Monthly Arcana: February 2025