Daily Oracle Pulls: February 17-23

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Monday’s card: peppermint really hit home for me. You all know that I’ve been working on my new tarot membership but while writing the meaning for peppermint, I realized how much guilt I’d felt for ending one membership to start something new. But, I’m glad to have received this card because as you’ll read below, you’re allowed to change directions. You’re allowed to decide that a season in your life has ended and you need something new. So yes, I’m a little terrified but also excited and looking forward to what comes next. 

Peppermint is probably the most challenging card of the week but we also have Blackberries on Wednesday which brings with it a fair bit of challenge too. Other than that though, this is a pretty bright and encouraging week which promises to bring about some clarity for you. 

If you aren’t on the waiting list for my tarot membership yet then click here to have a look. My new tarot membership launches in just a couple of short weeks and you do not want to miss it. Me and my team have been busy crafting the content for the entire year as the membership will feel like a year long curriculum with each lesson complimenting the previous. And if you have any questions at all, be sure to let me know in the comments.

Monday February 17, 2025


Deep healing and clearing is required of you today. Something in your life has reached an endpoint and it's a little more serious than simply taking a break. You may find yourself in the company of someone who you really don’t like even if they’ve been in your life for a long time or you liked them before. Likewise, you may find yourself doing something that takes a toll on you even if it made your heart sing in the past. You are allowed to change. You’re allowed to stop liking things you once loved, to stop spending time with someone who once brought you joy, and to go in a different direction when what you've done until now stops working. Today is such a turning point when you realize you can’t ignore this for too much longer. Be honest about what you feel, even when it's a tough inner dialogue to have. Much like the flu, you can spread this feeling of misalignment to others involved in your situation when perhaps you can deal with it now before it becomes too much to deal with at all.


Tuesday February 18, 2025


This card is about love in all of its forms but today especially, there is the feeling of self-love. There’s a silent request in this card to truly love yourself. And not just to say the words but to truly look at your image with love and affection. Self-love doesn’t mean “I’ll love myself when…” You don’t need to look a certain way, act a certain or have a certain thing to love yourself with all of your heart. Self-love means self-respect no matter the season of life you’re in or challenges you’ve faced. So the assignment today is to contemplate how much you truly, truly love yourself? Do you love you like you want others to love you? Do you love you like you love others? Don’t be afraid to fall deeply, madly in love with yourself. Be your own white knight, your own fairytale. And while today’s meaning isn’t really about romantic love, know that self-love is usually the first step towards finding intimate love.


Wednesday February 19, 2025


Blackberries is a card of spiritual neglect as well as giving into victim mentality. Often the two go hand in hand for when you are truly focused on your spiritual well-being, it's nearly impossible to feel anything else but empowered to change your situation. Envy, fear, anger, manipulation, sadness and other similar emotions can easily convince you a situation isn’t your fault or that you don’t have any power to decide what comes next. These types of emotions may convince you that anger is just your personality and there’s no more to be done or that you’re justified in hurting others because someone hurt you. Blackberries has presented itself to you to break the cycle of these limiting and possibly destructive habits and beliefs. Its presence means you’re ready to stop keeping yourself small in this way and to start reaching for the light. Examine your thoughts today, taking note of ways you give away your own power. One by one, you’ll pull out those thorns and let the healing take place.


Thursday February 20, 2025


You can trust the people appearing in your life today. This card indicates a deep, long-term relationship with someone who instantly feels like home. Home is wherever you are most loved, supported and understood. If you find yourself in the presence of someone who makes you feel this way then allow yourself to believe in this nascent connection. This card can also represent long-term stability, especially when it comes to finances. Pay attention to the things that make you feel ok, good, uplifted today. These are the things that are attempting to stitch themselves into your spirit. These are the things that are meant for you and are waiting patiently for you to open your heart to what’s right in front of you.


Friday February 21, 2025

Milk Moon Witch

This card represents clarity. Things are becoming illuminated today. You might find the answer to a question that has plagued your mind or you have a deeper understanding of something. Perhaps you didn’t really know what you wanted to do with your life and now, you’ve found the first glimpse of what’s meant for you. Perhaps someone confesses their love for you or it could be something as simple as finding out where your job is going to send you. If you’ve faced a challenging situation such as a legal battle, then receiving this card is a sign that things will work in your favor. You will come out on top or at least, things won’t be as bad as you might have imagined.


Saturday February 22, 2025

Black Bear

Ultimately, this card means you have nothing to fear even if you’ve faced some challenges lately. Yesterday’s card suggested you will come out on top if you’re facing something like a legal battle or some sort of competition and that energy continues here. Yes you may have to defend yourself or put in some effort but you’ll be ok. This card guides you to think of yourself as the top of the food chain. Does it mean other predators won’t come for you from time to time? No, not at all. But it means you’re stronger, smarter, faster and more prepared. You’ve gotten this far because of your strengths and in spite of your weaknesses. Believe in yourself and believe that something or someone has your back. 


Sunday February 23, 2025

Brigid’s Doll

There have been some somber cards this month but also really encouraging ones. This one in particular is a pretty happy card. When it appears, it means all good things are happening for you. More money, a promotion, stumbling upon love, an unusual stretch of good luck. It represents one of those times when things just seem to go right for you. You have this card twice this month so you’re especially blessed with good fortune. This card can also indicate a successful endeavor. Things created under its influence are much more likely to reach a positive conclusion especially when you extend gratitude for the fortune coming into your life today.


Deck used in this week’s reading:
Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle


Daily Oracle Pulls: February 24 - March 2


Daily Oracle Pulls: February 10-16