Daily Oracle Pulls: December 2 - 8
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Happy December my darlings. I was planning on using the Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle for this month's daily pulls but I love the Vintage Christmas Oracle so much. Plus, I’m really feeling the holiday spirit this year. After years of doing little more than watching Hallmark movies, I’m finally taking the time to decorate. I bought Christmas bedding and decor, a Christmas tree and playing Christmas music all day long. The past few winters have been really hard for me but for once, I feel like this is going to be an amazing winter and I can’t wait.
What are you guys doing for the holidays? Any fun travel plans or special rituals and traditions you’d like to share? I always love hearing from you all so don’t be shy, hit reply and let me know what's sparking joy for you this holiday season.
And be sure to check out the collective reading for this month which you can find here.
Monday December 2, 2024
→ Holly
Today is all about choices so be mindful as you move throughout your day. Don’t rush into anything without thinking it through. You very well could make a choice that could change your life in an impactful way. Holly is sometimes associated with moral integrity and when we think of this card from that perspective, the card then represents making choices aligned with your values. Choosing the option that doesn’t force you to compromise who you are or what you believe in is always a good choice. That isn’t to say there won’t be consequences as every choice has pros and cons but at least you won’t give up a piece of yourself. Authenticity is one of the few things you can truly own in this life so be mindful you aren’t giving it away, especially to someone who is willing to compromise you for their personal gain.
Tuesday December 3, 2024
→ Angel
The angels are smiling down on you. This card brings the promise of blessings in your life today. Be on the lookout for little miracles or pockets of joy. Don’t overthink it. A free coffee from your local cafe or an especially warm greeting from your partner before leaving for work counts towards a blessing. This isn’t the kind of miracle that will come in the form of winning the lottery. This is on a much smaller scale; something that brings joy and light to the heart. We tend to miss out on these blessings by pursuing the big house, a million dollars, the fancy car or big job. We’re so focused on getting the big stuff that we forget happiness is found in the everyday little things. The things we take with us day in and day out. Oh and don’t forget to say ‘thank you.’ Express gratitude for anything that makes you smile today and then at the end of the night, reflect what kind of day you’ve had. I bet it's probably a good one.
Wednesday December 4, 2024
→ Bell
Just like yesterday, this card brings good news. Don’t be surprised to receive a letter or message that makes the world feel better today. This is a little bit bigger than the blessings of yesterday. It could be confirmation of a promotion, news that a family member is coming home for the holidays, or a letter confirming you’ve won something like a lottery ticket yes but also something you’ve been fighting against. Now take a deep breath because the word “messages” always bring to mind bad omens but this card isn’t that. You can expect whatever news you receive to be happy, even if it isn’t immediately about you. And don’t be afraid to send good news to someone else. If you have something exciting to say or share then go for it. Give a stranger a compliment or go out of your way to let someone know you care.
Thursday December 5, 2024
→ Gift
The cards really seem to be building upon each other this week. Yesterday, I left you with the suggestion to give good news to others. This card expands upon this idea, asking you to give gifts to others. A gift could be just the same as a compliment as I mentioned yesterday but if you have the means to go a step further than do it! Spirit is watching and loves to see people spreading love and light. Be generous today whether that’s with your resources, time or kind words. Go out of your way to give something meaningful to someone else. You might start a chain reaction of joy being spread to thousands of people. You may not know where your kindness ends up but you do know that you have contributed to bringing light into a sometimes dark world. And you will be rewarded for that in due course.
Friday December 6, 2024
→Building blocks
The assignment for today is to do something creative. You need a spark of fresh energy. Maybe this is the year you’ll finally try to make a gingerbread house or maybe you’ll go all out with wrapping gifts. Perhaps you’ll finally write the first chapter of a book or structure the oracle deck idea you’ve had in your mind for ages. It doesn’t really matter what it is just as long as you do something. You don’t have to be an expert or know every little detail to get started. This card is called ‘building blocks’ which means things will take time. You build a house by putting up one piece after another. You write a symphony one note at a time. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to make things perfect when the only path to perfection is going through the ups and downs. Get started on something today and let this journey take you wherever it needs to go. Remember that you don’t need to know the final destination or even the next step to take the first step.
Saturday December 7, 2024
→ Dove
The presence of this card suggests today might be a challenging day. Not necessarily anything that is going to feel destructive but one that will test your patience and requires you to find inner peace among the storm. I’ve said this many times and I will say it many times more: peace isn’t the absence of problems, rather it's knowing you’ll be ok despite your challenges. You’ll always have some kind of obstacle in life so trying to rid yourself of issues is a fool’s errand. Trying to protect yourself from bad things will only lead to disappointment. Instead, learn how to calm your mind. Learn how to slow down, take a deep breath and say “ok, how do I deal with this?” It's so much easier to immediately go to defeating language like “I can’t deal with this. Why do these things always happen to me? I’m just unlucky.” And that’s the kind of language that keeps you stuck in “I can’t” instead of “how can I?” So let today be the day you commit to your journey of finding inner peace.
Sunday December 8, 2024
→ Heart
The heart card brings a chance for a romantic encounter today. If you’re single, pay close attention to any new people you might meet. And even better, go out of your way to be friendly. Smile at strangers or spark up a conversation with that cute person at brunch. Allow your energy to be open to finding love and love might just find you. If you’re in a relationship, don’t be surprised if your partner is a little more sweet than usual today. Or maybe it's your turn to be sweet. Do something to show them your love and maybe that little act of kindness will turn into a romantic evening or a night of passion.
Deck used in this week’s reading:
Vintage Christmas Oracle