The Energy of November tarot reading

The Energy of November tarot reading

Guiding light deck: The Herbal Astrology Oracle

Other cards: Pythia Botanica Oracle

Period: November 2022

See what the cards say you can expect for the month of November, what goal to chase and how to get there. 

Guiding light: what is your spiritual goal for the month?

Coca (foresight)

Let what is building in your uncurl. You have or will be presented with a gift that feels like coming home. It brings about the feeling of having done this before even if you have little or no experience. It's the sort of gift that feels like something has fallen into place, or perhaps you have begun your journey on the road called destiny. Don’t be afraid to let yourself become something entirely different from who you are today. Embrace new callings when they come, acknowledging the nudge your’re feelings as a sign to move into a new direction. There is nothing wrong with wanting something different, changing your mind, or embracing a new idea. Every advancement in human history, every evolution came as the result of letting go of one thing and embracing something new. To change is to grow beyond the boundaries of where you’ve been. 

Let new adventures be your guiding light for this month and how appropriate for November. Scorpio is the sign of letting go and transforming, ushering us into Sagittarius, the sign of adventure. This evolution of the zodiac teaches us that where there is death, there is also a new beginning and a space to fill with new ideas, higher levels of consciousness, and illumination. If you have dreamed of a goal, let it be a vision of what’s to come rather than a passing thought. 

Month ahead: what you need to know most for the month of November. 

Page of Swords

The page of swords is a good omen, prompting you to put your plans into place. If you have thought about a new idea or adventure, receiving this card is confirmation that now is the time to strike. Usually, the guidance is to hold back information about a nascent idea but not with this card. The page of swords guides you to be vocal about your idea or project as swords rules communication. Consider opening a social media page to spread your message or perhaps a website. You don’t have to share it with people you know but talking about it openly and honestly will invigorate you as well as hold you accountable for taking action. However, this card does come with a sharp side and warns you of the dangers of sharing information in search of superiority or dominance. Things do not need to be a competition unless you make them that way. Share what you’re excited about, paying no mind to anyone else’s negative opinions if there are any. At the same time, share what you’re passionate about, not to one up someone but because you’re excited to feel your soul aligning with your physical life. 

Challenge: what is your biggest obstacle this month? 

Nine of Cups

This card represents extreme happiness but as an obstacle, it could mean learning to be happy with what you have. Happiness is not something you find, it's something you embrace. Lack of money, love or purpose does not have to prevent you from experiencing joy. Would it be easier, probably? But you can experience happiness with or without the external validations us humans often seek. Just the other day, a friend asked me what are some things I’ve done that makes me happy. Well taking morning walks and seeing butterflies or an unusual bird always makes me smile and it didn’t cost a dime. Getting a call from a friend who always makes me laugh brings me joy which is also free. Coming up with an amazing product idea makes me artistic and makes me happy and still, it costs nothing. So where I’m going with this is that extreme happiness is already available to you if you stop focusing on what you’re lacking. 

Blessing: something to look forward to. 

The Hanged Man

This card represents a period of pause, indecision, and maybe even confusion. It's the unknown spaces of transition when everything is up in the air. The same friend I mentioned before recently challenged me to get comfortable in not knowing. Having that blank space gives me a wide open area to fill it with whatever I choose. That’s the gift of the Hanged Man. At first, it seems like a sacrifice for him to stop completely, hang upside down and see things from a new perspective. But soon, he realizes it's no sacrifice at all and actually, it helps him to see something he’s missed in the hustle and bustle of going too fast. Let receiving this card serve as your sign to take a vacation, actually leave work on time, or to try something different with no goal in mind other than to see things in a new light. It may feel like a waste of time at first but with this card, nothing is wasted or done in vain. 

Action: what you can do to facilitate your goals. 

Four of Cups

The four of cups is a prompt to evaluate your life circumstances and to take responsibility for your role in where you are. This card appears when you’re stuck in a rut and need to break the cycle of self-destruction, self-pity, or even laziness. You already know what you need to do. Maybe that’s putting some effort into how you dress or maybe it's saying affirmations in the morning. Maybe you need to clean up your space or maybe you need to exercise. It's funny how the phrase is “stuck in a rut” but really, you aren’t stuck at all, you’re choosing to stay there and you can just as easily choose something else. Will it take effort? Yes, of course but nothing is stopping you but you. This card guides you to do something, anything to get your energy moving again. You won’t regret it. 


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