Pretty Powerful Things

1.Happy Father’s Day

To all the dads out there, no matter what your family looks like, have a wonderful Happy Father’s Day! I hope you’re spending it with all of the people who love and appreciate you. 

Sun God from Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle

Download this image and Instagram story version to share on social media.

2.Traveling to St. Thomas and St. Maarten

Hello all. I am officially back from traveling. My brother and his family live pretty far from home so I don’t get to see him very often. In fact, I haven’t seen them in person in over five years so it was so wonderful getting to spend some time with them. My parents also came along for the ride and that was an adventure to say the least. I travel with my mom all the time but my dad rarely, if ever will participate in traveling. But it was in celebration of my nephew’s high school graduation which finally gave him a reason to come along.

We are a cruising family. My mom’s side of the family started doing family reunions on cruises when I was a kid and we’ve regularly cruised ever since. We were on Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Seas, sailing to Perfect Day at Cococay, Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas and Philipsburg St. Maarten. 

Are any of you cruisers or interested in this kind of travel? I have like a million tips and at one point, thought about starting a cruise vlog. Comment below. I’d love to know if this is something you’re interested in. 

In the meantime, I am writing out all of the travel content I collected for the Pretty Rituals Membership. I’m sharing my tips for maintaining your spiritual practice while away so stay tuned if you’re a member. And here are a few photos from the trip. I wish we had more but none of us are great with taking photos of ourselves, especially me.

3. Spiritual Lesson While Traveling

The one thing I have learned when traveling is that it becomes a portal for any unresolved emotional, spiritual and somethings physical issues. I always enjoy traveling but there is always at least one thing that bubbles up while I’m away. 

Its easy to ignore things when you’re on autopilot in your daily life but step outside of that, and your soul sees it as an opportunity to dial things up. You’re already getting a change of scenery, why not a change of perspective too?

But also, traveling is stressful which puts everyone on edge. Your capacity to deal with things depletes when stressed so just know, this is perfectly normal. 

So when traveling, do your best to prepare for some strong emotions to come up and to be triggered by things you can deal with under normal circumstances. Take extra steps to keep your energy clear and if possible, take a walk to calm down when emotions are running high. 

Traveling can be a wonderful time to clear out old baggage if you allow yourself the time and space to deal with it and leave it all behind. 

4. Basic Spray Instructions

Sprays are one of my favorite things to make. They also happen to be the easiest thing to make and are super simple to customize. In this week’s blog post, I share an easy base recipe which you can adapt to fit your spiritual needs. 

Check out the post here

5. This Week’s Questions

I am going to try to answer as many of these as I can each week so be sure to submit your questions every Wednesday and Thursday on Instagram!

“What is your sun sign and rising sign?”

Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Rising

“Any chance of being near Burlington NC anytime this year?”

I don’t have any plans to but I love to travel and NC and SC are on my bucket list of places to visit. If there are any shops in or near town that are interested in having me come and do an event, please feel free to give them my contact information ( and let’s see if we can get something going. 

“Do you work with passed loved ones?”

Sorry, no I do not. I’ve been told I will at some point but I don’t really have the desire to do so if I’m honest. I think there is still a lot more protection work for me to do before I can ever begin to entertain this. But I will let you guys know if this ever changes. 

“Feeling overwhelmed starting my practice. Tips? Books? Recs? Loving my Beltane deck”

I am so glad for this question because I feel like it's something that doesn’t get talked about a lot. I sort of started teaching about how to start a practice but didn’t believe in myself to deliver the answer at the time. But now, I really think this is something that’s needed and I’m getting more and more questions like this everyday. 

I am not personally aware of any specific books for starting a spiritual practice. Doesn’t mean there aren’t any, it just means 1) I haven’t seen one and 2) perhaps I should write one. 

But in terms of tips, I think it's really important to figure out what you hope to gain by having a practice because that’s going to direct what things to incorporate. Do you want to get to know yourself better, develop self-love or care, find purpose in life, manifest your desires, heal traumas and baggage? 

It may be a few things and that’s ok too. But knowing what you want, having that awareness, I believe is going to save you a lot of time and overwhelm. Then you can say, ok I know I want to get to know myself better. So maybe practices like astrology and numerology are for you. Things where you can understand your natural personality on a deeper level. Or you might want to consider reflective work like journaling, meditation, and pulling oracle cards. 

But maybe you want to have more self-care and heal your body. So herbalism might be better suited for you or only focusing on ritual baths or kitchen witchery. 

At the end of the day, you don’t have to do everything. You can start small and if you feel like you want to add more later, then do that. But at the beginning, focus on fulfilling your immediate needs and desires. 

Also, limit yourself to the tools that really speak to you. Less is more. Sometimes one deck can get you through years of practice. Or one candle or herb or crystal is what your soul needs for right now. Don’t feel pressured to buy a ton of stuff you may not even use. Remember, Spiritual Consumerism IS Consumerism. 

“What are you most excited about that’s coming up this year?”

I have a project in the works. It's a collaboration with an online magick store where I’m going to be hosting something. We’re still working out the details but we are very, very close to launching. It's really pushing me out of my comfort zone and forcing me to take ownership of how I want to be seen in the world. I’m terrified but also really excited to see where this goes. It's starting small but there are HUGE plans. And honestly, it could push me in a whole new direction. 

“Are you planning on making all 8 sabbats for the Seasons of the Witch??”

100%. There will be eight decks, one for each sabbat. We are at the tail end of finishing up deck #6 and are about half way through deck #7. I can’t wait to announce what’s coming next. 

“After Imbolc, which one comes next?”

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately and I am sooooo eager to share the answer with you but I’m not cleared by my publisher yet to do so. BUT, I’ve decided to share a sneak peak of one card down below. Can you guess which is next?

6.Seasons of the Witch: Sneak Peak

Here is one singular card from the next deck after SOTW Imbolc. I’m so curious to know which ones you guys think it is. Comment below. I’m going to add anyone who gets it right to a special email list to receive an exclusive SOTW Imbolc bonus that I will send out once I get the go ahead to release the name of the next deck. 

7. Favorite Tool of the Moment: Ocean Dreams Oracle

I wanted this deck to travel with because I knew I would be spending a lot of time on the ocean and I really wanted to connect with that energy. I love all of Danielle Noel’s work but this one really felt like it brought the theme to life. First of all, I learned a lot about ocean mythology from the guidebook. Learning and discovering things is like my all time favorite thing to do so anytime I find something that also teaches me something, I am an instant sucker. 

Plus, the artwork is so stunning. Looking at the card below, the ocean seems to jump right off of it. The packaging is stunning as always and the sides of the cards are a beautiful turquoise blue. Here are a few photos that I took during my trip but let me know if you guys want to see a full review. 

8. Summer Collection

My new summer collection officially launches on June 19th, 2023 but I’m super excited to share it. I am really feeling the sea witch vibes right now and this photoshoot was one of my favorites of all times. The collection includes:

  • Seahorse for power, authority and male energies

  • Sea Siren for attraction, beauty and feminine energies

  • Mother of Pearl for calm, peace, and home harmony (I was only able to get a limited number of these 16 oz jars so this one is a limited edition for this summer only. Once its gone, its gone for good)

Which one are you most looking forward to?


How To Be Self-Centered This Summer


Basic Spray Recipe to customize for your own intentions