How To Be Self-Centered This Summer

July 3rd is this year’s full moon in Capricorn, one of the best signs for focusing on achieving your goals. The full moon brings the power of illumination and awareness, facilitating the need to find more clarity when it comes to what’s needed to strive towards your desires. 

Each moon can be a portal to spiritual and ritual evolution. For this full moon portal, I have outlined six ways you can focus more on yourself, eliminating distractions that are taking you further away from your dreams.

Being SELF-centered ultimately means focusing on your goals and your needs. You are the center of your personal universe. Everything in your life either contributes to your happiness, success and well-being or it takes away from it. The great thing is that you get to decide what stays and what goes. But that requires at least some time, focusing on yourself and making a decision to support your needs. 

Imagine if you had more time, money, and joy to give to the people in your life. Being more successful could mean a better life for your family or the ability to take care of loved ones in need. Being happier could mean time spent with loved ones is fun rather than being consumed with stress and anxieties. Being healthier could mean more participation with others and the energy to do the things you love. 

Yes, it will require some temporary sacrifices but isn’t it worth it if the rewards are far better than what you have now? 

Being SELF-centered is about investing in YOU. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup so don’t. Fill your own cup and you will have plenty to go around. Here are six ways you can be more SELF-centered this summer and overhaul your life. 

Self-awareness : Reflect on what is and what isn’t making you happy

Take a few days to think about your life from top to bottom. What and who is contributing to your happiness? What and who is sucking up your time, energy, resources and joy? Taking time to reflect upon your life arms you with the information needed to make healthier choices that align with your desires and needs. Identifying something that doesn’t bring you joy doesn’t necessarily mean you have to eliminate it, but it does empower you to consider how your life might look without it or them. Likewise, knowing what brings you joy, allows you to prioritize these things. You may find that focusing more on the good in your life, naturally diminishes whatever isn’t working, bringing things more into balance. 

Self-discovery: Review and Clarify Goals

Doing a life overhaul takes a lot of clarity. Be sure you know what you want to achieve before taking any steps to make dramatic changes. But keep in mind, goals are not supposed to be things you’ve already accomplished. To set a goal means you are attempting to do something new, different, and challenging. Don’t be afraid to reach higher. Don’t be afraid to imagine who you can be in the next several years.

At the same time, don’t reach so high that it becomes unattainable. Most people have many, many goals they’d like to accomplish over a lifetime. Keep a running list and review it often, ideally daily, to prioritize things from easiest to hardest. This will be your guide, outlining which steps to take next. 

Self- support: Setting Firm Boundaries

Boundaries are so important, no matter how much you love your life. It's especially important to have boundaries when you are trying to overhaul your life. Firm boundaries establish rules, letting people know which lines cannot be crossed. Making significant changes means people are getting to know a newer version of you. It might take some time for them to understand these changes and to realize, you have evolved and they must now learn to accept you as who you are today, not who you were. 

It's your job to establish boundaries and to reinforce them. This is how you support yourself in achieving the goals you have outlined for your life moving forward. Establish times when you are unavailable, ways someone shouldn’t speak to you, activities like gossip you will not engage in, or or events you don’t wish to be a part of. And be FIRM. With time and consistency, people will learn your rules and either fall in line or fall away. 

Self-validation: The importance of Belief

Believing you are worthy, both of your goals and respect is critical for a major life overhaul. There are too many people, trying to manifest, without taking the proper steps to establish their sense of worth and self-validation. Believing in yourself and your abilities is half the battle. But not only that, it becomes a lot harder for people to break you down when you have faith in yourself. Knowing you are capable arms you with the ability to brush off unwarranted criticism and doubt. 

Self-care: Know when it's time to take a break

Your mind and body need rest and nutrition. Having big goals and ambition is great but your body is the only one you get. You can’t trade it in when things start to work a little wonky. Taking care of yourself should be the first priority when it comes to overhauling your life. You can’t do all the things if you’re too tired or weak to make it through the day. You can’t find clarity with brain fog and confusion. You can’t step up and be a leader if you can’t direct your own life. 

Make time, even if it's just a little to support and nourish your self-care. Take breaks when you’re just pushing paper, stop and eat a proper meal, drink water and move your body. All of these things contribute to better focus, stimulate ideas, and provide the energy needed when you do have those long nights and challenging days. 

Self-mastery: Time to get focused

Focusing on yourself isn’t selfish. It is not your responsibility to fix anyone nor do you have any obligation to live your life like anyone else. But when you spend time comparing yourself, worrying about what others are doing, and claiming ownership of other people’s thoughts and opinions, you are distracting yourself from achieving the kind of life your soul is asking for. If you spent half of the time showing up for yourself the way you do for others, your life could look radically different in 6 months. Get clear, get focused, get motivated, and watch your life transform. 

These steps are also wonderful during the new moon in Capricorn and Capricorn season.

What are some of your goals this summer? Claim this desire by declaring it in the comments.


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