Eight Pretty Powerful Things

Hello Darling, 

We are right on the heels of May at time of writing this and I can’t believe so much of 2023 has gone by already. It feels like NYE was last night not five months ago. But I’m excited to welcome a new month, mostly because I have so much amazing content coming out soon. I’ve been doing a lot of work BTS, building up content to share.

I’ve also been writing the 7th installment of the Seasons of the Witch oracle deck series and at the same time, working with Tijana on the artwork for the 6th installment. I hope to share more details about it soon but if you’re a Pretty Rituals member, you’ll be the first to know.

Also a reminder for those of you in LA, to come by Recircle Home if you have time April 30th. I will be signing my book, The Witch’s Apothecary and my deck, Seasons of the Witch: Beltane and I have a preview copy of the Seasons of the Witch: Mabon oracle to play with. Plus, there will be other amazing vendors there to celebrate Beltane.

That’s it from me for now. I’m still putting the finishing touches on the my new candles so I got run but I would love to know if you’re enjoying the Pretty Powerful things series. Let me know in the comments below. 



1.Blessed Beltane and Beltane potions

Blessed Beltane all! 

Whether you are celebrating tonight, tomorrow, or following the exact timing, may this Beltane bring you lots of joy, fiery energy, and awaken yourself for the summer months ahead. Don’t forget to pull out your Seasons of the Witch: Beltane to pull cards tonight while the veil is at its thinnest point. Samhain is often thought to be the best night of the year for divination but Beltane is Samhain’s counterpart and the two work as two sides of the same coin. So Beltane has the same potential for clear, direct spiritual guidance. 

 And if you have time, check out these potions in the Pretty Rituals member portal to make for your Beltane celebrations:

Luna Rose Oil and Spray

Unlimited Spray

Grounding Incense

Sacred body and ritual oil

Crystal bath bar

Intention Plant Based Paints DIY

Spring Simmer Pot

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2.Spiritual lessons I Learned This Week

My sister: “When was the last time you cleared your chakras?”

Me: “Shit, I have no idea.”

My Sister: “girl, it's time for a reset.”

Me: “You are absolutely right!”

That was a conversation I had with my sister this past tuesday. Fortunately, my sister is also into all things witchy and natural so we talk about these things often. She’s an RN so she tends to know more of the medicinal side of things than me so I asked her advice about Ayurveda because that’s really her thing. And as you can tell from our conversation, I haven’t put much energy into my chakras in a long time. 

I used to put a ton of energy into maintaining my chakras but like many things, that took the backseat in recent years. 

But in talking to her, it made me realize I’ve spent a lot of time working on resetting myself spiritually but haven’t put enough energy into my body. Here’s why this matters. 

Think of the relationship between your soul and your body like the relationship between you and your house or your car. You take care of your house so that you have someplace safe and warm to shelter you. You take care of your car so that it gets you from point A to point B in the safest way possible. 

So likewise, you take care of your body so that your soul has a safe and healthy vehicle to experience humanity. Your soul needs your body to enjoy a physical existence but when your body is in poor health, you don’t have the energy or motivation to show up for your passions. 

Now this has nothing to do with weight or looking a certain way but if your energy is low or you’re finding yourself with brain fog then it might be time to focus more on your physical self-care rather than your spiritual care. Some great ways to support your physical evolution are:

  • Drinking more water. You might be dehydrated if your mouth or throat is dry, you have trouble going #2, you have dry hair, skin and nails, or you have muscle aches. Try drinking more water to see if these things improve. You’ll be surprised to know how many of us are experiencing dehydration. 

  • Start taking a multivitamin. Sure, it's ideal to get your vitamins from foods but it isn’t always practical to eat 3 cups of vegetables a day. Getting some vitamins, regardless of the source, is better than nothing. 

  • Start taking tinctures or adaptogens. These are easy ways to get herbal wellness into your life. Just be mindful that you should take breaks with tinctures and adaptogens. For example, take a holy basil tincture for a month then take a month off. You can switch to another tincture but don’t take the same one for too long. 

  • Move your body. Little stretches throughout the day help a lot. Exercise is ideal but going from couch potato to running a 5k or even doing an hour long workout is a recipe for quitting. Start small and work your way up. Try things like doing 5 squats, one round of bicep curls, or just walking for 10 minutes then build up a little at a time. Maybe you’ll add a rep a day, or walk an extra minute, you'll add another stretch. The point is, you won’t exhaust yourself which means, you’ll have the stamina to keep going and will slowly build up your energy overtime. 

Shifting Towards Self-worth & Empowerment

You have seen me talking more about self-worth and empowerment this past week and that’s because I had a huge breakthrough the other day, after talking to my life coach. Just for context, she was my therapist but she said I graduated from therapy and now she serves as a life coach with therapy when I need it. 

She asked me what I wanted to give to the world and at first I said beauty and inspiration which is true but after speaking with her more, I realized those are vehicles not the actual destination. She asked me what I’m most passionate about right now and I said developing my self-worth and empowering myself. And in that moment, I have an AH HA moment. 

I realized that’s exactly what I want to do. I want self-worth and empowerment for myself and I want it for other people. Now here’s the lesson, pay attention to what you’re most passionate about today. Consider what your passions might be trying to tell you. 

And don’t discount it just because it's unusual or seems silly. In fact, unusual is even better because that means that if you decide to make it a career, you’ll stand out. 

I would say 60% of spiritual well-being is mindfulness. First you become aware, then you become curious, and then you use that curiosity to facilitate growth. What you’re highly invested in, isn’t an accident, its information. 

3.Seasons of the Witch: Mabon oracle

Seasons of the Witch: Mabon oracle is the newest edition to the SOTW family and is already a #1 new release.

I’ll be sharing more photos of the deck in the coming weeks but for now, check out some of these previews. 

You can pre-order Seasons of the Witch: Mabon which officially releases July 1st. So you’ll have plenty of time to work with it leading up to Mabon. 

4.Two #1 releases and bonuses

ICYMI, I have two #1 titles right now: Seasons of the Witch: Mabon oracle and the Witch’s Apothecary. As a content creator and author, your support means so much to me. Far more than you could ever know. I don’t pretend that I’m not blessed to be a writer. Some people go their entire career, hoping to get a book or deck deal and to have so many is something I do not take lightly. 

I have an amazing job and I love creating content. Everytime I get a best-seller or a #1 release, it allows me to be able to do more of what I love; creating content and inspiration for YOU! 

And if you purchase the Witch’s Apothecary and leave a review, please send a screenshot to hello@spiritelement.co to receive three bonuses including a bonus Chapter that was left out of the print version. 

And you can pre-order Seasons of the Witch: Mabon which officially releases July 1st. So you’ll have plenty of time to work with it leading up to Mabon.

Seasons of the Witch: Mabon oracle with The Witch’s Apothecary

5.Favorite questions of the week

Any tips for baby witches who’d like to talk to passed loved ones?

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately! Many people asked about this last week and even before then, I was getting it from people in all different kinds of places. I even had a woman who interviewed me from a magazine, who isn’t even into magic, ask me about connecting with ancestors. 

So I’ve decided to write a ritual about it which I will be sharing for free, no membership required. So stay tuned. 

Will you do Litha next year? (Please do!)

Litha is coming. All of the sabbats are coming so there will be a total of eight decks plus the tarot deck by the time we are done. Mabon and Imbolc come out this year and we have two coming out next year, possibly all three. Pretty Rituals Members know which deck is coming next before anyone else so if you’re a member, check the member portal under “Cards & Cosmos” to see exclusive sneak peaks. 

Do you have a youtube channel?

No but I have thought about it many, many times over the years. If this is something you’re interested in, please do me a favor and let me know what kind of content you’d like to see. I’d love to get your opinion before getting started. 

6.Spring Candles

I can finally release my new line of candles. I really wanted to make something that represents the brand’s direction and to start crafting tools that go beyond just spellcraft. Rituals aren’t just for magical workings and a mundane life can be magical with the right awareness and understanding of yourself and your worth. 

Not only that but having a consistent practice DOES NOT mean you have to do something dramatic everyday. Being consistent just means showing up, whether that’s in a big way or small. If all you can do today is light a candle for yourself, to catch the fragrance when you walk by then that is ok. You still did something for yourself.

Tomorrow showing up for yourself could be drinking more water, and the next day could be taking a bath. Or it could be remembering to say one affirmation or making time to do a full on ritual. 

It isn’t about how much you, it's just about remembering to give yourself at least a moment, to remember you matter. 

I would be honored if one of my candles can find themselves in your home, as a part of your self-care practice. I’m releasing three candles this spring:

Pretty Rituals signature candle 

Because a pretty ritual deserves a pretty candle to gently fragrance the background of your next Self-care Sunday, Me-Time Monday or Friday night in. 

Moon Milk signature candle

A warm, soothing candle to set the tone for your evening rituals. 

Butterfly animal energy ritual candle

For welcoming the spirit of transformation, elegance, and learning to spread your wings to fly. 

Available May 1st.

7.May Rituals & Potions

A new month means brand new potions and rituals. The first for the month is the Pretty Peaceful Evening Ritual which snowballed from being a moon milk that I made to compliment my brand new Moon Milk into a full blown ritual that I have been enjoying these past couple of weeks. 

I always have an evening ritual of some kind but I need to change things up every now and again because I have nightmares if I do the same evening ritual for too long – don’t ask. LOL!

And I really enjoy the moon milk recipe that I created so I kept going and found this whole thing to be just what I needed. I suffered from insomnia for years and then it went away when I got really deep into spirituality but came back at the end of last year. I have been trying to figure out something ever since and this is what’s working so far. 

So in honor of my new candle, Moon Milk and finally getting some peaceful rest, I’ve decided to make the Moon Milk Recipe of the ritual free for everyone. The ritual and the remaining potions can be found in the Pretty Rituals member portal first thing tomorrow. 

And if you’re a PR member, stay tuned for four more rituals and their matching potions, plus bonus recipes and so much more. 

Get the Tulsi Chamomile Moon Milk Recipe here.

Tulsi Chamomile Moon Milk

8.Ingredient spotlight: Opoponax

As I mentioned before, I’ve been getting a ton of questions about ways to deal with death and people who have passed on and while I have some rituals I’d like to share in the next month, I thought I would share a quick and simple ingredient to use this week. 

Opoponax is the cousin to myrrh and has a similar aroma. Is available in resin and essential oil form and is used in divination to make contact with spirits. However, I should warn you that this is a powerful energy. It's great for contacting the other side but it also has a way of triggering huge spiritual growth. In fact, I see opoponax as the equivalent to the Tower tarot card, so just keep that in mind. 

Opoponax is also really great for:

  • Banishing hexes and curses

  • Protection during spellwork

  • Clearing spiritual blocks

  • Confronting challenging problems

  • Long term growth and abundance

  • Restoring balance

  • Grieving the loss of a loved one

Don’t forget to comment below and let me know if you like these articles and what type of content you’d like to see.

Blessed Beltane!


The God & Goddess partner perfume rollers


Tulsi Chamomile Moon Milk