Practical Magic Inner Witch Tarot
Created By: Ground By The Moon
Publisher: independently published
Number of cards: 78 + sabbat and spread cards
Card size: 4.75 x 2.75 in
Box size: 5.25 x 3.25 x 2.5
Guidebook pages: unnumbered
Purchased or gifted?: gifted by author
Absolute favorite card: Book of Shadows
Other favorites: sabbat cards, Temptations, Cycles, The Emperor, Temperance, The Fool, Teacher of Water
Notable detail: Spreads printed on cards, black edges, sabbat cards
Season: Winter
Sabbat: Samhain
Sign: Scorpio
Tarot Deck compliment: Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle
First Impressions
This deck arrived with its companion, Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle and it is pretty much the same experience. They are very consistent and obviously made to work as a pair. And of course, what I liked about Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle transferred over to this one. I’m going to keep this one more on the short side just because so much of what makes this one lovely are things I’ve already covered in the oracle so be sure to check out that review here as well.
The Packaging
The packaging for one is just as good as the oracle, especially the rich black printing. Black isn’t an easy color to print and can look really harsh or pretty dull, almost like a charcoal grey. These cards are matte which helps a lot for all cards but especially for black.
This box is just as nice as the oracle and features very similar details. Full printing on the top, bottom and insides of the box plus gold foil and a ribbon to lift out the cards and guidebook. The box is sturdy with a book fold and magnetic closure. And the star of the show, just like with the oracle deck is the back sides. I really love them and I find them to be so unique.
These are very easy to shuffle. 78 cards is a lot to hold in your hand and often bonus cards make it nearly impossible to get a good shuffle but these do not have that problem at all. They shuffle really well, straight out of the box.
You will also find a selection of cards with spreads on them. I still really love this idea and at first I was taking them out to use the deck but then I decided to leave them in and use them as oracle cards. They don’t have a meaning in the guidebook but if I pull one, I take that as a sign to use the spread to go deeper than I was planning on doing.
That’s what’s so great about a lot of newer cards. Creators are adding in some amazing details and although brilliant, it's impossible for one person to think of every way you can use a deck. I get so many ideas from fans of my decks that I would’ve never thought of. Perhaps the author didn’t intend for the spreads to be used as cards but I love that idea and now suddenly, the function of the cards has expanded.
The Guidebook
The guidebook has a lot of information. Each card has a list of keywords and of course the meanings but the major arcana cards have symbols, a corresponding zodiac sign, plant and element. There's information on numerology as it relates to tarot, elements, astrology, crystal suggestions and how to use the cards including how to give a reading.
The Artwork
The artwork is also very similar to the oracle but I don’t think the connection to Practical Magic is quite as obvious. There were some things that were very clearly taken from Practical Magic if you’re familiar with the movie. But here, the symbolism is much more true to the Rider-Waite style tarot. However, the style is the same so I think they still go together very well.
“If this is your first deck, I’m honored & hope you connect to it.”
My favorite card is called Book of Shadows which has replaced the Hierophant and I kind of love that. For one, I resonate with the Hierophant card more than I care to admit and I do think a book of shadows can act as a sort of guidebook which is ultimately what the Hierophant is. That card represents tradition, an established order, and following a set of rules. In the extreme, this energy manifests in strict religions, cults, demanding organizations or an authoritarian like boss. On the softer end, this card can mean learning from people who have done the heavy lifting, creating systems out of trial and error, or figuring out a way to replicate a challenging task. And the latter is what I think a book of shadows is really about. Either something that was passed on to you that you can learn from or your sacred space to work out the kinks. I found this card to be very thoughtful and an interesting perspective I hadn't thought of at all.
One of my favorite details of this deck are the sabbat cards. Obviously the sabbats are very near and dear to me. If you don’t know why, check my oracle deck series: Seasons of the Witch. I love seeing them included here. I think it's such a good idea to have them in a deck and wouldn’t it be amazing if you were using Seasons of the Witch: Litha Oracle with this tarot and pulled the Litha card? Magical.
Season, Sign and Sabbat
Like the oracle, I had to make the sabbat Samhain and the sign Scorpio. So I’ve included what I said in the oracle: I mean those are the witchy seasons and this is definitely a witchy deck. The black also kind of just screams Samhain. I went with winter for the season. Technically Samhain is the start of winter so that also makes sense. The cards are so dark so it felt appropriate. However, I kind of wanted it to be summer as I believe that is the time of year Practical Magic took place. Anyone know for sure? Let me know. I don’t mind black in the summer.
Who is this deck for?
Did you hear that a second Practical Magic is on the way? Well, I think you absolutely should get this deck and the oracle to go along with the movie right? If for no other reason than throwing a really cool party! Note that it’s sold out right now but I spoke to the creator and he’s in the midst of a second edition, hopefully in just a couple of weeks.
Tarot Deck Companion
The obvious answer is the Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle. They are truly meant to work together and I think if you get one, you must get them both.
Thanks for reading all the way through. If you found this review to be helpful, informative or entertaining in any way, please be sure to leave a comment down below. It really helps me know what you’re enjoying so that I can provide more content based on what you love. In the meantime, please enjoy a variety of photos from this deck.
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