Eight Pretty Powerful Things 4/23/23

Hello Darling, 

I hope you’ve had an amazing week. There’s a lot of stressful astrological events happening all at once right now so don’t worry if your week had some hiccups. A lot of people are experiencing some challenges so don’t take it personally even if it feels like a personal attack. Whatever you’re going through is meant to teach, direct or heal something for you so stay open minded to what your challenges could mean. 

This past week, I have been a bit busy doing interviews and writing articles for publications in the UK for my book. If you’re reading from outside the US, my book, the Witch’s Apothecary comes out May 17th so sit tight. You’ll be getting your copy soon. And in case you missed it on Instagram, I am giving away three bonus guides for anyone who leaves a review of the book and emails a screenshot to hello@spiritelement.co. The first bonus is already going out and you’ll automatically get the next two as well once they are available. 

That’s it from me for now but I would love to know if you’re enjoying the Pretty Powerful things series. Let me know in the comments below. 



1.Are you in Los Angeles? 

Join me at Recircle Home in Long Beach California for their wonderful Beltane Night Market on April 30th, 2023 from 6-9 pm. I will be there signing copies of my book The Witch’s Apothecary as well as Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle. 

In addition to book signing, you can purchase candles from my brand new collection which includes Butterfly animal energy candle, Pretty Rituals candle, and Moon Milk candle. Plus, a fun surprise that I will be sharing during the market. It's something I’ve been working towards since I was a little girl and I’m eager to see how it turns out. 

And if you’re not in the area, I am signing extra copies to purchase online. 

Check out Recircle Home’s night market here.

2.Mercury Retrograde Tarot and Oracle Spread

I will be sharing a new tarot and oracle spread every month, starting with this brand new spread made specifically for the Mercury Retrograde transit. In addition to providing the spread itself, I’ve also shared my personal reading, so that you can begin to learn how to read tarot and oracle on your own, using my readings as a guide. 

Click here to get the spread.

And it’s not too late to pick up your copy of the Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle to get it in time for the sabbat. Here are some preview images.

3.Last Days to get your $5 tarot or oracle reading for Beltane

There’s a lot of new faces around Spirit Element so for those of you who are new around here, first of all welcome and second, I open up $5 readings for each Sabbat but only for a limited time. I know tarot and oracle deck readings can get expensive so I figure why not offer some quick and dirty guidance for a reasonable price. 

Beltane sabbat readings will be closing on April 25th, at midnight PST so if you haven’t already, be sure to get one before then. I won’t open this up again until June for Litha. 

I’ve also added a 6-card manifestation spread. This is going to be a regular reading offer but it’s at a discounted introductory price for right now, also ending on the 25th. 

4.Spiritual Lessons I’ve learned this Week

Using Jealousy for Manifestation

I’ll admit, jealousy can really creep up on me sometimes but I have been in the most incredible spiritual growth period this past year and my perspective on things is changing. I’m still learning and growing and I have by no means been able to completely overcome intense feelings like jealousy, but I’m slowly learning to use them to my advantage. 

This past week, I heard my guides say clearly that I don’t need to be jealous of other people but I could use jealousy as a way to understand what I want out of life. This piece of guidance inspired me so I wrote down everyone I felt jealous of recently. Then I rewrote the list but this time, I wrote it down as people and brands I wanted to collaborate with in the future as well as some thoughts about what that might look like. 

This exercise really got me excited and a lot of fun creative ideas came out of it. In the end, I wasn’t even jealous anymore. I was just excited to see where this new understanding might lead. It gave me even more clarity about the things I want to manifest and the more clear you are, the easier manifestation becomes. Which leads me to my second spiritual lesson this week. 

Overlooked or just hiding? 

Now I’m being really honest here because this is difficult to share but it's true. I’ve been a bit bitter for a while, feeling like I was overlooked in the spiritual community. But this week, I’ve come to realize I wasn’t so much overlooked as I was hiding. 

There was a time when I was quite glamorous. I worked in the fashion industry and I was going to exclusive parties and events all the time. Plus, dressing well was kind of a work requirement, even though I was working on the operational side. I’ve met cool people, danced with celebrities, and gone backstage and behind the scenes plenty of times. I didn’t have to pay for a single drink through my twenties. Trying to paint the picture here so bare with me. 

But then I started working in the spiritual community with lots of people who wore pajamas to work and didn’t wash their hair for months at a time. And then I kind of got teased for “dressing up” so I stopped doing it. Eventually,  I started my own company and things got busy so I stopped exercising and well, I’m sure you can guess the rest. Poor diet, no exercise and a mountain of stress lead to weight gain and me reaching my heaviest point EVER last year. 

So I was hiding because I didn’t feel good about myself. But here’s the thing, I could’ve made time to exercise, I could’ve eaten right, I could’ve gotten more sleep, or I could’ve just accepted my body as it was. Instead, I chose to hide. Not just my physical appearance but to stop showing up all together. 

So this is my public acknowledgement that I wasn’t overlooked, I just didn’t want to be seen. And in just a few short weeks of actually showing up for my community on Instagram, I have had some of the most amazing conversations, connected with some of the most brilliant people, and have experienced so much love and support that I've been brought to tears many times over the past weeks. 

The moral of this story is that things are often not at all what they appear to be. That’s why it's so important to sit with what you’re feeling so that you can treat the root cause and not just the symptom. 

5.Favorite questions of the week

Your favorite books on tarot? 

My all time favorite book on tarot, at least for the moment, is Positively Tarot by Emma Toynbee. Her interpretation style is very similar to mine in the way she weaves together a story based on tarot companions and she gives a lot of examples about what I mean along the way. I’m not sure that I call it a beginner book to be honest but it is a very good book for people who are wanting to get serious about how one card interacts with another which to me, is the real heart of reading tarot. 

My second favorite is an old book that I’ve had for like a decade but I love it because it shows interpretations from three different tarot decks. It’s called Gateway to the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti. This is important because while most tarot decks follow the same system, the artwork does impact the way one might read a card. This is a great book for people who are wanting to rely less on the guidebooks that come with each deck and to see how to use imagery to intuitively interpret cards. Plus, there are a lot of meanings which I greatly resonate with. 

Finally, this last book is actually the guidebook in the Linestrider Tarot but honestly, it could be sold on its own as a really awesome tarot book. Siolo also reads in a similar way as me, looking at companion cards to tell a bigger story rather than reading each individual card on its own.

Do any of you have any recommendations I might want to check out? I’m always on the hunt for a good book so leave your suggestions in the comments below and let’s discuss. Hey, maybe we should start a magical book club?

Can you dream about another place or see it when you meditate (without knowing it)?

100% and I do this all the time. There are two reasons I believe you might experience this. The first is you might have some connection to a place through a past life or an ancestor. You may not understand why you’re seeing visions of a place or why you feel at home at a certain place and that’s because it isn’t actually your memory but an echo of your ancestor. We carry our ancestors with us, and sometimes that includes their memories, emotions and baggage. 

It can also be a past life experience that you are reliving. I have had this happen many times and I have seen the exact same place, but in many versions. I also believe that each person’s past life is one of their own ancestors at least once. Meaning, you might have been your great, great, great grandmother. 

The second reason is because we are all a part of a collective consciousness and what that means is that one person’s experience, memory, trigger, and emotion is felt by all people in one way or another. And sometimes, a memory might come to your consciousness as a way to deal with any emotional baggage as a result of the situation that created the memory. If this happens, it means spirit trusts you to heal this debris for the greater good of the entire collective. And actually, the book I shared last week, Everything is Hear to Help You, by Matt Kahn touches on this some.

And actually, I have a third reason why you might see a place that you’ve never been to and that is, it could be a future memory. By that I mean, this could be a place that you are destined to create. Obviously this won’t be the case if this place already exists but if it's entirely new, consider how you might be the one to manifest it into the world. That doesn’t mean you have to build a physical location. It could be the beginning of a book you might want to write, or a website or brand you’d like to build. Open your mind to the possibilities of where it could lead and doubt yourself. You wouldn’t have the vision if spirit didn’t find you capable. 

6.Are you ready for Taurus season?

It’s officially the season of the bull and I have already loaded Taurus information in the Pretty Rituals member portal. You’ll find an article describing Taurus energy, the lessons it teaches humanity, and how you can use this astrological transit to further your spiritual growth. 

You’ll also find a list of ingredients to incorporate into your ritual potions, spells and even your home decor to embrace the energy of this earthy zodiac sign. 

Finally, be sure to check out the Taurus Beauty Ritual featuring Venusian Beauty Herbs and Venusian Beauty Water. 

Not a member? Enroll below for as low as $20 a month. This is the cheapest the membership will ever be moving forward. I have such amazing plans and there is already so much content available. 

7.Are you ready for Mercury Retrograde? 

Yup, it's that time again and this one looks like a challenging one. Also in the Pretty Rituals membership is information on Mercury Retrograde ritual essentials and be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to see which ritual potions are perfect for dealing with this sometimes difficult transit.

Click here to read or enroll or sign into Pretty Rituals. 

8.Ingredient spotlight: rosemary

I’ve been leaning into rosemary a lot this week, drinking it as a tea to welcome more clarity and to reduce mental fog. I’ve also been rubbing it on the soles of my feet for protection. It’s feeling very supportive for me right now so I thought it would be the perfect ingredient to share this week. Here are a few quick tips on how to use it:

  • Plant it around your home as a protection barrier

  • Make a large batch of tea and add it to your bath water

  • Or mix 2 drops with a cup of epsom salt for cleansing bath

  • Mix 6 drops with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and message into your scalp before shampooing. This feels pretty amazing actually. 

  • Drink a cup during a bath to cleanse yourself of mental fog.

Also give this a try. Cut nine pieces of string and put them into a swallow bowl with a teaspoon of rosemary essential oil and allow them to soak it up. Then gather the strings together and fold them in half. Cut each string, while saying one thing you would like to banish from your life. Immediately discard the string in a trash can, preferably one that is outside your home when done. 


Tulsi Chamomile Moon Milk


April Spread for Mercury Retrograde