Daily Oracle Pulls: November 11 - 17
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Man the cards are really pushing this week. Nearly every card is about motivating yourself to change your life. Almost every card speaks of eliminating excuses or doubts or fears and finally taking control of your destiny. Obviously there are some things in the world that you can’t change and these cards aren’t in reference to those things. We’re talking about your everyday, within your control things. Like how you look and feel, how you behave, who you interact with, what you do with your life, what you have in your life. All of these things are well within your power to dictate. You just have to decide how much effort you’re willing to give.
Also, don’t forget to check out this month’s Collective Reading which you can find here. These daily cards are to help guide your days but the monthly collective reading gives you a full overview on things like health, emotional well-being and how to make the most of your spiritual practice.
I’m not going to be sharing photos just because this isn’t one of my decks and Fiona is a good friend. But, I highly recommend this deck if you don’t have it already. It's so beautiful and the black sides bleed a little bit so now each card is starting to look like it's got a bit of smoke on it. It's so beautiful. And be sure to check out the collective reading for this month which you can find here.
Monday November 11, 2024
→ Beacon of Fortitude
This appears in a reading to guide you to focus on practical things. Today is the day to examine your finances, clean up your house, organize your drawers or tackle any other project that’s been in the back of your mind. It's easy to think self-care is only about slowing down or that peace of mind comes only from prioritizing rest and relaxation. But don’t discredit the value of responsibility. Sometimes knowing the dishes are done or the bills are paid is enough to take a huge weight off of your shoulders. Being able to take a deep breath at the end of the week because you got things done instead of putting things off can go a long way towards feeling grounded and stable. Living a magical life is great but don’t forget that you’re very much still a part of the present and things need to get done.
Tuesday November 12, 2024
→ Naiveté
Today offers what is essentially the opposite end of the spectrum from yesterday’s card. Yesterday you were asked to prioritize responsibility but today the directive is to lean into play, wonder, and innocence. Assume the best of people today. Assume that today you’re going to have fun. Even better, look for ways to play and take every opportunity possible to enjoy yourself. Be brave or silly or even dramatic. This is what true balance looks like. Taking care of your responsibilities allows you this time to let your hair down without fear of something else falling through the cracks. This also invites you to get out of your comfort zone and to try new things. Sometimes play manifests in being fun but other times it comes in the form of being willing to try something new. See which option feels the most true for you today.
Wednesday November 13, 2024
→ Elixir
This card appears when the universe asks you to make a wish. This is your chance to have courage and to state your desires plainly. The presence of this card is your sign that the powers that be are listening today, more so than most days. They’re in a giving mood and have sent this card to you to see if you have the courage to reach out and grab this gift being offered to you. So think long and hard about what you want and be as clear as possible. Be as honest as possible too. Don’t waste this precious blessing on what you believe you should ask for. Choose the thing that is most within your heart. However, remember that patience is required. Don’t make a wish and expect it to appear before your eyes. What’s more important today is to find clarity.
Thursday November 14, 2024
→ Raconteur
This card represents shapeshifting and reminds you that the world isn’t going to change for you. People aren’t going to change their behaviors to make you more comfortable nor are the rules going to bend just because you feel incapable. If you want something in your life to change, then it's your responsibility to make that change happen. This card appears when you’re being challenged to fight for what you want. If you want more money, time, love, joy then figure out what you need to do to have these things and then do it. It really is that simple, humans just complicate it with emotions and overthinking. Deep inside, you know what you need and you know what you need to do. Transformation begins when you stop making excuses for why you can’t and start putting together a plan to get what you want.
Friday November 15, 2024
→Hand of Fire
The hand of fire brings you a gift, a chance to stoke your motivation in pursuit of your dreams. Ask yourself honestly what you need to be motivated? It doesn’t matter what the answer is. If it's money then let that be the match. If its fame or a desire to build an empire then so be it. Likewise if it's a chance to do good in the world or a cause speaks deeply to your heart then let that be your guiding light. All goals have some level of self-interest because they come from you, the self. It's ok to want things that make you happy or comfortable even if it isn’t immediately clear who you’re helping. You don’t have to change the world to change your life. So find what motivates you and hold on for dear life. Get yourself moving and if at some point you’re in a position to help others then great but until that day comes, don’t even feel guilty for wanting to help yourself.
Saturday November 16, 2024
→ Nascent
In the guidebook, this card speaks of finding new energy in an old idea or dream. Sometimes you have an idea but your mind needs time to catch up to your spirit. Sometimes you need to hold the vision or even forget the vision for a time, until you have done the work needed to become the kind of person who can achieve your goal. Whatever dream you have, realize that who you are today cannot achieve it. It's not that you aren’t capable or that it's out of reach. But you have to claim this goal and decide you will do what it takes to develop whatever is needed to take this journey. You get to decide though if you’ll step up and become the person you need to be or if your dream will stay dormant a little longer until you’re ready to embrace your potential.
Sunday November 17, 2024
→ Ancestral Alchemy
This card invites you to spend time focusing on your relationship with those who have come before you. As always, you do not need to know your ancestors names and faces to revere their energy. You can call upon them, asking only those who have your best interest at heart and of your bloodline to be in relationship with you. Or, you can call upon the collective ancestors of your cultural heritage or location or even the ancestral heritage of the earth herself. The point isn’t to know the minute details but to form a bond with the spiritual powers who can provide their wisdom, especially when it comes to seeing the bigger picture. You may wish to honor your ancestors today with an altar, a ritual, writing a letter or just sitting in stillness for a while, inviting them to share a few moments with you.
Deck used in this reading: