Daily Oracle Pulls: March 17 - 23
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Spring is finally here and I couldn’t be more excited about it which is a huge change for me. I’ve never really been a spring kind of girly but this year, I feel hope and joy. I know that sounds crazy given the state of the world, especially here in America but I really do feel optimistic about the future and I haven’t felt this level of hope in a long time. Last week, we had a lunar eclipse that felt like it opened up so much possibility. But eclipses are rarely a soothing experience and often require some downtime afterwards to ground yourself.
The cards seem to recognize really all of this week’s cards are about focusing on you, your self-care and ultimately, what’s aligning with you. We also enter Aries this week, the sign of self. So it’s even more important to evaluate how you feel and what you need to call into existence. The start of Aries is the astrological new year so now is a good time to think about the next 12 months and how you wish to fill them.
And now for the big update! The Seer’s Guild is nearly ready to launch and will open on April 1st. A bit later than I wanted but I really want to make sure this one is done right. And frankly, there’s no better time to start something new than the first days of spring. You can join the waiting list here. Those who join the waiting list will receive a special bonus when the doors officially open.
Monday March 17, 2025
→ Moon Milk
This card is very straightforward. Today’s advice is to prioritize self-care in the traditional sense. Things like long baths, more sleep, massages, gentle yoga and nutrition rich foods come to mind here. Sometimes self-care can seem luxurious but beside the benefits of stress relief and revitalization, self-care goes a long way towards helping you to feel more grounded. There’s no denying that the world is experiencing an interesting time thats bringing much stress and frustration to a lot of people. And during times like this, it can feel as though you’re powerful to change how you’re feeling. Grounding self-care rituals give you something to focus on that’s within your control. These are your moments to decide and intentionally claim whatever mood it is you’d like to call into your life.
Tuesday March 18, 2025
→ Tea Party
This is one of my favorite cards of the deck. It encourages you to match elegance with whimsy, responsibility with a bit of silliness. Maturity is a gift. It's a sign of the well earned stripes of adulthood and ultimately brings a feeling of stability. But, that evolving or maturing doesn’t mean you have to lose a youthful spirit. It's an antiquated notion to think you cannot play as an adult. That you can’t be silly or fantastical or believe in fairy tales. This card invites you to believe the impossible can come true. To have hope that you’ll still get your letter from Hogwarts, that unicorns are real, or that the chivalry of the white knight isn’t dead. In a more practical sense, this card encourages you to bring your unique point of view and your specific quirks to the everyday. If you love wearing neon then so be it. If you enjoy dying your hair in bright pink or you only write in green ink or you love to use vintage words (like me) then let that be your special brand of whimsy and your lighthearted contribution to life’s overwise heavy demands.
Wednesday March 19, 2025
→ Peach Moonstone
This soothing crystal appears when there’s a need for softness, slowness and patience. Do your best to avoid rushing today. To ease through your day rather than stumble along. Be careful of aggressiveness today, saving that for another time. Nothing is going to happen by trying to force your desired outcome, at least not right now. Be where you are. If you’re tired or overwhelmed then take extra breaks, allowing yourself to let go of anything that isn’t immediately necessary to accomplish. If someone else has an emergency then let that be their problem to deal with. Don’t take any additional tasks onto yourself if you can avoid doing so. Today you are urged to lean into your feminine nature regardless of the gender you feel associated with. Be at peace, rest and open to whatever the day may bring.
Thursday March 20, 2025
→ Spring Hike
Spring Hike is another favorite of mine, inviting you to go deeper into the forest of your soul. To look into spaces you’ve never explored before or to spend more time in reflection with yourself than you’d usually do. This card asks you to look beyond the surface of your desires for much more profound motivations. Perhaps you put financial freedom on your vision board this year but that isn’t the root of this desire. Perhaps you really want to travel or you’d like to be able to buy something without looking at the price tag or to give your children the kind of life you didn’t have. There is always something richer, more meaningful when you take the time to explore beyond what is immediately in front of you. Today, take some time to look at your goals or dreams and ask yourself How much further can I push this? How much more do I believe I can have, do or be? You are only limited by your imagination. Those who believe they can are usually the ones who do.
Friday March 21, 2025
→Hot Cross Buns
There are two main points to this card. The first being the need to protect yourself from illness or perhaps more appropriate, to be better prepared to face illness. And by illness I don’t just mean the flu or something physical but also your spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. To take steps to reduce any chances of infection to these areas. Do a deep spiritual cleansing today and some protection work while you’re at it. Drink more water, take your vitamins and do the general maintenance that makes it harder for outside influences to reduce your immunity. The second point of this card is to be watchful. Ultimately, this card means you are being influenced negatively in some way, likely in a way you haven’t fully realized. Poisonous words have dripped in your ear or peer pressure perhaps has slowly shifted your values towards something dark or just out of alignment with your morals. You have this card three times this month which means this message is especially important. Stay vigilant and take steps to make sure your energy remains your own and isn’t affected by someone else's malicious intentions.
Saturday March 22, 2025
→ Wreath Making
The surface level of this card is about the benefits of ornamentation. It may seem silly or wasteful to some to invest in things like aesthetically pleasing decor, your personal style, and the types of places you visit but there is great value in surrounding yourself with the things you enjoy or represent the type of person you wish to be. There are countless studies about how dressing for success can shift the way you go about your professional career or how interior design can impact mental health in a positive way. Likewise, the people you spend your time with can have a direct impact on your mood. If you spend time with happy optimistic people then you are likely to be happy and optimistic too. Spend time with negative complainers and you might find that you have taken on many of these qualities. Spend time today evaluating your surroundings. Are you surrounded by people and things that lift you up and make you feel like anything is possible or are you surrounded by things that feel heavy, make you crinkle your nose and leave you feeling anything other than your best?
Sunday March 23, 2025
→ Sacred Circle
There’s really no such thing as an ending or beginning. Things just aren’t linear in this way. You transition out of one space and into another, often drifting back and forth between the two spaces for quite some time. You might revisit an old chapter physically but also emotionally and mentally which can drag on for months or even years. Not to mention, you never really leave a chapter behind as it will inform your future choices in one way or another. The experiences you’ve had will become the information you use to decide what comes next, how to behave, and what to say no to. Your life is just like a circle, flowing back into itself with no beginning or end hence the phrase “full circle moment” which you will have countless times over your lifetime. This card reminds you that there is no finish line. You will never be fully healed or finished chasing dreams. You never stop being someone’s child or parent if you are one. That’s why chasing the destination isn’t something you can really do. There is no destination as there will always be something driving you forward.
Deck used in this week’s reading:
Seasons of the Witch: Ostara Oracle