Daily Oracle Pulls: March 3 - 9
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Spring is just around the corner. The coming of spring has never meant too much to me. I have found spring to be overrated and quite frankly, I have terrible allergies which are always aggravated during this time of year so I’m rarely excited to let go of winter. But I’m getting excited for spring this year. I took a walk this morning (the morning of writing this) and I saw signs of spring all around me. The sky had a beautiful peach glow, birds chirped happily and flowers and leaves were bursting everywhere I looked.
Of course, I’m using Seasons of the Witch: Ostara Oracle for this month’s pulls. This is the first time I’m using them for public pulls and I have to saw, they really match the energy of spring. All of the cards for this week encourage rebirth, awakening and cleansing. A reminder that now is the time to start ascending out of winter and into spring.
I highly recommend a deep spiritual cleansing at least once a week now through the end of March to prepare your spirit for the change in seasons. And of course, The Seer’s Guild is coming in just a few days. If you haven’t signed up yet to get notified already, you can do so here.
Monday March 03, 2025
→ Tea Party
This is one of my favorite cards of the deck. It encourages you to match elegance with whimsy, responsibility with a bit of silliness. Maturity is a gift. It's a sign of the well earned stripes of adulthood and ultimately brings a feeling of stability. But, that evolving or maturing doesn’t mean you have to lose a youthful spirit. It's an antiquated notion to think you cannot play as an adult. That you can’t be silly or fantastical or believe in fairy tales. This card invites you to believe the impossible can come true. To have hope that you’ll still get your letter from Hogwarts, that unicorns are real, or that the chivalry of the white knight isn’t dead. In a more practical sense, this card encourages you to bring your unique point of view and your specific quirks to the everyday. If you love wearing neon then so be it. If you enjoy dying your hair in bright pink or you only write in green ink or you love to use vintage words (like me) then let that be your special brand of whimsy and your lighthearted contribution to life’s overwise heavy demands.
Tuesday March 04, 2025
→ Mushrooms
This card doesn’t promise that you will not experience challenges today or that you’re entering an unusual period of luck. No, this card doesn’t make any claim of ease or joy and instead offers resilience. It appears to inform you that while today might be hard, it isn’t enough to break you. That you will bend, perhaps just shy of snapping but your strength will hold until the last second whatever you may face today. This is here to tell you that the universe never gives you more than you can handle. That doesn’t mean it won’t be hard, quite the opposite. But you can do hard things. You can get through tough times and every time you do, you grow stronger just like a muscle surviving a tough workout. And the next time, you’ll push a little harder because you can. You’ve reached one threshold and can reach even further. It may not seem like it at the moment but resilience is a gift. It allows you to weather storms others can’t even contemplate. It isn’t the lucky or the happy that make it through. It's the mighty and the strong and the ones who know what it means to fight for your right to be ok.
Wednesday March 05, 2025
→ Aquamarine
This card has appeared to encourage you to find more peace in your life. I often find people misunderstand what it means to find peace, thinking it means meditating more or finding more rest. That is not the case. Often the path to peace is through chaos and a willingness to confront the things that are stealing your peace to begin with. That is the essence of this card: to come face to face with the things that keep you up at night, trigger you at unexpected times, or drag you down during the day. More than anything, this card is a reminder that things do not have to go on the way they’ve always been. You always have a choice to seek healing as long as you understand healing isn’t a linear journey nor is it an easy one. But if you’re willing to invest in yourself, which means asking for help when something becomes too big on your own, then a path to healing will always be available to you.
Thursday March 06, 2025
→ Hot Cross Buns
There are two main points to this card. The first being the need to protect yourself from illness or perhaps more appropriate, to be better prepared to face illness. And by illness I don’t just mean the flu or something physical but also your spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. To take steps to reduce any chances of infection to these areas. Do a deep spiritual cleansing today and some protection work while you’re at it. Drink more water, take your vitamins and do the general maintenance that makes it harder for outside influences to reduce your immunity. The second point of this card is to be watchful. Ultimately, this card means you are being influenced negatively in some way, likely in a way you haven’t fully realized. Poisonous words have dripped in your ear or peer pressure perhaps has slowly shifted your values towards something dark or just out of alignment with your morals. You have this card three times this month which means this message is especially important. Stay vigilant and take steps to make sure your energy remains your own and isn’t affected by someone else's malicious intentions.
Friday March 07, 2025
The mandate for today is patience and the understanding that you are exactly where you need to be. There’s no amount of kicking and screaming, wishing or begging that’s going to change today’s circumstances. What you’re facing today is what’s needed to get through today, nothing more or less. You can’t skip through to the end, if you take nothing else away from this card, let it be that. The pace at which you’re going is the right pace for where you are in the journey right now whether that’s getting promoted at work, working on a project or plan, the speed of your relationship or anything else in life. Trust that things take time and you’ll get there when you’re ready to be there. Until that time comes, do your best to make the most of where you are now. Make an effort to learn from today’s circumstances and to make use of the lessons you're facing right now.
Saturday March 08, 2025
→ Aromatherapy
On the surface, this card is about healing and self-care and in truth, you could leave it there if you desire. A little extra self-nourishment never hurts and even though it isn’t the true heart of this card, taking just that sliver of adjustment could make a difference. But as always, there’s a deeper meaning which is, you can always go another layer deeper. Too often, we’re taught to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause of the problem. If you aren’t sleeping well, you might take steps to take supplements or buy better sheets which again, is treating the symptoms. But investigate a little further and perhaps you’ll find you can’t sleep because you’re struggling at work or you’re worried about your parents or that little pain in your side seems to be getting worse. These are much bigger issues that a magnesium pill cannot fix. The same is true for your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being as well. Today, give yourself a moment to contemplate the bigger picture, the root cause. Doing so will shift your healing journey in a much more profound and powerful direction.
Sunday March 09, 2025
→ Primrose
Primrose is an incredibly powerful and positive card. It's one of sweetness, beauty and attraction and when it appears, it advises you to ask openly and freely for what you want. Don’t be afraid to talk yourself up today. Hold your head high and be bold. People are taking notice of you today, the reasoning for doing so doesn’t matter. Your job isn’t to worry about why people are noticing you but to take advantage of the burst of energy you’re getting. Let your boss know you want that promotion or tell your partner you're booking the retirement trip. Change your major at school to what you’ve really been wanting to study or wear that outfit you love but haven’t felt confident enough to wear. The more audacity you have today, the better the outcome will be. However, this card comes with a note, it's not just about you asking for more. People are going out of their way to give you more as well but know that you never have to accept anything. You don’t have to accept anyone’s attention or offer so don’t feel pressured to say yes when the answer is no.
Deck used in this week’s reading:
Seasons of the Witch: Ostara Oracle