Daily Oracle Pulls: January 20-26
Well, we have an interesting story with the cards this week. There’s this back and forth between overcoming challenges and finding your confidence. On the one hand, you have cards like the devil suggesting there’s a lot of temptation this week but on the other hand, we see cards like the king of wands suggesting you’re more than capable of rising to the occasion. But when you reach a new level, you also find new challenges and I think that’s the main message of the week. What you’ve been doing up until now has worked until it didn’t and now you’re finding yourself needing a new operating system. There will be times when you’ll default to what’s familiar only to realize, it just doesn’t work: that’s not who you are anymore.
If that doesn’t feel true for you just yet then consider how your progress is halted because of your need to stay in your comfort zone. Are you truly allowing yourself to grow? Are you truly giving yourself enough credit for what you can accomplish? And know this, growth doesn’t have to be what social media claims it to be. You don’t need to start a business or blow up your relationship to evolve. You just need a willingness to ask “am I happy” and the ability to answer that question truthfully.
Deck used in this week’s reading:
Tarot of Mystical Moments