Daily Oracle Pulls: January 20-26
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Well, we have an interesting story with the cards this week. There’s this back and forth between overcoming challenges and finding your confidence. On the one hand, you have cards like the devil suggesting there’s a lot of temptation this week but on the other hand, we see cards like the king of wands suggesting you’re more than capable of rising to the occasion. But when you reach a new level, you also find new challenges and I think that’s the main message of the week. What you’ve been doing up until now has worked until it didn’t and now you’re finding yourself needing a new operating system. There will be times when you’ll default to what’s familiar only to realize, it just doesn’t work: that’s not who you are anymore.
If that doesn’t feel true for you just yet then consider how your progress is halted because of your need to stay in your comfort zone. Are you truly allowing yourself to grow? Are you truly giving yourself enough credit for what you can accomplish? And know this, growth doesn’t have to be what social media claims it to be. You don’t need to start a business or blow up your relationship to evolve. You just need a willingness to ask “am I happy” and the ability to answer that question truthfully.
Monday January 20, 2025
→ Ten of Swords
Again, I’ve probably said this a thousand times but I love this version of this card. The ten of swords is a visceral image in the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck. We see what we presume is a dead figure stabbed in the back by ten swords. I think this image doesn’t do the meaning justice because it's hard to get past the disturbing appearance. The version we have here almost looks serene. The figure is still being “attacked” but she’s given herself to the moment, choosing to surrender which is the meaning of this card. This is the end. This is the moment when you stop fighting and accept the situation you’re in. Yes it might be challenging or even downright hurtful but you’re here now and there’s nothing more you can do but give it up to a higher power, trusting you’ll make it through. Today, you’re being asked to give yourself up to your circumstances. Rather than trying to fight a battle, just let things be what they are. If someone gets mad then let them be mad without trying to fix or change them. Same thing if they’re sad or confused and the same goes for you too. Be where you are and let what’s happening happen.
Tuesday January 21, 2025
→ King of Wands (female)
This deck includes male and female king cards. The message is quite similar but with a more feminine perspective. Still, the advice of confidence and authenticity hold true but there’s a little more refinement here. This king is just as expressive but she presents her energy as a stream of light rather than fire. Fire can be destructive and chaotic whereas her light seems to dazzle rather than stoke fear. Her confidence is not subtle but not necessarily over the top either. She’s learned to master the art of being enough: showing what she can do without showing off. That’s the true test of a master: can you burn brightly today without burning others? Once, someone told me she was asserting herself in a way that was rude and uncalled for towards another person. That isn’t being assertive so much as being aggressive and it's definitely not confidence. To be confident means you can be yourself regardless of what others think of you. Being aggressive is trying to force others to accept or submit to you. The female king of wands doesn’t need blind acceptance of her by you. She loves herself and that is more than enough.
Wednesday January 22, 2025
→ Devil
The Devil card is temptation, pure and simple. When it appears, it's because you are being tempted by something that you know isn’t good for you. You know that it's going to cause you harm, even if it’s delayed and you know that you’ve likely been in this situation many times but haven’t learned from your mistakes. There is the desire to play the victim when the devil card comes around. It's not actually your fault if someone else encourages you, right? It's not actually your fault if someone makes something available to you, correct? This is the song of the devil: “You’re not to blame for your own choices”, whispers the Devil but this song is a lie. You’re facing this card to wake you up from this trance. You can take control of your actions. While this card may feel judgmental, it's really a card about awareness. You can’t change any mistakes you’ve already made but you can do better going forward. Each time you choose the healthier option, you reduce the influence the devil has over you until his claws can no longer touch you.
Thursday January 2., 2025
→ Two of Cups
I have always felt like the two of cups is the actual soulmate card, far more than the Lovers. I can talk about this for ages but the Lovers is not actually about love, not in the way people wish it were. But that’s a conversation for another time. The two of cups though, this card really does represent the kind of love that’s meant to be. It represents finding your person: someone who just clicks into place. It can certainly be romantic but this card also points to friendships, business partners or even something like adopting a child and realizing you truly do love them as if they’re your own. In that way, this card is about home and the understanding that home is wherever you are most loved. Reach out to someone today who feels like home. It doesn’t matter if they share or blood or not, live in your house or across the world. It doesn’t even matter if you’ve known them for years or just met them today. Let your heart touch theirs and bask in the joy of finding a space, no matter how small, where you can feel like you belong.
Friday January 24, 2025
→Seven of Swords
The seven of swords represents thievery and manipulation. There are times when this energy is required such as when you need to stand up for yourself or level the playing field. But in most cases, lying and cheating will only corrupt your morals. When this card appears, it's to guide you to check in with your values and sense of right and wrong. It may seem like one small lie here or no big deal to steal from your job every now and again but are you truly justified or are you making excuses for poor behavior? There’s a very fine line between taking what’s owed to you and outright stealing. More than that, today your task is to consider how you may be sacrificing your values and how you can reclaim your integrity.
Saturday January 25, 2025
→ Four of Swords
This card is about self-care, plain and simple. This is your immediate call to rest and to give yourself a moment to catch your breath. If you don’t spirit will find clever ways to force you to slow down. Often you’re given opportunities like the four of swords well before the tower comes crumbling down. You’re given a chance to be intentional about taking care of yourself before the illness gets out of hand or reducing your workload before burnout occurs. Take the appearance of this card as a chance to do exactly that: get ahead of the destruction before it even occurs. Take a break today, even if only for ten minutes. Give yourself the space you need to feel your energy to see what’s needed at this time.
Sunday January 26, 2025
→ The Hierophant
The hierophant is a card of tradition, heritage, and belonging. While previously stepped in religious dogma, this card has evolved over the years to include any established organization from covens to corporations. Such a place is where you can learn and grow from wise people who have walked some version of your current path for many years. They stand as mentors and guides, helping you to hone your own skills, creating masters in the making. First and foremost, the appearance of this card is encouragement to seek out such a person. Find someone who can coach your progress without you having to figure things out for yourself. Breaking rules are perfectly fine when you understand the rules to begin with. This is where a mentor can be handy; they give you the skills you need to chart your own path. However, this card also guides you to better understand your values for these are also rules. The hierophant helps you to establish your personal sense of right and wrong. It's time to take a very honest look at what you need in your life. What do you stand for? What do you stand against? If you are perhaps unsure of your path, maybe this is where you need to start?
Deck used in this week’s reading:
Tarot of Mystical Moments