Daily Oracle Pulls: February 3-9

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I hope you had a wonderful Imbolc my darling. By the time you read this, I will be away, spending the week on much needed rest and family time for my mom’s birthday. We all love to get together during this time as a treat for ourselves. A way to honor and respect our bonds and right to rest. I also wanted to have this week to fully prepare my spirit for the launch of my new tarot membership which officially launches March 3rd. 

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this. I haven’t been this excited about something in a long time. Tarot and oracle cards can truly illuminate and change your life with the right guidance. I have years of experience not only reading cards but making them and yes, my membership will include some insights on how to make your own deck too. Despite writing 11 decks, It's been a journey to say “I am an author” and truly feel those words. To truly embrace these words. It feels good to offer something that could help others who are struggling with the same things. 

But more on that later. This week’s cards and really the cards for the entire month are mostly very positive. There’s such hope and joy in so many cards so I hope that you feel that in the words I’ve shared. And monthly readings are back. Be sure to check out this month’s reading here.

Monday February 03, 2025

Bathing Ritual

This card is at once, encouraging you to move forward and urging you to be where you are. Perhaps it's more appropriate to say being present in this stage you’re in is how you move on. Bathing Ritual is a positive sign that you’re nearing the end of an age. A time when things have been challenging or perhaps have forced you to meet obstacles you could never imagine. Whether that’s trauma, hardship, lack or all of the above. Life within your internal landscape may be shifting but there’s still some healing to do. You still have some demons or falsehoods to confront, people to forgive or blocks to get past before you can truly step fully into the light. Today this card appears to encourage you to ask yourself “what is still holding me back?” Let the answer wash over you fully, committing yourself to facing what is immediately in front of you. Once the cobwebs are fully cleared and the dusk is swept away, you can fully move forward free of the burdens of your past.


Tuesday February 04, 2025


Incense is upon you because truth and clarity are needed today. Today is the day to put your cards on the table and say what you need to say. You may need to speak up for yourself or perhaps you’re the one who needs to come clean about something you’ve done. Withholding information isn’t doing you any good. Quite the opposite in fact as the more you keep hidden, the more complicated your situation becomes. And in turn, invite others to speak more freely with you. So many situations can be avoided with a conversation. It may be challenging and it may be scary but it can also be liberating and illuminating. 


Wednesday February 05, 2025


This card is about love in all of its forms but today especially, there is the feeling of self-love. There’s a silent request in this card to truly love yourself. And not just to say the words but to truly look at your image with love and affection. Self-love doesn’t mean “I’ll love myself when…” You don’t need to look a certain way, act a certain way or have a certain thing to love yourself with all of your heart. Self-love means self-respect no matter the season of life you’re in or challenges you’ve faced. So the assignment today is to contemplate how much you truly, truly love yourself? Do you love you like you want others to love you? Do you love you like you love others? Don’t be afraid to fall deeply, madly in love with yourself. Be your own white knight, your own fairytale. And while today’s meaning isn’t really about romantic love, know that self-love is usually the first step towards finding intimate love.


Thursday February 06, 2025

Sacred Space

Sacred doesn’t almost mean extraordinary. That’s the first line that I wrote for this card and I think it's the most important lines in the guidebook. Because it's true, sacred doesn’t necessarily mean glamorous. Nor will self-care always mean baths and sleep. Sometimes sacred manifests in honoring your boundaries or paying respect to something meaningful to you. Sometimes self-care means paying your bills on time or giving up alcohol so that you can maintain your health. Success isn’t found in the big grand gestures. Maintaining sacred space could mean cleaning, not just lighting candles. I’m sure you get the point by now. This card ultimately means take responsibility for your goals. It means doing what needs to be done even when it's boring or lackluster. This is especially true if you’re struggling to get ahead in your life. Be honest with yourself about what your goals truly require and then, in the words of the lovely Jonna Jinton “get shit done.”


Friday February 07, 2025

Winter Besom

You are being asked to proceed with caution today. Pause before agreeing to anything. Take a moment to consider someone’s intentions before providing them safe passage into your life. Someone may not have the best of intentions for you today and requires you to be watchful for manipulation and deceit. Pay attention to what you’re feeling. It's fine to engage with people but that doesn’t mean you have to share your life story. Indeed, you don't have to share anything at all if it isn’t comfortable to do so.


Saturday February 08, 2025


Unlike yesterday, you can trust the people appearing in your life today. This card indicates a deep, long-term relationship with someone who instantly feels like home. Home is wherever you are most loved, supported and understood. If you find yourself in the presence of someone who makes you feel this way then allow yourself to believe in this nascent connection. This card can also represent long-term stability, especially when it comes to finances. Pay attention to the things that make you feel ok, good, uplifted today. These are the things that are attempting to stitch themselves into your spirit. These are the things that are meant for you and are waiting patiently for you to open your heart to what’s right in front of you. 


Sunday February 09, 2025

Cinnamon Rolls

This is a very sweet card. Essentially, it means things are going well for you, at least for today. It seems like luck is seeking you out or something you’ve waited a long time for is finally happening. Think of things like proposals, job offers, windfalls or a feeling of something clicking into place. Perhaps you finally feel comfortable in your own skin or you finally feel forgiveness in your heart for a past situation. This card isn’t so much about happiness but contentment. Just the feeling of things being ok and perhaps, easing into a continued period of ease and stability. Enjoy this feeling for there is no indication how long it will actually last. Best to present in it while the feeling is upon you.


Deck used in this week’s reading:
Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle


The Monthly Arcana: February 2025


Daily Oracle Pulls: January 27- February 1