The Monthly Arcana: April 2025
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Guidance for the Month Ahead from Spirit Element
Happy April my darling. I really enjoyed this month’s reading. There are a lot of encouraging cards to work with this time. So much of it speaks to developing confidence and practicality and I love that. I was just talking to my therapist about this. We’ve developed quite a close relationship over the years having found we have a similar outlook on life. We were discussing how important it is to believe in yourself. That when you believe you’re capable and trust that you’ll be taken care of, things truly do fall into place.
You might say, you’ve tried that before but it never seems to work for you. And I would ask you, did you really believe in yourself? Did you really find it within your heart to truly believe things would work out for you or did you only say the words, hoping and wishing something would happen? I get it, it's not easy to go from doubting yourself to believing in yourself. Believe me, I doubted myself for most of my life. But when I decided to fight for my right to believe I could do anything I wanted, everything truly changed and it can change for you too!
Perhaps you won’t completely turn things around this month but if you start to follow these cards, you’ll be on your way. Take special note of Goat which tells you that you don’t have to have everything figured out at one time. Trust in yourself takes time so don’t beat yourself if you don’t wake up tomorrow and suddenly everything is different. Just take things one day at a time and you’ll get there.
The Cards Pulled for March
The Thesis - Goat
This card represents the general energy or theme for the month and sets the tone for the focus required during the next several weeks.
The Domain - The Wanderer
This card represents what’s within your control this month. This is your opportunity to develop sovereignty and to take intentional action.
The Periphery - Queen of Bows
This card represents the things that are beyond your control and that you will need to come to terms with or something you need to move on from.
The Axis - Queen of Stones
This card represents how you can stay grounded and restore your sense of peace or stability.
The Codex - Four of Arrows
This card represents your key to enlightenment. It shows you what you can learn, gain or improve when you embrace the energy of the month.
Detailed Reading: Insights and Interpretation
“Wouldn’t it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you would do just about anything if you knew it would make you happy? This is precisely how much life loves you and wants you to nurture yourself. The deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth. Then you can enjoy a lifelong love affair that brings you the richest fulfillment from inside out.”
- Alan Cohen
The Thesis - Goat
Goat is an encouraging card that asks you to explore how you’ve been limiting yourself? In what ways do you put yourself down when it comes to achieving your desires? It's not even about the big dreams like making more money, losing weight or finding your life partner. This card can reference intangible dreams like learning to be outgoing or not feeling so anxious. It can represent small dreams like making your bed in the morning or learning not to yell when you get angry. It may not seem like it but a lack of confidence can show up in any area of your life. In fact, you might question or doubt yourself about things that have nothing to do with achieving a goal at all.
Yes this card speaks of success but really, it's more about self-confidence than anything else. Confidence isn’t about being perfect at something. You can be confident in yourself and still have no idea what you’re doing. You can be confident you’ll learn as you go or confident in your capabilities to grow or to overcome your shortcomings. You can be confident that things will change or that you’ll find the motivation to change. So even if you can’t be confident in what you’re doing, you can be confident in the idea that you’re getting there. I’ll tell you a secret, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I worked on the first Seasons of the Witch deck: Samhain Oracle. I felt lost, I was often angry at myself and I'm not too proud to admit I cried a few times too. I felt like a failure but I kept going and now, ten decks later, I feel like I can write a deck in my sleep. I wasn’t confident in my writing at the time but I was confident that I could become a great writer with practice.
This is the heart of this card: knowing that you don’t have to figure everything out right now. You can take small steps and you can even stumble as you take those steps. That doesn’t mean you aren’t capable or that you’ve failed. It means you’re learning something new with each mile you travel. Let me phrase it like this, someone who’s too afraid to walk their path will only end up standing still. But someone who takes the journey, even if they stumble through it, will be miles ahead of the person standing still.
The wanderer or the fool in a traditional deck appears when something has shifted within your comfort zone. Suddenly what was comfortable no longer seems to fit. It's the spiritual equivalent to outgrowing a piece of clothing or losing weight and now a piece of clothing swallows you whole. The wanderer illuminates this misalignment, letting you know what you’ve relied on is no longer working. You need to do something different. Try a new strategy, go in a different direction or change yourself on the most fundamental levels if needed.
Growth can’t occur without discomfort. The wanderer never promises a new journey will be easy, quite the opposite in fact. This will be hard and you will find yourself facing challenges you could never expect. But you’ll also grow in ways you couldn’t predict either. You’ll find out what you’re capable of and each battle scar will remind you of a time when you made it! Let something new unfold in your life this month. Be brave, be bold! Do something crazy even when it feels like a big risk. It is a risk but with big risks also come big rewards.
The queen of bows is most closely related to the queen of wands. This is a dynamic card which represents an outgoing, warm and charismatic person whose dark side can manifest in using their charms for manipulation. However, the queen of bows can also represent a very giving and courteous energy. The periphery represents things that are outside of your control and with this being a court card, there’s a solid chance that someone in your life isn’t always the kind person you know they can be. Perhaps you have a friend or loved one who is fun to be around and even supportive at times but can also be cruel and judgemental. Or maybe you have someone in your life who is just a pain in general but you can’t escape them for one reason or another.
Here’s the hard pill to swallow: you can’t change them. There’s nothing you can do to make them see the error in their ways if they don’t want to see it. It's not even your job to help them face their demons and it's time you learn to live with that. You don’t have to rescue people especially when it's causing you more harm than good. Your efforts are better spent learning how to stand firm in your beliefs and actions regardless of how much someone tries to manipulate you. Let them deal with their own baggage and in the meantime, learn to protect your own.
The queen of stones is most like the queen of pentacles therefore, this card is about practicality, resourcefulness, and stability. Making more money isn’t the only way to find more comfort in your life. Sometimes you have to learn to do more with what you already have. Sometimes you have to defeat poor habits like living beyond your means or overcome limiting beliefs like telling yourself that you’re poor or unlucky. This card is asking you to manage things with more wisdom and not just your finances although this suit is closely tied to money. But it's more than that: it's about an abundance of spirit or being able to find stability in all areas of your life.
The axis is all about being more grounded and this card’s main message is to figure out what you need to ground yourself. What do you need to do to feel more secure and sure of yourself? What’s throwing you off? What makes you feel like everything will come crashing down? That’s what you need to address first. The things that you know steal your peace and sense of comfort. Sometimes focusing on making or doing more isn’t what you need. First, cut away the things that drain you in the first place and perhaps stability will fall right into your lap.
The codex explains what you can learn or gain when you follow the energy of the month: the wanderer. I like this perspective because the wanderer is all about getting out of your comfort zone and doing something new. The idea of rest is something that is completely foreign to many of us. The idea that you can take time for yourself to catch your breath and to reflect is not something that many of us do. We don’t prioritize things like time off, vacations, sleeping in or going to bed early. Many parents feel guilty for not wanting to be with their children 100% of the time as though you aren’t allowed to have interests outside of your kids. Many business owners, especially small business owners, believe they have to work into the dead of the night every single weekend to make their business work.
When really the opposite is true. Rest gives you the energy to get shit done. Rest gives your mind the space to be creative or find solutions. Rest gives you the desire to connect with your kids because you’ve had time to miss them and time for yourself. Rest gives you the chance to explore new places or find peace. So perhaps, getting out of your comfort zone, at least for right now means giving yourself a chance to heal. And I don’t mean healing like doing some deep emotional work or journaling out your feelings. I mean heal like refresh, revive and wind down. We all need that. Think of your car: you don’t leave it on all day while you’re inside. If you did, the battery would run down and you wouldn’t be able to drive it. Your body may not have a battery as such but the concept is the same. If you keep running at full speed, eventually something is going to break. Your mind, body or soul or all three will run empty and then you won’t be able to run at all.
Closing Reflections: Empowering Action Steps
As you move through April, consider these questions:
How can you take a risk this month?
Is it your responsibility to fix others or to help them see the error in their ways? Why or why not?
How do you need to nourish rest this month?
This month’s reading invites you to take a risk and to do something you’ve never done before. Either to stop feeling the need to be responsible for others, or to learn to be more practical or even allow yourself to rest even when you feel like you shouldn’t. There’s already a new version of you that doesn’t fit in the current space of your life. It's time to figure out what this new you needs to feel comfortable because what you’ve been doing up until now, is no longer a good fit.
Call to Action: Engage with Spirit Element
What insights did you gain from this month’s reading? Share your reflections in the comments or tag @spiritelement on Instagram with your thoughts. To deepen your tarot practice, join the list for my new tarot membership launching April 1st.