The Energy of October tarot reading

Guiding light deck: Seasons of the Witch: Samhain oracle

Other cards: La Flora Tarot

Period: October 2022

See what the cards say you can expect for the month of October, what goal to chase and how to get there.

Guiding light: what is your spiritual goal for the month? Wolf 

The wolf card from my deck, Seasons of the Witch: Samhain oracle, is about instinct and following your gut, getting back to your roots, and unleashing your wild. This card encourages you to cut out the noise that is preventing you from experiencing your most natural self. We all have instincts, think of how it feels when you’re hungry. That is your body’s way of saying its time to eat. You also have emotional instincts. Your spirit will tell you when something isn’t right because the thought of it will turn your stomach, irritate you, or give you a feeling of dread. Likewise, your spirit will tell you when something is right for you. You might be scared but also excited and the idea of doing something or pulling something off brings you happiness and a sense of accomplishment. 

So the goal for this month is to stop ignoring your urges and desires. What do you want? And by you, I mean YOU! Not what you think will make your parents or friends, partner or job happy. What would make you happy? What do you need? How can you improve YOUR life so that you live each day with a big fat smile and “hell yeah, my life is great” attitude? 

You keep hearing this message because spirit so desperately wants people to get it and understand that manifestation won’t happen for you unless you start living for yourself and following your desires. The sooner you can accept your ability to manifest and that your emotions are key to finding out what you’re meant to do in life, the sooner you will be off to making more money, being more fulfilled, finding love, going on vacation, and anything else you can dream of. 

Month ahead: what you need to know most for the month of October. Five of Wands

There are things to know about October. The first is to be careful of toxic relationships. Some people are never going to be happy, no matter your choice and it will always feel like an uphill battle, even when you do what they ask. But try to do something for yourself, without considering their opinion, and you officially become an enemy of the state. Or, they are quick to play the victim. Nothing is ever their fault and they are never someone you can depend on. These kinds of relationships may get a big flashlight this month, so that you can deal with them once and for all. They are in the way of your growth and more importantly, in the way of you becoming your authentic self and finally breaking away from this toxic hold. 

The second problem is a battle between your mind and heart. This card can come along when you are your worst enemy and the struggle is an internal one. Generally this is a mindset problem. There is a part of you that is confident and ready to go after what you want but there is also a fearful part that is sabotaging your gains. The challenge is to learn to overcome this part so that you can start believing in yourself. 

Challenge: what is your biggest obstacle this month? Two of Cups

Partnerships is going to be a theme for October 2022 and the two of cups here tells me you really want a supportive partnership but as a challenge, there is no one in your life right now that can fulfill the image of what you need. That doesn’t mean you won’t find that, but for now, the guidance is to focus on yourself. Part of the reason you’re attracting the wrong people is because you don’t have enough self-awareness just yet, that or you won’t let yourself embrace the qualities you want in a relationship. 

It's ok to want certain qualities in other people. If you want friends who have the financial freedom to take trips or visit restaurants, then that’s just where you’re at in life. Does that mean you can’t be friends with someone who has less? No, of course not. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid your needs either. Say you meet a partner who doesn't want children but everything else about them is perfect. Should you sacrifice someone that is very important to you or should you search for someone who won’t ask you to give up this desire? 

I know it's tough to walk away from someone, especially if most things are going well and you will never find someone who is 100% of what you want. But there are some things that are too big to overlook or sacrifice. You can’t expect other people to change but you can have the courage to walk away and let the universe fill that space with someone who already has what you need. 

Blessing: something to look forward to. Four of Cups

I had to sit with this card for a while because at first, I just couldn’t find the blessing in it. But with some meditative contemplation, I came to realize this card is offering a chance to overcome stagnation and apathy. If you are feeling disconnected from things, it's because you are focused on the wrong things. Your purpose should be a joy, even when it's a struggle. There should be more good times than problems and more excitement than dread. Everything comes with downsides but that shouldn’t be the norm so if it is, it's because you need to change what you spend your time on. 

Again, it comes back to relationships or losing yourself in them. But if you break away or at least break the spell of someone else’s influence, then you will be able to find childlike wonder again. Passion will return and your outlook on life will change. This card can also mean a renewed sense of optimism. 

Action: what you can do to facilitate your goals. Knight of Wands

The guidance is to do something, anything to get your goals moving ahead. The knight of wands is an independent thinker, risk taker, and is quick to get the ball rolling. No more playing small. Your energy is too big for you to be chasing after small potatoes. I keep hearing spirit say “PLEASE, I BEG YOU, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. CLAIM WHAT YOU WANT. OWN WHAT YOU NEED. YOU CAN CALL ANYTHING INTO EXISTENCE, JUST DO IT ALREADY!” 

There is so much that is available to you but you have got to stop doubting yourself. Who cares if you don’t have enough experience? Experience comes by doing, not waiting so what are you waiting for? Who cares if you aren’t talented? There are so many people who have no talent but they don’t need it because their confidence is through the roof. Don’t have money? I had less than $100 to my name when I started Spirit Element and now I’m a 3x best-selling author. Tyler Perry was homeless, living out of his car when he wrote Madea and I just read a story about a man who got out of prison, not a penny to his name, and built a billion dollar business salvaging junk. 

You know the cliche, where there’s a will there’s a way? That’s because determination and believing you can do anything you decide to do will get you further than luck, money or talent any day. 


October Favorite Things