Tarot and Oracle Decks to Illuminate Ostara & Spring

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There is a uniquely transformative power in switching out your decks to reflect the blossoming energies of the cosmos. In the ever-evolving journey of spiritual work, the choice of decks you work with can become a powerful tool for aligning with the energies of the Sabbats, seasons, and astrological signs.

Ostara approaches, the time of rebirth, growth, and the awakening of nature's vitality. For these reasons, I’ve selected decks that evoke the essence of springtime renewal and the burgeoning energies of this season. Whether it's the blooming flowers, the chirping of birds, or the revitalizing warmth of the sun, these decks immerse you in the vibrant energies of Ostara and the spirit of rejuvenation. Let your spirit bloom alongside these decks, as they invite you to embrace the transformative power of the spring equinox.

Green Witch Oracle

I absolutely love this deck. The artwork and overall aesthetic is just so beautiful. I do feel it would be lovely to work with all year long but I feel an undeniable alignment with Spring. The imagery is full of flora and fauna and themes which correspond beautifully to the spring season.

I’ve even decided to use this deck for year’s Ostara Sabbat Readings (sadly Seasons of the Witch: Ostara oracle won’t be available until next year but you can see previews in the member portal if you’re a member). It feels like the perfect gentle energy to let go of winter and begin easing into spring.

Check out my review to learn more about the Green Witch oracle.

Seed and Sickle Oracle

Seed & Sickle is beautiful and full with various flowers and herbs. Its so colorful and bright and even though the cards are broken down into spring, summer, fall and winter, it truly feels like any one of these cards could’ve been a snapshot of a spring garden. I think it would be so lovely to work with in green and herbal magic. Simply draw a card and work with the plant featured. Create potions, spells, or mediate and journal about your spiritual insights.

The most interesting thing about this deck is the inclusion of two guidebooks: one for dawn and one for dusk. I loved this because your spiritual cycle may not match what’s on the calendar. You may have a longer winter than others or perhaps you’re in an autumn season while everyone else is easing into spring. The dawn guidebook is for the spring and summer seasons while the dusk book is for fall and winter so you can choose the interpretation that aligns with where you are in your spiritual journey.

My review of Seed & Sickle Oracle goes live later this month. Stay tuned.

Antique Anatomy Tarot

I think the Antique Anatomy Tarot is the perfect intersection between winter and spring so it’s a beautiful deck to work with in March specifically. Bones mixed with flowers represents the two sided coin that is death and rebirth. I read something recently from the Maidens of the Wheel Oracle about how most of modern society doesn’t have to deal with death in the way our ancestors did. So we’re often afraid to acknowledge the power of death and to work with it intentionally. This deck showcases death in a really beautiful way, softening it with florals and bright colors.

Not only does winter symbolically represent death but so does the transition from one season to another. Winter has to end for spring to arrive to so while modern society may not consciously acknowledge death, we work with it everyday. I really love the idea of using this deck to contemplate the transition from winter to spring or the intersection between death and rebirth.

Inner Light Tarot

I’ve been doing yoga on and off since I was 13 so I resonated with this deck right away. But I didn’t really get super serious about my practice until last year when I started working on mobility and flexibility. I got this deck not too long after that and I was pretty blown away to see the very clear connection that could be made between tarot and yoga. In truth, it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. Yoga is a spiritual practice before its an exercise. Body movement is the secondary goal. So it makes sense to have this amazing practice inspire a tarot practice.

Like the next deck, the Rose Oracle, this is very feminine, soft and gentle. It has beautiful pinks, and earth tone that are lovely on the nervous system. I think you’ll get the most out of this deck if you do yoga but it’s pretty true to the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith system so knowledge of yoga isn’t required at all. You’ll also find this deck on my list of Aries picks, which I’ll share in a couple of weeks.

Check out my review to learn more about the Inner Light Tarot.

Rose Oracle

I haven’t used this one in a while but I was talking about it with a friend of mine about how much we loved it and it inspired me to bring it out. In truth, there really is no better season for it was the whole deck is about the energy of the rose. It’s very soft and feminine and feels like the early days of spring when the sky gets that sort of soft, peace glow to it.

I also feel like spring is the most feminine season and therefore well suited for divine feminine work (for all genders, not just women), making this the perfect deck to invoke that energy. But what I like most about it is how gentle it is. That’s a word I keep coming back to for spring this year and this deck is such an easy tool to use. Spring is a happy time but I don’t know about you, sometimes the transition from winter to spring makes me feel a little hazy and more open than usual. I really think you’ll appreciate it if you’re feeling a little more vulnerable right now.

Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle

And of course I had to mention the Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle which was crafted with spring in mind. This deck is one of the earlier ones in the season but still so beautiful and rich in spring colors. If you’re wanting to work on passion, creativity, and blossoming, then this deck is for you. I’m personally pulling it out right around April first but many in my community are already using it. And don’t worry, Seasons of the Witch: Ostara Oracle will be available for Spring next year!

Decks featured in this article:

  1. Green Witch Oracle

  2. Seed & Sickle Oracle

  3. Antique Anatomy Tarot

  4. Inner Light Tarot

  5. Rose Oracle

  6. Seasons of the Witch: Beltane Oracle


Green Witch’s Oracle Review


March 2024 Monthly Collective Reading