Tarot and Oracle Decks to Illuminate Pisces

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There is a uniquely transformative power in switching out your decks to mirror the changing energies of the cosmos. In the ever-evolving journey of spiritual work, the choice of decks you work with can become a powerful tool for aligning with the energies of the Sabbats, seasons, and astrological signs. 

Pisces season is near, the sign of transcendence, imagination and connection to the higher realms of existence. for these reasons, I’ve chosen decks which seem to transport you to completely different places. Be that the cosmos or the seas or the edges of your imagination; there’s a plethora of symbolism and imagery to get lost in. Let your daydreams uncurl with these beautiful, powerful decks.

Lightworker Oracle

I would say this deck is much more on the new aged side but not lacking depth in anyway. One of the main characteristics about Pisces is their connection to everything. Being the last sign of the zodiac means they represent transcendence into the higher realms of existence and this deck mirrors that concept. Cards like Unplug From Mass Consciousness and Starchild speak directly to someone who is meant to hold space for divine wisdom as Pisces does.

But one of the shadow’s of Pisces is that they tend to lack grounding and stability. They would rather daydream about the mystical and fantastical than be present in the world. Fortunately, this deck has lots of reminders to come back down to earth, offering encouragement for Pisces’ strength and healing for its weakness.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to include this on the list because I haven’t used it in a very long time but I took it out and did a reading for Pisces and it was spot on for the season. So if you’re going to work with Pisces energy this year, I would highly recommend using this one.

Dreamkeepers Tarot

I included this one on the list of Imbolc decks but I feel like it ties in nicely to Pisces too. I consider surrealism to be both an Aquarius and a Pisces theme. Aquarius for its rebellious and innovative nature but Pisces because of the association with fantasy and dreamworlds. And as a Pisces moon, connecting with surrealist art really speaks to me.

This deck has so many layers and visuals to get lost in. It’s an entire dreamworld that is thought provoking and really unlocks the imagination, another Pisces quality.

There’s also such of a water component to this deck which brings in Pisces’ water element. I’ve always thought of Pisces as the most watery of the water signs so when I saw this deck, I knew I would slot it for this zodiac sign.

Check out my review if you’re interested to learn more about the Dreamkeepers Tarot.

Siren’s Song Lenormand and Kipper

If you haven’t read my review of this deck, then you should know that this was my very first time working with Kipper or Lenormand. I’m still getting the hang of things but I just couldn’t overlook the watery quality of this deck. Everything is mermaid and sea creatures, and a deep dive into your subsconscious in a way I really wasn’t expecting.

And of course, like all the others on this list, this deck transport you to the sea. The imagery is very sea like. It brought to mind a mermaid sunning on the sea rocks and crustaceans running about the sand. It’s so easy to imagine yourself in a completely different place when you work with this deck. I can also hear the waves crashing against the shore.

It’s definitely a summer deck and I would even say this is probably a little more Cancer now that I’ve worked with it for a bit. But the obvious water connection still rings true for Pisces.

Oracle of Portals

The concept of portals feels like a Pisces theme (also a Gemini theme) as this zodiac sign represents transcendence. To me, transcendence requires stepping through the threshold into a completely different place or time. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with this deck as I have found it to hit really close to my Pisces Moon and not always in a way I enjoy.

This is not one of my more gentle decks but not unkind either. It does bring you back to reality though and that can sometimes be a struggle during Pisces season. Although it’s called the Oracle of Portals, you kind of get the sense this deck is pulling you back from another realm rather than sending you to one.

I also really felt the aesthetic looked like it belonged in late winter to early spring which is of course the time of year the sun transits Pisces.

Healing Waters Oracle

I’m a huge fan of Rebecca Campbell. I have all of her decks and I have definitely studied some of her decks in preparation to write my own. I think she has a wonderfully gentle but firm style to her writing that I have come to really enjoy. And I think her style is great for Pisces. You can’t push too hard with a Pisces as they are sensitive creatures. Not in a bad way, they just exist on a completely different level than the rest of the signs. The way this deck is written feels like just enough push to make an impact but not enough to scare anyone away.

Like Siren’s Song, I consider this to be a summer deck but there is a quality of surrealism and deep subconscious work associated with this deck, lending itself quite nicely to Pisces energy, especially if you’re you enjoy working with the water element.

  1. Lightworker Oracle

  2. Dreamkeepers Tarot

  3. Siren’s Song Lenormand and Kipper

  4. Oracle of Portals

  5. Healing Water Oracle


The Mind’s Eye Tarot Review


The Dreamkeepers Tarot Review