Tarot & Oracle reading tips for beginners

I kind of stumbled into reading tarot and oracle cards and I never expected to be a four time best selling oracle deck author and yet, here I am. But I’ve had to learn a lot along the way and I suspect you could use a little help too if you’re reading this now. 

Below are just a few of my tips to keep in mind in the beginning phases of your tarot and oracle reading journey. These are things I wish I had been more mindful of when I first started and perhaps this will help you to cut through some of the frustration I’ve experienced on my journey. 

Be picky about your first deck

Like all spiritual practices, reading tarot and oracle is a very personal process of getting to know yourself and how your energy manifests in the world. Whatever ritual tools you use, whether that’s a tarot deck, crystal or altar cloth, it should express who you are and represent your personal taste. Hold out for a deck that you truly resonate with and if possible, hold it in your hands, study the photos and read from the guidebook before making a selection. You’re much more likely to build a connection and solid reading practice with a deck that feels supportive and catches your eyes. 

Do daily pulls

I cannot say this enough, pulling one card everyday when you first start reading is a must. It helps you to establish a relationship with the deck by holding it in your hands everyday, but it's also an easy way to get to know different cards and their meanings over time. Just be sure to write each card down along with your first thoughts or interpretation. You’ll want to reflect on this later as your card reading journey evolves.

Stay open minded

I find that a lot of beginners seek tarot readings to validate their hopes or feelings and that’s just not what happens a good portion of the time. The cards tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Stay open minded about the answer you receive and try to find something positive in it, even if you don’t understand it or simply didn’t want it. And if a reading is not to your liking, wait at least another two weeks before pulling cards on the same question. If you keep pulling cards again and again until you get the answer you’re looking for, then you’re wasting your time; It's no longer guidance at this point. 

Don’t fear the scary cards

Cards like the tower, the devil, five of pentacles, three of swords, and death immediately invoke feelings of panic but I have found them to be some of the most profound cards of all. Like you, I’m never happy to see any of these cards but I have never pulled one of these and have not found great success as a result. I won’t lie, I’ve often had to go through many challenges when receiving these cards but I always look back with gratitude when I see just how much I needed what they had to offer. Try to see them as a gift and opportunity rather than something to fear. It might take a while, but you’ll find out that it's all in your best interest. 

Be Consistent

Reading takes time. You are not going to memorize all of the cards overnight or feel comfortable reading without a guidebook, at least not at first and that’s ok. It doesn’t matter how much you stumble through at first as long as you are consistently making an effort to show up for your new skill. Practice really does make perfect. 

Don’t take things too seriously

The most important thing is to have fun! Yes, tarot and oracle decks are a means of spiritual guidance but ultimately, readings should feel supportive and encouraging, even ones that tell you what you don’t want to hear. If you don’t feel inspired to take action or you don’t feel like you’ve gained any clarity, then your reading has served no purpose. And remember that the future is always fluid and a bad reading doesn’t have to be bad news. Shift your perspective and see this as your opportunity to turn things around for the better.

What was your first tarot or oracle deck? Comment below and let’s chat about it.  


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