Pretty Powerful Things

1.Happy 4th of July

The 4th of July is pretty dear to me and holds a lot of memories. The holidays were a big deal when I was a kid. My family and my aunts and cousin would all get together for BBQs, dinners, fun and games. But such is life, things began to change. First my aunt passed, then my cousin, and another cousin and so on. 

It goes without saying, the holidays stopped being a joyous occasion and eventually stopped all together. Now, I am on a mission to reclaim them. Life happens and it sucks a lot of the time. But it's the rituals and traditions that keep us grounded when life feels too hard. 

So for the first time in a long time, I am making a big deal about this holiday. I’m going to BBQ a brisket, make a red, white and blue pavlova, cocktails, lots of sides, bread, and invite people over for a full on celebration. And I hope your 4th of July is full of fun, laughter, and lots of future memories. 

What are some of your plans? Comment below. You can download this shareable graphic here.

2.Seasons of the Witch Samhain Journal

There’s a new member to the Seasons of the Witch family. The Samhain Journal is being born into the world in just a few weeks. I had planned to share this a little later but the release dates keep getting pushed up for my things because of demand which is a problem I am incredibly blessed and thankful to have. 

As I’m sure you might have guessed, this journal is a companion to the Seasons of the Witch Samhain oracle but I didn’t want to do a regular tarot journal. Instead, I focused on pulling out one key meaning from each of the 44 cards, plus 6 cards from the original indie version which is no longer in print. These combine for a total of 50 spiritual prompts for facilitating self-awareness, growth, and healing. 

There’s also lots of extra space for free writing, pasting in photos like I’m doing, and wrecking your journal however you see fit. 

SOTW Samhain Journal officially comes out on August first and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Lammas. You can pre-order it here. 

In the meantime, check out additional photos of the journal here.

3.Seasons of the Witch Oracle Updates

The artwork for the 6th Seasons of the Witch oracle sister is officially done. And if you’re a Pretty Rituals member, be sure to check out the Cards & Cosmos section this week because I will be announcing it exclusively to members only, before anyone else. 

In the meantime, the artwork being done means we are just a few weeks away from sending it to print and I should get the sample before the end of the year. I cannot wait to see it in person, take photos and videos, and to share it all with you. 

Artwork on the 7th sister will begin shortly and the manuscript is already done so updates on that one will not be far behind. And believe it or not, I will begin writing the manuscript for the final deck this week. 

It's hard to believe we’re on the last one after years of working on this series. In fact, I’ve realized by the time the 8th one comes out, it will officially be nearly 7 years from the day of conception to the release of the last deck. What a journey this has been and I am so honored for all of you who have been along for the ride.

Currently available in the series

Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle

Seasons of the Witch Samhain Journal (pre-order)

Seasons of the Witch Yule Oracle

Seasons of the Witch Imbolc Oracle (pre-order)

Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle

Seasons of the Witch Mabon Oracle


I’ve been pretty obsessed with this guy since discovering his page in May. He is definitely a vibe but I have found him talking about things I have quietly been thinking about for months.  

I think he has a great perspective on spiritual growth and connection. And not going to lie, if we lived in the same place and we were both single, he is just the kind of vibe I would enjoy as a partner. Someone who is incredibly self-aware, compassionate, and always on a quest for self-development. 

You can check out his Youtube channel here as well as his Affirmations deck here.

5.Questions from the Week

“What other events do you plan to do book signings at? There are a lot of witch themed markets around LA.”

As of right now, I have two additional signings scheduled. The first is on July 15th at the grand opening celebration for Tarot Arts in Pasadena. 

The second is the Lammas Night Market at Recircle Home in Long Beach on July 30th. 

I had planned to start doing events right when Co-Vid hit and then we all know what happened with that. But now, I’m slowly getting back into doing events so if you know of any witchy markets you’d like to see me at, please leave a comment below and I will reach out to see if I can fill my calendar up with dates to meet up with all of you. 

“Anything niche new things that have sparked your interest lately?”

Yes. I’d definitely say I’m getting back into sea witchery and water magic. I haven’t really spent a lot of time with the water element in recent years but have found myself really enjoying it right now. 

Also on a non spiritual/witch related topic, I’ve been getting back into cooking and baking with a specific focus on bread. I’ve loved making bread for a long time but didn’t really prioritize it. But now, I am determined to break into the home and lifestyle market, specifically with a spiritual component so I have been focusing on those skills a lot these days. 

“How to know my life purpose?”

I think finding your life purpose begins with knowing yourself. You need to know what you enjoy doing but also what you’re good at. I’ll give you an example with myself. For years, I thought I wanted to be a powerhouse CEO so that is what I put my energy into. But I am not a practical type of person. In fact, I have been told in many, many spiritual readings that my focus should not be on practical matters and when I’m living my purpose, other people will naturally step in to take care of those types of things for me. 

And last year, I finally came to terms with the fact I am a creative director, not a CEO. I’m not good at CEO things and I don’t enjoy it. But I love artistry, design, and creative direction and when I started focusing on those things, it felt like the skies opened up and after years of struggling to see consistent results, things began to move with consistent ease. 

Don’t try to force yourself in space that doesn’t feel good. You will never find your purpose by pretending to enjoy something that deep down, you know you can’t stand. But also, don’t assume that enjoying something means it won’t be challenging. Any purpose is hard. What makes it meaningful to you is that you still love it, even on the days when you want to kick and scream and shit is falling apart. Its purpose that keeps you going. So you better love what you do because if you don’t, you will not have the motivation to keep at it when your back is against the wall.

Ask me anything. You can submit your questions via Instagram stories (@spiritelement) every Wednesday and Thursday for a chance to get the answer here, every week, on Pretty Powerful Things.

6.Spiritual Lessons this week

Lesson number 1: I am learning how to trust my gut instinct. 

A couple of weeks ago, someone walked up to me and said “remember this affirmation. You are always right! People keep trying to convince you that you’re wrong or don’t understand and it's because they’re afraid of the power you have. They will try to keep you down but remember, you are always right!” 

And then he left. He didn’t ask me for anything, or say anything else. I believe what he meant is that my intuition is always right, because it usually is. 

I don’t mean I never make a mistake or that I don’t get things wrong sometimes. But when I have a truly gut reaction, a gut instinct about something or someone, it's never wrong. It doesn’t matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise. 

I have always known when someone had bad intentions, is lying to me, when something feels off, or when someone will hurt me. But for a long time, I’d dismiss those feelings only to find out later, they were absolutely true. 

And I bet you’ve experienced something similar. Deep down, you know but you don’t let yourself accept it. And that knowing is your intuition, attempting to guide you so that you don’t waste time on the wrong things. 

I don’t know why it took a stranger, coming up to me about this but ever since then, I have been saying his affirmation and already, my intuition is guiding me to some remarkable places. 


I only wish I’d learned to trust mine sooner.

Lesson number 2: Realizing I’m being a petty bitch

This week, I stumbled upon another oracle deck series called the Witches Grimoire which, at least for right now, will have three decks. Immediately, I thought, this concept feels just like the Seasons of the Witch oracle series. I started spinning wondering if my decks inspired this collection and that led to some frustration. I felt like my concept had been copied and I started obsessively looking for evidence that the author had somehow used my decks as reference. Up until now, the Seasons of the Witch oracle deck series has been the only full series of decks I’ve seen. A revolutionary publication. And there is a part of me that wants to keep it safe and prevent others from doing something similar. 

And then I had a moment of clarity. 

I realized I was being egotistical, selfish, and petty.

I thought to myself, “Lorriane, what you’re thinking isn’t right. How many times have you been inspired by someone else’s work? And frankly, you don’t own the right to do an oracle deck series. You’re being triggered so that you can examine this feeling, learn from it, and evolve. This is an opportunity to overcome a shadow in your system and to confront a limiting belief.”

And honestly, the author’s concept is brilliant. It’s a wonderful series. I don’t know if SOTW inspired it but even if my decks did inspire it, I should be honored and grateful my work could encourage someone else to follow their path and creativity. 

This trigger became a reminder that feelings like jealousy, anger, and defensiveness are a part of the human experience. It doesn’t matter how evolved you are. You will experience these feelings many times over your life. 

The evolution comes in what you do with these feelings. I could’ve continued to be petty and angry but I knew that would only diminish my energy. Or I could celebrate another amazing creator. I could rejoice in one more idea that manifested into the world rather than writhing away at the back of someone’s mind. 

And you can do the same. Celebrate the person you’re jealous of or angry at. Be thankful when someone makes you feel defensive. Send love when someone makes you sad. That’s how you change the narrative and step into a high vibrational life. 

The work never ends. I will no doubt have to do this many times, especially now that the universe knows I’m paying attention. But I don’t want to live in a low vibrational place, feeling like I’m losing out because someone else is shining their light. I refuse to do that. 

And I hope that by sharing this honest look at a dark moment for me, inspires you to choose the path of light as well. 

You can follow on Instagram here and click here to get notified about the Witches Grimoire oracle collection Kickstarter.

7. Wild Mountain Child tree tools

I’m kind of obsessed with these magical things, the creator Elise, calls tree tools. I drink a lot of tea, like I’m sure many of you do and I’m always on the lookout for a beautiful tea strainer. 

I started following Elise and we got to talking about her magical pieces and graciously offered to send me a selection, a few of which you can see here. I am so excited to work these into my tea practice and I think you all should really check these out if drinking tea is your thing. 

You can browse her selection of tree tools here. I’m planning on purchasing her sunflower spoons as soon as they are back in stock in addition to a few other things I have my eye on.

8.Spiritual Spotlight: Seahorse

I am learning so much about Seahorse these days. This was not the animal energy on my radar for summer until I found a seahorse shaped perfume bottle at a flea market for $0.50. I thought to myself, well this feels like a sign and perhaps I should work with this energy. 

So I set out learning about this incredible creature. It can change its color, like a chameleon and males carry babies in their pouch. That one I knew. But they also have an incredible way of letting their bodies drift with the waves, expending zero effort as they float along. 

In spiritual terms, they represent balance, harmony, flow, and connection to nature. I loved learning about these magical beings and have found myself to be obsessed with all things seahorse. 

If you haven’t seen already, I released a Seahorse candle that has a seahorse charm which you can wear as a necklace or bracelet once the wax melts down. 

And if you’re interested to learn more about Seahorse, check out the Pretty Rituals member portal for more spiritual properties.


Water Energy Oracle Decks


A Look at the Seasons of the Witch Samhain Journal