May Tarot Spread: Cosmic Transformation

You’ve probably seen all of the commotion about the recent lunar eclipse in Scorpio and yes we all survived but did you know that cosmic event actually opened a doorway to about 3-6 months of significant transformation? Much of the world is not going to be aware of how much this transit will affect them but fortunately, you are reading this now which means you are ready to intentionally lean into this portal of growth and in doing so, have the best results. 

I made this spread because for one, I really wanted to be clear about how I am transforming and two, so that you can also find the clarity needed to make the most of this uncomfortable but also expanding energy. 

And you can use this spread for any significant transit. 

Deck used: La Flora Tarot

What is shifting in me as a result of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio?

How will this transformation unfold over the next 3-6 months?

In what ways will this shift cause me to feel uncomfortable?

How can I work through the discomfort?

How will I look, feel or behave once this transformation is done?

What is shifting in me as a result of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio? Page of Wands

The main energy of this card is a person who is well aware of their brilliance but is fearful and doubtful of their abilities and I can’t really think of a better way to describe myself. I am full of ideas, really great ones in fact, but I am often afraid to put them into action. The page of wands represents an opportunity to be brave enough to move beyond these fears, stimulating a rise to the next level. More than anything, this card represents opportunities and possibilities. If I do the work, facilitated by the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, I could find myself expanding in my career and confidence. 

How will this transformation unfold over the next 3-6 months? King of Cups

The king of cups represents a perfect balance between emotion and logic. Though the most emotional of all the kinds, he does not let his emotions run away with him. He knows a good leader leads from the heart while also being aware of logic, diplomacy, and the power of staying calm. And man do I need this. Just the other day, someone said I am their example of how to remain calm which totally shocked me. I am NOT a calm person. I can be quick to anger (thanks Mars in Aries), I stress a lot, and I am quite restless. I appreciate the compliment but being calm is something I have been actively working on for a year. 

So I am pretty pleased to see that part of my transformation is likely to result in me finally finding inner peace like the king of cups. I desperately want to be the type of person who keeps their cool, even in challenging situations. 

In what ways will this shift cause me to feel uncomfortable? Queen of Wands

While this question represents something that might be scary or uncomfortable, the answer holds the key to your greatest expansion. Growth never occurs in the comfort zone so if you’re feeling uncomfortable during the next few months, know that it's your sign that growth is happening. 

Confidence and achievement are the Queen of Wands main quality and yes, these things make me uncomfortable. That’s part of why I wanted to share my readings because I have a lot of insecurities, like I know a lot of people do and I want you to see what it's like to confront your blockages. 

But I want to be the Queen of Wands and in fact, this is my favorite card out of the entire deck because of my desire to embody this energy. This queen is capable of achieving pretty much anything she desires, in no small part because she believes in herself. Failure doesn’t occur to her. If she fails, she simply sees this as a chance to try again. 

The lunar eclipse is pushing me to be exactly what I have asked for and of course it's uncomfortable. Growth does not exist in the comfort zone and it can’t. The whole point of expanding is to have more than what you’re already comfortable with. 

How can I work through the discomfort? Seven of Pentacles

The seven of pentacles guides me to keep my long term goals in mind when I feel uncomfortable. I am an author, which most of you know and more and more, I have been asked to do videos, speaking engagements, interviews and the like. All of which makes me uncomfortable but is also kind of a job requirement. I love talking to people but it's much easier for me to do so in a one on one setting. I am never going to be the life of the party but I do need to remember that being sociable and outgoing is a part of what I have chosen to do with my life. Keeping that in mind arms me with the choice to put my growth over my fear. 

How will I look, feel or behave once this transformation is done? Knight of Swords

Apparently I will be ambitious, maybe even to a fault. The knight of swords is very interested in growing and manifesting his desires, sometimes so much that he doesn’t pay attention to anything else. I don’t love that but I do love working towards being the best that I can be in my working life. Additionally this knight is very focused and after the past couple of years I’ve had, this is a welcome change. Going back to the page of wands, part of his problem is that he can sometimes have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Me too! But more and more, I am niching down my focus and really enjoying doing so. The knight of swords is confirmation that I am well on my way. 


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