Daily Oracle Pulls: September 9-15
A new week of daily pulls has arrived!. If you’d like to have the photos as a keepsake, be sure to scroll down to the bottom and click the button. This will take you to a folder where you can download them. They will only be available for the week so if you want them get them now. Please note, these photos are intellectual property and for personal use only! If you’d like to use them for marketing purposes, please email me at hello@spiritelement.co for license pricing.
Monday September 9, 2024
→ Campfire
This card guides you to reach out to your community or if you find you don’t have one, today is a great day to work towards developing connections. Even the most incredibly successful people need a support system. You need people who can show you your blind spots and your potential. Not to mention, sharing your challenges with others may help in finding a solution. We all do it, get stuck in tunnel vision until someone comes along and offers an alternative solution. Having a community doesn’t mean you need dozens of people. One or two confidants is enough to give you a sense of support and belonging. Whether its a friend, a family member, a co-worker or a mentor, take a few moments today to reach out to someone whose advice you value and whose life you admire.
Tuesday September 10, 2024
→ Haunted House
This card came up just two days ago which means the lesson of that day is still with you. There’s still something from your past that is haunting you and causing you to feel trapped. Ask yourself what you’re holding on to? What is it about this past person, situation or behavior that is keeping you rooted where you are? You could move on but the fact that you don’t means you’re getting something out of it, even if it's something toxic or small. Rather than focusing on moving on, try focusing on understanding why you’ve stayed or why you continue to think about the past. You might be surprised to learn there are still things you need to heal or acknowledge within yourself. Shifting your perspective empowers you and allows you to consider new options and paths to freedom.
Wednesday September 11, 2024
→ Toad
Take the passive approach today. Don’t push or force anything. Toad invites you to be patient and to let things come to you. There’s no need to keep sending someone a message or calling when they haven’t responded. Don’t keep nagging someone to do something when they haven’t. Don’t get frustrated by a lack of progress. If things are stalling, let that be what it is. This is a perfect opportunity to develop more patience and to learn to find peace when things don’t go your way. Peace doesn’t mean bad things never happen or that you’re never disappointed, it means you’ll be ok regardless of the circumstances. You’ll often find most things that feel like emergencies aren’t that serious. Give yourself one hour to relax before making any rash decisions. You may forget about it or realize it's not that big of a deal. And, they may even text you back if you give them a chance.
Thursday September 12, 2024
→ Elderberries
TODAY is the day to take action. See, good things really do come to those that wait. Now it's time to push forward with your plans or opinions. Today is the day to speak up, ask for what you want, or take a big risk. You can only imagine things for so long. You can only make so many lists or do so much research. At some point, you have to do something with all of your preparation. Otherwise, you’re preparing for absolutely nothing which means a big fat waste of time. Doing something in theory is great but you’ll never fully understand anything until you have the experience of actually doing it. So go ahead, make the call, send the email, enroll in the class, ask them out, ask for a raise. Do whatever you have to do to get some forward movement.
Friday September 13, 2024
→Witch’s Rosary
This card asks you to look at your long-term plans. What do you want out of life? I know, that feels like a big question for a daily pull but it's a question you need to answer. Why? Because life moves on whether you know what you want or not. It's so easy to say you’ll figure it out tomorrow or next week but then a thousand tomorrows go by, resulting in years of putting off your dreams. To be clear, you don’t need to have everything figured out. Even just a vague idea of what you want is good enough to get started. But if you’re just hoping purpose or fulfillment will drop into your lap, then you’re sure to be disappointed in a few years time. Spend a few minutes writing out three lists: what you love doing, what you’re good at and what you would like to do at some point. Then find the pattern. Where do these three lists overlap? A simple exercise but packed with loads of information.
Saturday September 14, 2024
→ Peppers
Peppers asks you to put yourself first today even if it means upsetting someone or losing out on something. So much of life is not as good as it seems. In fact, things are never as good as we imagine them to be. Golden opportunities can turn out to be your worst nightmare or you catch your dream crush only to realize they’re a lunatic. There’s nothing wrong with outgrowing a situation or a person or just needing some space. Boundaries don’t have to mean cutting someone off forever. Just asking for space is often enough to give yourself a chance to breathe and rebound. Most people are willing to honor a boundary and if not, then you probably don’t need that person in your life anyway.
Sunday September 15, 2024
→ Corn Maze
What are your values and beliefs? What things are you not willing to compromise? I find a lot of people do not have a solid concept of their belief system. There are things that are socio-normative like treating others the way you want to be treated or saying please, thank you and excuse me. But what are the things that you actually live by? For some, you may sit, think about it and realize you want to live a life of beauty or creativity. For others, well-being might be your motivation or living from a place of love. For others still, education might drive you or reaching a certain level of status. And it doesn’t matter if your values don’t fit neatly into other’s ideas. If you want to be successful and ambitious, that is your right babe. If you want to be a homemaker, then it’s your home to do with it what you want. Fulfillment doesn’t come by living to other’s standards.