July 2024 Monthly Collective Reading

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I will apologize right from the start because this is a very long reading but I had so much to say. I really felt like the cards were flowing through me on this one. And I really wanted to get the message across because I believe in you! I’m going to keep saying that… I Believe in You!!

I know you have so many things you want to do in life and for yourself and I believe you can do them. But I’m sick and tired of spiritual gurus lying to people. I’m sick and tired of people pushing the idea that “magic” is going to make things easy. I believe in spirit and spells and energy and all of that but I also really believe that none of that is going to fast forward you past all of the work required to get what you want. 

My darling, confidence is the only thing the rest of us 99% are missing. It isn’t money or time or pedigree. Its confidence in ourselves and frankly some entitlement too. Not entitlement in the usual sense but the belief that you are worthy. That you can achieve great things, no matter how unrealistic it seems right now. 

Much of the world’s wealthiest people are people who are standing on the backs of an ancestor who pulled themselves up out of poverty; who had nothing and made everything. So please, please my darling, take this reading to heart. Let this summer be the real turning point. Let July 2024 be the month you’ll look back on and say, that’s when I decided I was going to do everything I’ve ever wanted to do

I’ve recently had a serious shift in my priorities and I said if I get through this, I was going to change. I was going to stop making excuses and I was going to put in the work to live my life to the fullest, totally out loud and 100% authentically. I hope you don’t have to have the very scary experience that I had to get to the same place. I hope you don’t have to be faced with all of the ways you shoulda, coulda, woulda but didn’t and possibly won’t get the chance to do. I hope something, anything in this reading sparks in you. 

Remember, I Believe in You! Now, you need to believe in you too!

From Seasons of the Witch: Lammas Oracle

Overall Energy: Citrine

July marks the potential for a monumental shift in how you carry yourself. The beautiful thing about the Citrine card is that it is positive regardless of how or where it lands in a reading. This is one of those cards when you can expect everything to work out in a really joyous way. Obstacles will suddenly be removed as if an angel came and whisked them away, unexpected fortune finds you, opportunities seem to come out of nowhere or your true love actually shows up at your doorstep. This is a very happy card indeed. 

However, there will be limits to your happiness if you choose to do nothing. By that I mean, this card encourages you to take a more active role in your “fate.” Actually, it suggests fate has nothing to do with how successful you are. Confidence is an emotional muscle that can grow with enough attention and care. Not feeling confident? Ask yourself why? What makes you feel insecure? Then do something about it. That could mean learning how to be a better public speaker, developing a more positive attitude, practicing a skill, finally losing that extra ten pounds, offering up some forgiveness, or looking people in the eye. 

This card, Citrine, promises happy days for July regardless but you can take good to great by being more intentional about it.

Earth (Physical Realm)

What practical steps can I take to enhance my financial stability and physical well-being this month? → Temperance

I believe one of the reasons why people struggle to make meaningful changes in their lives is because they try to do too much at one time or because their expectations are out of order. I recently had to come to terms with this myself. In my mind, I had worked out how I could lose 30 pounds in two months which isn’t very realistic or healthy for that matter. I needed an adjustment in my perspective. Not only that but I tried so hard to exercise until I basically couldn’t stand and that isn’t sustainable. I spent so much time trying to recover from one workout that I ended up not working out for several weeks. Which means a lot of time wasted that couldn’t been more productive by taking it slow. One pushup a day for 30 days is still 30 pushups and that’s more than 10 pushups just once. 

That’s the Temperance card in a nutshell; the need to better manage expectations, understand that progress takes time, and to balance your desires with practical steps. Instead of waiting to win the lottery to get out of debt, try paying off smaller bills or adding a few extra dollars where you can. Instead of trying to cook a four course meal when you can’t boil water, try making one easy dish and going from there. Little steps, added up over time are often much more impactful than waiting on that one big moment when everything suddenly changes. 

Temperance invites you to take the slow road for more lasting results. Rather than trying to do everything at once and then having to unravel a big mess when things don’t work out, maybe try small actions. If something didn’t work, you didn’t waste a lot of time and it will be much easier to pivot. If your small steps do work, then you can always add on later. There’s no rush. All progress is good progress.

Air (Mental Realm)

How can I cultivate mental clarity and enhance my communication skills in my relationships this month? → Two of Pentacles

The two of pentacles is really the minor expression of Temperance and also represents balance, moderation and juggling expectation with practical action. In this case however, balance speaks to the mind and how you communicate. This card can indicate mood swings, drastically changing your mind, or general flightiness that is becoming a challenge in your relationships. It's important to have a deeper understanding and more clarity about your own needs and goals before sharing them with others. And hey look, I’ve been there. I change my mind about things all the time and frankly, that’s gotten me into some trouble from time to time. I imagine it might be the same for you if you’re reading this now. 

There’s nothing wrong with holding things back until you feel really good about what you’re doing. Maybe you can’t answer someone’s question truthfully at the moment, but that’s better than giving a false answer and having to do damage control later. And sure, you might miss an opportunity or someone may not be willing to wait. That’s a risk worth taking if it means not having to clean up a devastating mess and you end up losing out anyway, just with more baggage to carry. This card indicates that the way you’ve been communicating and even the way you think about yourself isn’t sustainable. Sure, it's gotten you this far but just barely and it was probably a very bumpy ride. Now it's time to slow down, figure shit out and share information on a need to know only basis.

Fire (Passion and Creativity)

What passions and creative pursuits should I focus on to bring excitement and fulfillment into my life this month? → Judgment

First and foremost, this card means the end of a crisis or the end of a challenging era. It doesn’t always come across as a happy card but I think it is and I have often said, it should be renamed as purpose or transcendence or just something else other than judgment. This really is a card about ascending to the next level. It represents an entirely new operating system for your spirit. And the start of every new journey comes along with new challenges and new adventures. However, like most cards in tarot, this card’s energy is not guaranteed. You can miss the boat if you give into doubt and indecision. 

You need to decide who you want to be. You need to decide how you want to show up in your life. No more excuses or backtracking or fear of failure or success. No one is coming to save you. No one is going to change things for you or make change easy for you. No one has the guide with a detailed description of how every detail in your life is going to play out, it doesn’t matter how many readings you get. And frankly, manifestation isn’t a magic wand. I don’t even really like that word “magic” anymore because it gives the expectation that things are just suddenly easy and there’s no work involved on your end. That’s just not true!

You get out of the universe what you put in. It's as simple as that. You put in hard work and success will follow. It may not be immediate, and it won’t be without challenges or setbacks, but it will come. But you have to make a choice to believe in yourself. You have to say, I WILL DO THIS and then show up and do it. There’s no other way. 

Judgment, in this case, represents the moment when you finally decide your desires outweigh your excuses. That’s the moment when you’ll transcend and the new chapter will begin.

Water (Emotional Realm)

What emotional patterns or challenges do I need to address, and how can I nurture my emotional well-being in the month ahead? → Nine of Swords

Worry. Stress. Anxiety. They don’t call these silent killers for nothing. Stress can be more devastating to you than your diet, lack of exercise, or poor habits like smoking. Mostly because stress is so consuming to the point that many of us are operating from a place of distress 24 hours a day. You might have tense muscles that you’ve grown accustomed to, an ache in your chest that’s normalized now, or immediately going to the worst case scenario even though a problem is really just a minor inconvenience. 

Stress makes Mount Everests out of anthills and the nine of swords for this question, is imploring you to figure out how to manage your stress. And not just that but also fear, disgust, frustration, lack of forgiveness and all of those things that make it feel like you’re carrying 200 lbs even though there’s nothing physically there. If you’re feeling emotionally tired or mentally or spiritually tired, then you are building a wall to your success, brick by brick in the form of every hurtful thought. 

I don’t believe in policing your thoughts but I do believe in making an effort to be more positive than negative. I believe self-bullying is a real thing and that it's so easy to spin out of control when life feels out of control. But like confidence, positivity is a muscle that can grow until eventually, you think of the best case scenario first instead of the worst. Or you start saying, how can I solve this problem instead of, oh God, I don’t know what to do. 

You’re so close. I can feel how ready you are to change your entire outlook on life. You just have to make the choice to do so!

Spirit (Divine Guidance)

How can I strengthen my spiritual connection and receive divine guidance to navigate the month ahead with grace and wisdom? → The Devil

In truth, all of these tarot cards have been expressions of the same thing. They all want you to stop making excuses and start making changes. Again, it's not going to be simple or even easy and definitely not fast. It takes work. That’s just what it is. Getting out of debt is hard, losing weight is hard, changing your career is hard, putting yourself out there to find love is hard, starting a business, starting a new hobby, moving to a new place, ending a relationship, all of these things are hard. It's not about it being easy, it's about being true to yourself and what you need to feel like you have the life you want. 

It's also hard to be in debt and it's hard to be overweight and it's hard to stay in a job that’s sucking the life out of you, and it's hard to be alone and well you get it. Life. IS. Hard. It can either be hard and you’re stuck in the same place, or it can be challenging and you’re moving towards what you want out of life. Up to you. 

The devil card is also a card about temptation and there is more than enough of that to go around. I’m trying to lose weight and can't go into a store without wanting a Reese but I keep telling myself no! Because I want to feel healthy more than I want the very fleeting satisfaction of eating a piece of candy. No one can make you give into temptation. People can tempt you for sure, and people can be aggressive about it but you can be just as steadfast in your choice not to give in. 

Ok, so this is a card about spiritual connection and so the advice is to lean on your own spirit. Take a moment or two to close your eyes and check in with yourself. Ask yourself what would the highest version of me do right now? What would the debt free version of me do right now? What would the healthy version of me do at this moment? How would the outgoing version of me react? Channel the person you’re becoming and let them make the decision for you. The most ideal version of you is available to you always, 24 hours a day. You just have to ask.

Need more guidance? Personal readings are available in the store. Choose from a variety of options, delivered in a keepsake PDF with a beautiful photo.

Decks used in this reading:

Seasons of the Witch: Lammas Oracle
The Solar Kingdom Tarot


The Solar Kingdom Tarot Review


Pre-Order Seasons of the Witch Ostara Oracle