How to Transition Your Wellness Routine For Fall

The last days of summer can leave you feeling tired, sluggish or just a little bit anxious after so much activity and busy energy these past months. It's pretty common to feel a need to slow down as the earth also begins her descent into the fall and winter seasons. And just like the earth, the way you take care of yourself probably needs to shift a bit as you shift into autumn. 

In this post, I’m sharing five fall wellness practices to help you let go of summer and ease yourself into the energies of autumn. I’m also sharing alternatives because frankly, ritual baths aren’t for everyone. 

1. Ritual baths

It may be cliche but the cooler months of the year practically beg for relaxing baths. Summer isn’t all that suited for a hot bath but the fall makes the perfect time to start to work them back into your wellness routine. Not to mention, the first thing that comes to mind for words like self-care and wellness—some of autumn’s favorite things—is usually a bath. That’s probably because a warm, soothing bath is a luxury for many people who barely have enough time in the day to get through a long shower, let alone soak for 30 minutes. 

Which is why making time to take a bath is the ultimate in self-care and it's such an easy way to not only relax tired and sore muscles but to add layers of wellness like a skin softening treatment or ingredients to make it detoxifying. This is also the perfect time to condition your hair, put on a facial or just enjoy a glass of wine. Ideally, a weekly bath during the fall months is a good starting point but even one bath a month can do wonders for your mood and health. 

Need some inspiration? Check out my membership, for a selection of perfect bath treatments like Apple Brandy Ritual Bathing Cordial for connecting with the otherworld to try this fall.

Not into ritual baths? Try foot baths instead. 

Most bath recipes can be adapted to a foot bath which is often a lot easier and more practical. You can soak your feet while doing other tasks such as reading or watching tv plus, it requires less clean up afterwards. You can even find electric foot baths that function like a mini jacuzzi and are pretty inexpensive. I like this one because it’s collapsable and easy to store.

2. Being in nature

Nature is naturally healing and not just in the symbolic sense. Fresh air, beautiful landscapes, the sounds you hear, and spending time moving your body are all things that contribute to well-being. 

And fall is such an amazing time to enjoy the beauty of our planet. The colors are so rich and the weather is cool enough to spend a good amount of time outdoors without the danger of sunburn. And let’s not forget the plethora of activities that are readily available. Everything from hiking to apple picking to hay rides, and last minute dips before the temperatures get too cold. There’s plenty to do before winter sets in. 

Nature walks may not seem like wellness activities but fresh air really does uplift your spirit, especially after spending hot summers in air conditioned buildings pumping out artificial air. Getting out into nature, even for a few minutes a day can reset your energy and help you to gently align with the coming of fall. 

Not into the great outdoors? Try facial steaming instead

Facial steaming is a great way to clear out sinuses, infuse your skin and hair with moisture and take in some deep breaths of soothing plant materials. Add dried plants or essential oils that remind you of fall such as orange, rosemary, thyme and figwort. It will feel like the great outdoors are right there in your living room. Just be careful of strong plants or oils such as cinnamon or clove that could be irritating to skin. 

Warm, nourishing drinks

Drinks are such an easy way to take care of your body. A cup of herbal tea, an adaptogenic moon milk, or a morning superfood latte is both indulgent and healthy and a good way to sneak in self-care. Plus, making your favorite superfood drink can be a healing ritual in and of itself. Just the act of slowing down enough to prepare something the right way is you making a choice to put your health and well-being first. 

Are you a member? Find my Apple Pie Moon Milk recipe in the member portal.

Not into warm fall drinks? Try hearty soups instead. 

If you’re completely over pumpkin spice lattes and similar drinks, give hearty soups a try. They’re just as comforting but far more nutritious and can be packed with layers of flavor. Soups are great when you are looking to eat healthy while also feeling satisfied. Try root vegetable bases made with sweet potato, pumpkin or squash or consider making hearty bone and vegetable broths and soups. I personally love a minestrone soup recipe that’s half soup, half macaroni and cheese. It's packed with vegetables, pesto, cheese and small pasta shells and is so, so good. 

Spending more time with friends

Specifically with those friends who just make you feel good. You know the ones. They are hilarious and will have your gut rolling in pain from laughter by the end of the night. These are the kind of people that make a bad time of life seem manageable but they are also the ones that remind you there’s more to life than just work and making money. Look for ways to combine social hour with getting your body moving such as an exercise class or morning hike. Or focus on your mental wellness by taking a new class together or having a new experience. 

And then, spend your time with people who get you out of your comfort zone. If you don’t know what your purpose is, how can you expect to find it doing what’s already familiar and comfortable? The answer to who you are and what you should be doing is in a new experience that completely opens your eyes to something unexpected and yet, absolutely perfect for you. So say yes to that friend that always wants to do something wild and crazy. They may take you on an autumn adventure that completely refreshes you. 

Not feeling social this fall? Try a solo trip instead. 

A solo weekend adventure can be just as refreshing as spending time with friends. It's really important to get out of your comfort zone and day to day though so if you can, try booking a hotel or short term rental. It's often challenging to see how much your daily life drains you until you remove yourself from it. Some solitude and time for reflection could be just what you need to make necessary changes. Try to pick locations out in nature if you can or just a location that interests and inspires you. 

Embracing Unproductiveness 

It’s important to have goals and to take action on them but it's just as important to make time to do absolutely nothing. You are not a machine, you’re a human and humans need to take breaks. Your mind needs time to declutter, your body needs time to heal, and your soul needs time to remind you that your worth has nothing to do with how much money you make or how much you hustle. 

And fall and winter are seasons when slowing down is a naturally supported practice. A good rule of thumb is to take at least one day every month to do absolutely nothing. And invite your family to do the same with you so that you don’t feel like you’re ignoring them. Plan a day to watch old movies, eat comfort foods, and sleep in until noon. You can also try things like putting off tasks for later like washing clothes or mowing the lawn or checking emails. All of that will still be there tomorrow and nothing is going to happen if you take one day to release some tension. 

Not really a do nothing kind of person? Try Active Rest instead. 

I get it. I have a hard time sitting still too. For me, active rest has been a godsend. Taking a break from normal tasks doesn’t have to mean doing nothing. Try spending a day doing crafts, light stretching, cooking an easy meal or spending all day on the phone catching up with people. You can still feel productive without having to check anything off of the to-do list while at the same time, making your wellness a priority by doing things that bring you joy. 

What are you doing for wellness this fall? Share your personal self-care tips and tricks below so we can all stay Evergreen. 


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