How To Establish Yourself As A Sacred Space

July 17th marks another moon portal, the new moon in Cancer and with that comes another opportunity for ritual evolution. We also transition from Cancer to Leo this week. Cancer rules the self and self-worth while Leo rules shining your light and standing in your sense of regality. So I thought it would be fun to discuss what I call, making yourself your own sacred space. This is a practice of self-worship, and reclaiming your magnificence which you will see me talking about a lot moving forward. 

The pathway to each human’s existence is a literal miracle. Just the chances of you being chosen out of hundreds of millions of sperm cells is remarkable without even considering the trillions of other decisions made over thousands of years that lead to your being here. This means you are MAGNIFICENT, rather you choose to believe that or not. You are part of a lineage of millions and their DNA is flowing within you. Somewhere in your ancestry, there are leaders, healers, teachers, inventors, rebels and history makers. All of which still exist through YOU, and you have access to the same skills they possessed. 

But you have to believe in your own magnificence to allow their power to flow through you. Of course, that’s easier said than done. How do you learn to be worthy if you can’t remember the feeling or perhaps, never felt this way at all? There is an expectation to turn on a switch that will suddenly flow the feeling of worth through your spirit and while this is a romantic notion, it's not very practical. 

But you can practice the feeling of worth by engaging in exercises like the ones down below which I call, making yourself a sacred space or a sacred temple. 

A sacred temple is a place of worship, often in honor of a deity or other such divine being. Well, your spirit is a divine being and your body is its sacred temple. It's a physical place where you can worship and honor the power of your soul, just as a disciple would honor a god or goddess. 

It will take time and patience, but with consistent effort, you can learn what it feels like to feel worthy, just by showing yourself a little time, attention and care. 

Here are five ways you can begin to establish yourself as a sacred space and reclaim your magnificence. 

Adorning your Sacred Temple

Adorn yourself like you would decorate a sacred temple, made for your favorite deity. Choose jewelry, makeup, clothes, and accessories that are meaningful to you and make you feel magnificent. This is not about dressing to please others but boosting your own confidence and embracing a feeling of regality. 

Paper the Body

Spend a few moments massaging lotion, oils or creams into your skin, especially the areas that are often overlooked like the webbing between fingers and toes, hands, ankles, feet, the muscle cords along the back of the neck, the upper back just behind the armpits, the muscle connecting the shoulder to the chest, and around the hips into the groin area. Doing so releases stagnant energy and shows your body deeper attention to detail. 

Anointing with Fragrance

Make scent a part of your everyday routine by selecting a fragrance that represents power, self-devotion and self-love. Dap it along sensual areas with sensitive skin such as behind the knees, the breastbone, behind the ears, back of the neck, inside of the wrists while repeating “I AM MAGNIFICENT.” 

Energy Clearing

All disciples of sacred temples spend time clearing the energy of these divine spaces rather through smoke, fire, water, sound, and countless other ways. Be a disciple unto your own sacred temple and devote time to a regular practice of energy clearing for yourself. Regular deep cleansing baths or showers where you can spend time in a long rich lather, massaging shampoos into the hair, body scrubs and bath salts are all excellent ways to release and nourish. Follow this up with something like smoke or sound clearing, or a combination of methods meaningful to you. 

Self Offerings

Offerings are often given as a thank you and payment for prayers and wishes being received and answered. Be your own deity and reward yourself when you show up to this sacred work of claiming your magnificence. When you obtain this reward, be sure to say thank you to yourself for showing up, doing the work, and celebrating your success. This is your opportunity to reinvest in your own gloriousness and stimulate feel good endorphins, encouraging you to reach even higher in your goals.


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