Ghosts & Spirits Tarot Review

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By: Lisa Hunt
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems
Number of cards: 79
Card size: 4.75 (just under) in x 2.75 in
Box size: 5 x 3 x 1.25 in
Guidebook pages: 61
Purchased or gifted?: Purchased

Absolute favorite card: The High Priest
My favorite cards: Two of cups, ace of swords, king of cups, the chains (the devil), the chariot, six of cups, ten of cups, seven of cups, two of wands
Season: winter
Sabbat: Imbolc
Sign: Pisces, scorpio
Oracle Deck compliment: Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle

The Chains with The Witch’s Apothecary

First Impressions: I immediately went to Barnes and Noble to seek out lore on ghosts and spirits and doesn’t that just tell you how amazing this deck is? To be honest, the concepts of ghosts freaked me out for a very long time and I probably wouldn’t have even thought about buying this deck before 2023. Strangely, I hadn’t even heard of this deck before a few months ago. But I’m really resonating with ghost energy now and of course the universe aligned with my energy and introduced me to this incredible work.

First up is packaging. This is an older deck from U.S. Games Systems so it has the old school flimsy cardboard box and the little white booklet. For a long time, the little white booklet was plenty but in this world of brilliant new decks, I find this wasn’t enough to satisfy my curiosity. Hence, my trip to Barnes and Noble. However, I just got a big box of US Games decks and I am happy to report the packaging isn’t anything at all like this. Keep an eye out for my reviews on those in the coming weeks.

Having said that, the book had more than I was expecting. There are brief mentions of various lore for each card which added a substantial layer to the meanings even though Lisa had very little space to work with. I still felt like I learned a lot and in the end, that’s what matters.

This is a different kind of tarot in the best possible way. It’s like the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot but the meanings really take on a life of their own. There’s a no nonsense quality about them—my kind of decks. It’s an in your face, do the work sort of deal. A great reading should leave you excited and energized and I can honestly say, this deck does exactly that. But it’s also honest. I have been fortunate to have some really amazing conversations lately about how little ‘work’ people actually want to do. So be warned, this is deck is one that will push you far more than entice you with gently words.

Before I get to the artwork and my favorite cards, I want to mention the bonus card. I’m not really sure about its purpose. It doesn’t have a meaning in the guidebook or a name so you don’t get a story or background on the ghost like the others. There’s only one line in the introduction. I always appreciate extra cards but I’m not sure this one adds anything to the deck which is absolutely fabulous despite the packaging.

I thought the cover image did a great job, summing up the deck as a whole while the backs of the cards are more friendly ghosts. The kind you might see hanging as decoration during Halloween. The colors are mostly blues, whites and browns with some pops of color here and there. And I could hardly pick a favorite image. In the end, I just chose one at random and honestly, even the short information in the guidebook made the choice that much harder. Every time I read a story, I found myself absolutely lost in the images. There is a short divinatory meaning but don’t skip over the stories themselves. I think they offer far more understanding about the meaning of the cards and they really add depth to each meaning.

Ghosts and Spirits Tarot


I had so many favorites out of this deck but I especially love the seven of cups and the story that goes along with it. Its a damn fine representation of this card. It details so perfectly what can happen when you chase magic beans and diet pills, hoping for a quick reward. In a search for instant wealth or success, you actually waste years, chasing a fairytale. This is probably my favorite representation and interpretation of this card to date.

I also loved the ace of swords and the story for it. The card portrays a poltergeist, flinging things around a visibly disturbed man. If you have the Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle, you might have come across the card ‘Haunted’ where I spoke briefly about poltergeists and how they are often thought to be manifestations of a troubled mind and Lisa’s story mentions much the same. The meaning behind the card is a need to focus on your task at hand rather than letting the shadows of your mind derail your progress. I’m sort of geeking out here but I am absolutely in love with the remarkable connections between the various ghost stories and the tarot.

As you can probably tell, I love this one so much. The week it arrived, I had so many deep conversations with incredibly inspiring people and it felt like every one of those conversations had been wrapped up in this deck. I bought it to review and to share as a winter deck but turns out I absolutely needed it.

Season, Sign and Sabbat

I knew this deck was a winter deck right away. The artwork and the colors kind of just scream winter and frankly, tales of ghosts and spirits become even more ominous set against a wintery scene. But it’s not just the ghosts themselves. You see bare trees, fierce winds, icicles, and deep caves. You really catch the theme of post-death in this deck which is naturally a winter concept. It’s also for that reason I have selected Imbolc for the sabbat, the very height of winter.

Choosing a zodiac sign was a little more complicated but I settled on Pisces as the main theme and scorpio as a secondary. I’ll start with scorpio because you really can’t mention things like death, hauntings and disturbances without mentioning Scorpio, the very sign of death, rebirth and transformation. But I ended up with Pisces because while Scorpio is the sign of transformation, Pisces, ruled by its modern ruler Neptune, is the sign of transcendence and connection to the spiritual realms. Pisces also represents the end of a cycle and the last chance to seek resolution before a new dawn begins with the start of Aries. Pisces I feel, tends to get watered down as a flighty sign but in truth, it’s probably the most powerful sign when it comes to spiritual matters and is deeply associated with psychic abilities; I.E. connecting with spirits.

Who is this deck for?

I think this one is a semi-beginner friendly deck. It pretty much follows Rider-Waite-Smith so I don’t think you’ll have a hard time adapting the meanings if you have a RWS specific tarot book. I also think you should give this deck a try if you are a Scorpio or Pisces. As a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, Its comforting in a way I wasn’t expecting. I’m usually a complete chicken when it comes to things like ghosts but I don’t know, this one really felt like I was meant to have it. Like I needed it and personally, I feel my level of intuitive insight has deepened sense I got it.

Oracle Deck Companion

I chose Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc oracle to pair with this one. I loved the combination so much that I decided to use it for my $10 sabbat readings, Imbolc edition. I think the colors match so very well and I also feel my writing style is similar to Lisa’s in the sense that we are both no nonsense sort of writers. So I think the energy of both decks are well matched and I believe if you like the interpretations in SOTW Imbolc, you will resonate with Ghosts & Spirits Tarot as well.

Thanks for reading all the way through. If you found this review to be helpful, informative or entertaining, please be sure to leave a comment down below. It really helps me know what you’re enjoying so that I can provide more content based on what you love.

xoxo, Lorriane

Ghosts and Spirits Tarot


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