February 2024 Collective Reading

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Well hello darling!

I’m happy to share the February 2024 collective reading with you. I find the cards below to be incredibly helpful, positive and exciting. They all seem to point to soul-purpose and long-term planning which is something I am personally excited about. In celebration of Imbolc, February 1st, I am using no other than my own deck, The Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle

It's been such a gift to create and work with this deck and it has brought its beautiful energy to this reading in such a heart-warming way. I hope this reading encourages you, motivates or helps you in any way. And if it does give you anything positive to takeaway, please take a moment and share your experience in the comments below. It really helps me, not only to be able to keep this website going but to know what you’re loving and to help me to continue to give you the content your soul needs most.

Xoxo, Lorriane

Earth (Physical Realm)

What practical steps can I take to enhance my financial stability and physical well-being this month? → Horned Owl

When it comes to your finances this month, there are some goals that need to remain for your eyes and ears only. Perhaps you’re seeking to take a more risky approach to your finances by investing in a new project, idea, or something like a once in a lifetime trip or program. Unfortunately, happy as you might be, there could be some people who simply do not understand or cannot see the value in your plans. You could find yourself with cold feet if someone who can’t see the vision starts to introduce doubt and criticism, spoiling your otherwise enthusiasm for this journey you are about to embark upon. But darling, there is nothing wrong with your plans. The only issue is sharing them with someone who does not share the same insights as you. They have not allowed themselves to stretch their imagination, staying open to what’s possible. 

It can also be true that you have not worked out your plans enough. You are still gathering information and making decisions. Better to keep your plans to yourself until you have a solid understanding of what your plans actually are rather than sharing now only to have to give a new story later. So for now (for the month of February), keep your plans underwraps. This card also extends to goals related to your physical well-being such as a new fitness journey, going on a wellness retreat, or changing up your dietary lifestyle.

Air (Mental Realm)

How can I cultivate mental clarity and enhance my communication skills in my relationships this month? → Casserole

With the casserole card, the best thing you can do is go into a relationship with the idea that things will work out. This card appears when long term attachments or commitments are being formed. Don’t be afraid to voice your desire to be attached. You’ll be surprised to find your feelings are probably reciprocated. Just be sure you’re speaking from an honest place. If your feelings are complicated, take the time to think about how you want someone to fit into your long term plans before sharing it. This can be related to romantic relationships but platonic or business relationships are also very much in the realm of this card. Additionally, this card guides you to invest your time in relationships that feel natural. If it's a struggle or you aren’t finding common ground, it may be time to reevaluate. This card supports relationships that seem to click into place with very little effort.

Fire (Passion and Creativity)

What passions and creative pursuits should I focus on to bring excitement and fulfillment into my life this month? → Brigid’s Doll

The beautiful thing about this reading is the recurring theme of long-term commitment. This card is no exception and appears when any project started in the coming weeks will be successful or stable for a very long time. Any creative pursuits you begin during the month of February will support you in unexpected ways. Financially yes, but also energies of fulfillment, self-expression, and joy. This card represents the happy home – physically or spiritually– that tends to get better with age. In particular, pay attention to any new opportunities to begin something new and visionary, especially during the first half of February while the sun is still transiting Aquarius. This card also has an element of connection with other people so projects or goals that involve one or more people is especially ideal.

Water (Emotional Realm)

What emotional patterns or challenges do I need to address, and how can I nurture my emotional well-being in the month ahead? → Kulning

Yet another card that points to soul purpose and long-term commitment. It's clear that the month of February 2024 is about following your heart. This card serves as the “YES” card in the deck which means, this is the month to say yes! Yes to opportunities, yes to starting that business, working on that project, yes to a date, yes to a marriage, yes to the things that light you up. Now is not a time for doubt or second guessing but for jumping in feet first without a safety net. Your logic is going to want to tell you all of the reasons why it won’t work or why you’re ill equipped. Do your best to break the narrative when you become conscious of it. You don’t need to replace a negative thought with a positive one; this is not about new aged affirmation promotion. But just saying “NO” or focusing on anything else will help to stop those devious thoughts in their tracks, giving you enough space to take a deep breath and reconnect with the joys of your passions.

Spirit (Divine Guidance)

How can I strengthen my spiritual connection and receive divine guidance to navigate the month ahead with grace and wisdom? → Incense

Incense invites you to sit down, preferably at the start of the month, and reflect on how you have operated your life up to this point. This card is about two things: truth and karma. The way you have carried yourself, either in kindness, gratitude and expectation of abundance or in anger, feelings of lack and judgment, will inform where your life is headed next. If you have sent out the energy of the former, then you can expect that energy to begin to return on your investment. If however, you have sent out the latter, then it's time to really ask yourself why you are stuck in patterns that are doing little—if anything at all—to help you accomplish your goals. Anger, resentment, jealousy, feelings of lack, or just general mean energy is holding you back. Think about your default operating system and consider whether or not it's time for a hard reboot. 

This is your opportunity to change course and begin investing in yourself and your future growth. February might also be a great time to revamp a spiritual practice. Perhaps now is the time to revisit your values and intentionally choose practices that support your morals and aid you in achieving your goals.

Deck use for this reading: Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle


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