Daily Oracle Pulls: October 14-20
This week feels a lot lighter than the last. A lot of the cards are about spiritual maintenance and I’m pretty excited about that. Clearing, grounding and healing all sound pretty good to me.
BTW, new photos of this week’s pulls are available to download as keepsakes and for your personal use. Print them out, paste them in your planners or on your vision boards or keep a collection of momentos to remind you of week’s past. And if you post them, please be sure to tag @spiritelement and use the hashtag #sedailypulls
Monday October 14, 2024
→ Third Harvest
Your soul draws this card to you when it wants you to stop putting yourself down. Stop looking at your mistakes, things you missed out on, qualities you lack, or what isn’t working. Instead, look at what you have done even if it's just a few things. Even if all you can celebrate is making it through another shit storm of a day, then pat yourself on the back for having the strength to do that. Putting yourself down is doing you no favors. I repeat, PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN IS DOING YOU NO FAVORS. It does, however, convince you that all hope is lost and that isn’t true at all. You aren’t going to change your life overnight no matter how much any guru, including myself, tells you that you can take control of your life today. But you can change overtime and it starts by deciding you aren’t going to bully yourself anymore. You aren’t going to be the one to say mean things about you. You won’t be the one to crush your own dreams. You won’t be the one who doesn’t believe in yourself. Being able to talk yourself up is better than any spell, morning routine, ritual or spiritual tool. I hope today is the day you decide you’re going to lift yourself up instead of tearing yourself down.
Tuesday October15, 2024
→ Rooted
Rooted invites you to find your sense of grounding today. Do you feel secure with your feet firmly planted on the ground or do you feel lost, confused and lacking direction? If the latter is true for you then it's time to get back into your body. Dreaming, visualizing and connecting with spirit are excellent goals but they need to be balanced with the physical world. Go outside and touch grass as the kids say. Spend a day without trying to access your intuition and give your third eye a break. Allow yourself to enjoy the pleasures of being human rather than always seeking to get back to spirit. Spirit isn’t going anywhere and you’ll have an eternity to spend with spirit once this lifetime is over but you only have so long in this body here on this earth. Make the most of it.
Wednesday October 16, 2024
→ Apples
Apples appear as a warning and advise you to slow down today. Avoid making any major decisions or any decisions at all if you can. You don’t have all of the information just yet. What appears perfect and lush may actually be rotten inside. More will be revealed soon but for now, be ok with not having the answers. If you try to push forward with plans or with a choice, you could end up making a grave error that can easily be avoided with a bit of patience. This is especially true with people in your life as this card can often indicate deceit.
Thursday October 17, 2024
→ Broom
Energy clearing is top priority today. You have some stagnant energy that is holding you back, perhaps blocking guidance as well. If you have felt lost lately or stagnant then this is your sign to clear the debris from your spirit. Take a deep clearing bath, smoke clear, visualize releasing stagnant energy or any other practice that feels right for you. You may also wish to do some physical cleaning. It may not seem like a big deal but clutter and dust can seriously dampen your energy. Consider tidying up if you haven’t in a while. Wash the clothes and dishes, sort the mail, wipe down some surfaces or give your house a good sweep.
Friday October 18, 2024
Transformation appears in our daily pulls again this week but its impact is less severe without the presence of the banshee. There are still some changes you need to make that you may have been putting off. The thing is, when you pull a card like transformation or the Tower, there is this expectation that you’re going to suddenly lose your job or that something major is going to happen and sometimes it does. Most of the time however, the transformation is internal. A mindset shifts or you have a realization that pushes you in a new direction. Don’t just keep your eyes open for hardships and drama. Instead, ask yourself how are you changing? What about you is different today? That will give you more clues as to what your current transformation is really about.
Saturday October 19, 2024
→ Healer
This is also a repeat card and it repeated in the same order from last week. Transformation came first and then healer next and I believe the message is much the same. It's time for you to become your own healer darling. When I wrote this card, I was still very much in the mindset that everyone needs a guru but now, I have come to view self-led healing as an incredibly valuable tool. Mostly because no one person can heal you without your participation. No one can come along and change your emotions or stop you from being triggered or defeat your shadows. You have to be willing to face your own trauma and to overcome it. People can help you but only to the extent that you are willing to help yourself. And that starts with realizing you have within you today, the ability to be your own healer. Sure you might need help along the way and you’re going to stumble at times, but believing in yourself is truly half the battle.
Sunday October 20, 2024
→ Mischief
This card comes with two meanings. The first is the most obvious, which is to have some fun. Take a deep breath and do something that brings you joy. Life is always going to have challenges, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. Give yourself a break and spend a little of your time enjoying life. The second meaning is to be creative. Sure, you may have obstacles to overcome and yes, they could be very serious but that doesn’t mean you can’t be imaginative about how to solve your issues. Think laterally. Allow yourself to go to the weirdest, most bonkers idea and see if that opens your mind to new possibilities. That’s the joy of having fun: it breaks you out of tunnel vision and gives you something new to contemplate.
Also, I'm thrilled to share that I will be a part of this year’s Gathering of the Witches, a weekend of magic, inspiration, and transformation happening online from October 25th – 27th, 2024!
Join me and other magical teachers including Judika Illes, Theresa Reed, Laura Tempest Zakroff, and more!!
I’ll be leading a workshop entitled, The Moon Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for the Lunar Phases
The Gathering of the Witches is all about discovering and enhancing your magical practices and understanding how a magical practice can bring about transformation in your life.
This isn't just another lecture event! Expect an immersive weekend filled with workshops designed to deepen your practice. You'll have the opportunity to interact with me, other teachers, and participants in real time!
I hope to see you there!