April 2024 Monthly Collective Reading
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I was very pleased to see these cards. Seeing the sun in any reading is a really great sign for beautiful, blissful days ahead so I knew this reading would be wonderful right from the beginning. April feels like a happy month but more importantly, it's a month of figuring out who you are and who you wish to be. This is an empowering month, not just because the cards say so but also because the sun transits Aries in April. This sign is all about fierce independence, self-expression and boldness so there is no better time to receive a reading like this.
It is my greatest hope for you that you take these cards to heart and make April 2024 the month everything changes for you in the best possible way. I’m setting that intention for myself as well. Enjoy.
Overall Energy: Embodiment
You may feel as though you are predetermined to be one way or another. Perhaps you’ve studied your astrological birth chart and you believe you have to be a social butterfly because you’re a Gemini or an ambitious corporate climber because you’re a Capricorn. Or maybe you feel as though you have to look or behave a certain way because of your job, where you live, or your family.
I have often felt as though to be a spiritual teacher, I had to embody the boho look or to be a witch I had to dress in dark, vintage style clothing. But to try to force myself into these “ideas” would not be a true expression of who I am. The same is true for you. Your life is yours to claim. Your birth chart, community, job or even the ideas you have about yourself are just guidelines and maybe less than that. Really, they’re suggestions that you can completely disregard when something isn’t in alignment with the kind of person you are or want to be.
The spirit of this card is taking control of your life’s story. What do you identify with? Are you a witch who loves designer clothes and can care less about gardening? Then claim that. Are you a CEO who loves life in the country? Then that is your right. Are you a combination of two and many, many other complex layers? Then let yourself be who you are.
It’s amazing to see this card pop up for April, which is primarily the month of Aries. This sign is all about self-ownership, self-identity, and independence. This is the perfect time to decide who you are, decide who you want to become, and embody these images. You choose every part of your being from how you dress to how you talk, how you walk to what foods you eat, the friends you have to your zip code and so much more. It's within your power to decide and that is what this card is urging you to do. It's daring you to be yourself, unapologetically and without compromise.
Earth (Physical Realm)
What practical steps can I take to enhance my financial stability and physical well-being this month? → The Sun
Focus on your joy. The best thing you can do for the month of April is to work on being happy, positive, and optimistic. That’s not to say you have to ignore life’s hardships or that you can’t be mindful of what’s going on around you. But staying in a place of emotional misery does nothing to aid those who are troubled but does add to your troubles. Being sad doesn’t fix your problems either. If anything, it probably makes it worse. Because sadness and negativity deplete your energy. Energy that could’ve been spent solving problems, having new ideas, sharing joy with a loved one or just spending the day with a smile on your face.
Happiness opens doors while sadness closes them. Joy stimulates the mind while negativity depletes it. The sun is inviting you to choose the path of bliss. You can’t be uber happy 100% of the time and no one is asking you to. But you can use your joy to establish a consistent state of peace and contentment. As you focus on building internal happiness (aka soul abundance) your well-being and finances will raise their vibration to match. Joy attracts joy. Positive energy attracts light. And you could be a powerful magnet for all things wonderful too. At the very least give it a try and see what happens.
Air (Mental Realm)
How can I cultivate mental clarity and enhance my communication skills in my relationships this month? → Three of Wands
The three of wands represent long-term vision and appear to advise you to slow down; be patient. You have to trust that you’re moving forward, even when it feels like you’re standing still. If you’re feeling uncertain or perhaps impatient, start with what you know and see what comes out of that. For example, if you’ve expressed interest in meeting new romantic partners but aren’t finding any hits, perhaps you can journal about what kind of person you’d like to date. Where might you find said person? What kinds of things do you imagine they like to do? Would they have similar interests? Can any of these interests offer an opportunity for a connection?
See how much came out of just starting with what you know? One little seed can grow into a massive tree given enough time and attention. And if you’re feeling confused, then start with what’s clear. Perhaps you’re having some trouble with your bestie and you don’t know what to do. But you know you love them and want the best for them. You know you’d rather be with them than without. Or perhaps the opposite is true and you’re tired of their bs. With that clarity, you can make a next step and then another.
You don’t need to know every single step of your journey to get started. Cliche?… Of course but it's because it's true. Start with what you know and the journey will unfold.
Fire (Passion and Creativity)
What passions and creative pursuits should I focus on to bring excitement and fulfillment into my life this month? → Strength
You are the most important project you will ever pursue. You don’t need to be a painter or author, singer or dancer to be passionate and creative. You can create yourself. You can reach into the depths of your most wildest part and mold the beast in the image of your choice. More than that, the raw, unpolished version of you holds the greatest potential. It's untainted by social conditioning and rules. It isn’t bound by logic or expectation. It simply IS. It's a natural energy that doesn’t need direction to flow, just a willingness to trust it to support you.
Trusting your inner beast, or inner being is the most exciting thing you can do this month. It involves an element of danger. You know what I mean. If you’re reading this now, I imagine you’re afraid to “unleash” yourself. You’re afraid of your own power. Deep down, you might wonder if you’ll be a terrible person if you actually became a millionaire or if you’ll spin out of control if you allow yourself to be confident. But you don’t have to fear what will happen if you step into your power. The only thing that will happen is you’ll unlock your fuel to create anything you can imagine.
Water (Emotional Realm)
What emotional patterns or challenges do I need to address, and how can I nurture my emotional well-being in the month ahead? → Queen of Jars, Reversed
There are a couple things to address when the Queen of Jars appears reversed for this question. The first is to address the feeling of jealousy. The reversed queen of jars is envious of people who have more than her, are more successful, more beautiful and the like. And if left unchecked, that jealousy can turn into resentment which turns into victimization, which turns into stagnation. Don’t be that Queen! Instead, view jealousy as a piece of information. If you’re envious, it's because you have the potential to have the same kind of success and need to find your motivation. Take that energy and turn it inward. Use it to fuel your goals rather than directing negative energy towards someone who is not stopping you from achieving your goals in any way. There is enough for you, them and everyone else.
The second thing to address is negativity. Having a poor attitude can be devastating to your goals. Successful people are not successful because they got lucky. They simply refused to stay down when they failed. They got up, dusted themselves off, and found a way to restart their batteries. Some may have had to do this hundreds of times and that didn’t matter to them. What mattered is that they didn’t give up on themselves.
You do not have to remain a victim. Your challenges do not have to be the only things you carry with you. You can decide to be determined and resourceful. And it all starts with having a positive attitude towards yourself and your life.
Spirit (Divine Guidance)
How can I strengthen my spiritual connection and receive divine guidance to navigate the month ahead with grace and wisdom? → Two of Swords
The twos in tarot represent pairs, in this case, two conflicting paths available to you. Related to your spiritual path, this could manifest in choosing between your religious upbringing and being a witch, choosing between working with astrology and numerology, or perhaps choosing between being true to who you are and conforming to fit in with your community. Really, there is only one choice but you are hiding from making the choice that is in alignment with you.
This card can also represent choosing between the ego and the higher self, mind and heart. Perhaps your logical side wants one thing and your emotional side wants something different. Take this month to figure out what is best for you. The only way to do this is to take off the blindfold and confront your challenges head on. If a spiritual path isn’t working for you then change it. If you aren’t able to connect with your inner self with methods you’ve found from your favorite guru, then try something else. At the end of the day, this card is about choosing what’s best for you and your well-being.
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Decks used in this reading: